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Push event to branch master
18:54:42 Connecting to using guillep/******
Obtained Jenkinsfile from 0121dfc06120d8f61acba56004857e3f1e846abc
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] properties
[Pipeline] node
Running on pharo-ci-jenkins2-bootstrap-unix in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Prepare upload)
[Pipeline] sshagent
[ssh-agent] Using credentials filepharosync (
[ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation...
[ssh-agent]   Exec ssh-agent (binary ssh-agent on a remote machine)
$ ssh-agent
$ ssh-add /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA@tmp/private_key_566086204813482078.key
Identity added: /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA@tmp/private_key_566086204813482078.key (/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA@tmp/private_key_566086204813482078.key)
[ssh-agent] Started.
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA] Running shell script
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no rm -rf files/pharo-launcher/tmp-bleedingEdge
$ ssh-agent -k
echo Agent pid 25054 killed;
[ssh-agent] Stopped.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // sshagent
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] parallel
[Pipeline] [32] { (Branch: 32)
[Pipeline] [64] { (Branch: 64)
[Pipeline] [32] withEnv
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [64] withEnv
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [32] node
[32] Running on pharo-ci-jenkins2-bootstrap-unix in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA
[Pipeline] [64] node
[64] Running on pharo-ci-jenkins2-unix-3 in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [32] cleanWs
[Pipeline] [64] cleanWs
[32] [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...[WS-CLEANUP] done
[64] [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...[WS-CLEANUP] done
[Pipeline] [64] stage
[Pipeline] [64] { (Build 64-bits)
[Pipeline] [32] stage
[Pipeline] [32] { (Build 32-bits)
[Pipeline] [64] dir
[64] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [32] dir
[32] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [64] checkout
[64] Cloning the remote Git repository
[64] Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags
[64] Cloning repository
[64]  > git init /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64 # timeout=10
[64] Fetching upstream changes from
[64]  > git --version # timeout=10
[64] using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
[64]  > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
[Pipeline] [32] checkout
[32] Cloning the remote Git repository
[32] Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags
[32] Cloning repository
[32]  > git init /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32 # timeout=10
[32] Fetching upstream changes from
[32]  > git --version # timeout=10
[32] using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
[32]  > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
[64]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[64]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
[64]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[64] Fetching without tags
[64] Fetching upstream changes from
[64] using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
[64]  > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
[32]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[32]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
[32]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[32] Fetching without tags
[32] Fetching upstream changes from
[32] using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
[32]  > git fetch --no-tags --progress +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
[64] Checking out Revision 0121dfc06120d8f61acba56004857e3f1e846abc (master)
[64]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[64]  > git checkout -f 0121dfc06120d8f61acba56004857e3f1e846abc
[64] Commit message: "Merge pull request #182 from oliveiraallex/feature/tag-version"
[64]  > git rev-list --no-walk b57949f71bacb92494baed76a4e815554a7f02d7 # timeout=10
[32] Checking out Revision 0121dfc06120d8f61acba56004857e3f1e846abc (master)
[32]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[32]  > git checkout -f 0121dfc06120d8f61acba56004857e3f1e846abc
[32] Commit message: "Merge pull request #182 from oliveiraallex/feature/tag-version"
[Pipeline] [32] dir
[32] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/pharo-build-scripts
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [32] git
[32] Cloning the remote Git repository
[32] Cloning repository
[32]  > git init /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/pharo-build-scripts # timeout=10
[32] Fetching upstream changes from
[32]  > git --version # timeout=10
[32]  > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[Pipeline] [64] dir
[64] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/pharo-build-scripts
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [64] git
[64] Cloning the remote Git repository
[64] Cloning repository
[64]  > git init /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/pharo-build-scripts # timeout=10
[64] Fetching upstream changes from
[64]  > git --version # timeout=10
[64]  > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[32]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[32]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[32]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[32] Fetching upstream changes from
[32]  > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[32]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
[32]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
[32] Checking out Revision a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b (refs/remotes/origin/master)
[32]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[32]  > git checkout -f a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b
[32]  > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10
[32]  > git checkout -b master a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b
[32] Commit message: "allow definition of IMAGES_PATH"
[32]  > git rev-list --no-walk a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b # timeout=10
[64]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[64]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[64]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[64] Fetching upstream changes from
[64]  > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[64]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
[64]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
[64] Checking out Revision a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b (refs/remotes/origin/master)
[64]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[64]  > git checkout -f a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b
[64]  > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10
[64]  > git checkout -b master a9ac3a3f6e54cfea4ae224ad96b77c72532a086b
[64] Commit message: "allow definition of IMAGES_PATH"
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // dir
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // dir
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[32] + ./ prepare bleedingEdge
[32] + PHARO=61
[32] + VM=vm
[32] + ARCH=32
[32] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[32] + SCRIPT_TARGET=prepare
[32] + echo 'Running target prepare'
[32] Running target prepare
[32] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[32] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[32] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[32] + prepare_image
[32] + case "$ARCHITECTURE" in
[32] + ARCH_PATH=
[32] + bash
[32] + wget --quiet -O -
[32] Downloading the latest 61 Image:
[64] [64] Running shell script
[64] + ./ prepare bleedingEdge
[64] + PHARO=61
[64] + VM=vm
[64] + ARCH=32
[64] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[64] + SCRIPT_TARGET=prepare
[64] + echo 'Running target prepare'
[64] Running target prepare
[64] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[64] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[64] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[64] + prepare_image
[64] + case "$ARCHITECTURE" in
[64] + ARCH_PATH=64/
[64] + wget --quiet -O -
[64] + bash
[64] Downloading the latest 61 Image:
[32] Pharo.image
[32] Downloading the latest pharoVM:
[32] pharo-vm/pharo
[32] Downloading PharoV61.sources:
[32] Creating starter scripts pharo and pharo-ui
[32] + ./pharo Pharo.image save PharoLauncher --delete-old
[64] Pharo.image
[64] Downloading the latest pharoVM:
[64] pharo-vm/pharo
[64] Downloading PharoV61.sources:
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[64] Creating starter scripts pharo and pharo-ui
[64] + ./pharo Pharo.image save PharoLauncher --delete-old
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[32] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image --version
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval --save 'Metacello new baseline: '\''PharoLauncher'\''; repository: '\''gitlocal://src'\''; load'
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] Fetched -> BaselineOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Loaded -> BaselineOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Loading baseline of BaselineOfPharoLauncher...
[64] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image --version
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[64] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval --save 'Metacello new baseline: '\''PharoLauncher'\''; repository: '\''gitlocal://src'\''; load'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfXMLParser-monty.353 --- ---
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLStatelessStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLStatelessStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLTokenizerState is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLStatelessStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[32] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLTokenizerState is Undeclared) 
[64] Fetched -> BaselineOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Loaded -> BaselineOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Loading baseline of BaselineOfPharoLauncher...
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfXMLParser-monty.353 --- ---
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline297 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLStatelessStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline312 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLStatelessStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLClassFinder is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline321 (XMLTokenizerState is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (DTDCachingExternalEntityResolver is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLAbstractFactory is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLFileHandle is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLParserLimits is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLStatelessStreamConverter is Undeclared) 
[64] ConfigurationOfXMLParser>>initializeClassesForGSBaseline332 (XMLTokenizerState is Undeclared) 
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfXMLParser-monty.353 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.49 --- ---
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.49 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfJSON-StephanEggermont.7 --- ---
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfXMLParser-monty.353 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.49 --- ---
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.49 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfJSON-StephanEggermont.7 --- ---
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfJSON-StephanEggermont.7 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper-HernanMoralesDurand.17 --- ---
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper-HernanMoralesDurand.17 --- ---
[32] Project: JSON stable [1.2]
[32] Fetched -> JSON-PaulDeBruicker.39 --- ---
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfJSON-StephanEggermont.7 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper-HernanMoralesDurand.17 --- ---
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper-HernanMoralesDurand.17 --- ---
[32] Project: OSProcess stable [4.6.13]
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfCommandShell-ThierryGoubier.30 --- ---
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfCommandShell-ThierryGoubier.30 --- ---
[32] Project: Pipeability 4.6.25
[64] Project: JSON stable [1.2]
[64] Fetched -> JSON-PaulDeBruicker.39 --- ---
[64] Project: OSProcess stable [4.6.13]
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfCommandShell-ThierryGoubier.30 --- ---
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfCommandShell-ThierryGoubier.30 --- ---
[64] Project: Pipeability 4.6.25
[32] Project: OSProcess 4.6.13
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-AIO-dtl.9 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-Base-ThierryGoubier.64 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-OS2-dtl.2 --- ---
[64] Project: OSProcess 4.6.13
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-AIO-dtl.9 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-Win32-dtl.16 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-Unix-dtl.31 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-Mac-dtl.2 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-Base-ThierryGoubier.64 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-OS2-dtl.2 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-Win32-dtl.16 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-Unix-dtl.31 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> OSProcess-RiscOS-dtl.2 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> CommandShell-Base-ThierryGoubier.60 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-Mac-dtl.2 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> CommandShell-Piping-dtl.22 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> CommandShell-Commands-dtl.21 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> CommandShell-UI-dtl.19 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> OSProcess-RiscOS-dtl.2 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> CommandShell-Base-ThierryGoubier.60 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2 --- ---
[32] Project: ProcessWrapper bleedingEdge [0.1-baseline]
[32] Fetched -> ProcessWrapper-Core-HernanMoralesDurand.37 --- ---
[32] Project: Ston stable [0.23]
[64] Fetched -> CommandShell-Piping-dtl.22 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> CommandShell-Commands-dtl.21 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> CommandShell-UI-dtl.19 --- ---
[64] Project: ProcessWrapper bleedingEdge [0.1-baseline]
[64] Fetched -> ProcessWrapper-Core-HernanMoralesDurand.37 --- ---
[64] Project: Ston stable [0.23]
[32] Project: XMLParser stable [3.5.0]
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-monty.27 --- ---
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-monty.27 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.46 --- ---
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.46 --- ---
[64] Project: XMLParser stable [3.5.0]
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-monty.27 --- ---
[32] Project: BitmapCharacterSet stable [1.2.6]
[32] Fetched -> Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-monty.25 --- ---
[32] Project: OrderPreservingDictionary 1.4.0
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-monty.27 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.46 --- ---
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.46 --- ---
[64] Project: BitmapCharacterSet stable [1.2.6]
[64] Fetched -> Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-monty.25 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.33 --- ---
[64] Project: OrderPreservingDictionary 1.4.0
[32] Fetched -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionaryGTExtensions-monty.1 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> XML-Parser-monty.449 --- ---
[32] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Spec-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/src (Libgit)
[32] Loaded -> JSON-PaulDeBruicker.39 --- --- cache
[64] Fetched -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.33 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionaryGTExtensions-monty.1 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> XML-Parser-monty.449 --- ---
[64] Fetched -> ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Spec-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Fetched -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/src (Libgit)
[64] Loaded -> JSON-PaulDeBruicker.39 --- --- cache
[32] Starting atomic load
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-AIO-dtl.9 --- --- cache
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Base-ThierryGoubier.64 --- --- cache
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-OS2-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Win32-dtl.16 --- --- cache
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Unix-dtl.31 --- --- cache
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Mac-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[32] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-RiscOS-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[32] Finished atomic load
[32] CommandShell>>builtinCommandProxyFor:input:output:error: (ShellBuiltinEvaluator is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>evaluationProxyFor:input:output:error: (ExpressionEvaluator is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>installCommands: (ShellBuiltin is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>open (CommandShellTranscript is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>openLabel: (CommandShellTranscript is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>pipeline: (ProxyPipeline is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>pipelineCollectionFrom: (ProxyPipeline is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>processProxyFor:input:output:error:predecessorProxy: (InternalPipe is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>processProxyFor:input:output:error:predecessorProxy: (PipeJunction is Undeclared) 
[32] CommandShell>>processProxyFor:input:output:error:predecessorProxy: (PipeableOSProcess is Undeclared) 
[32] Loaded -> CommandShell-Base-ThierryGoubier.60 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> CommandShell-Piping-dtl.22 --- --- cache
[32] CrLfFileEditor>>browseChanges (ChangeList is Undeclared) 
[32] Loaded -> CommandShell-Commands-dtl.21 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> CommandShell-UI-dtl.19 --- --- cache
[32] Evaluated -> 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper] >> checkPluginVersion
[32] Loaded -> ProcessWrapper-Core-HernanMoralesDurand.37 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-monty.25 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.33 --- --- cache
[64] Starting atomic load
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-AIO-dtl.9 --- --- cache
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Base-ThierryGoubier.64 --- --- cache
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-OS2-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Win32-dtl.16 --- --- cache
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Unix-dtl.31 --- --- cache
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-Mac-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[64] 	Loaded -> OSProcess-RiscOS-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[64] Finished atomic load
[64] CommandShell>>builtinCommandProxyFor:input:output:error: (ShellBuiltinEvaluator is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>evaluationProxyFor:input:output:error: (ExpressionEvaluator is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>installCommands: (ShellBuiltin is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>open (CommandShellTranscript is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>openLabel: (CommandShellTranscript is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>pipeline: (ProxyPipeline is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>pipelineCollectionFrom: (ProxyPipeline is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>processProxyFor:input:output:error:predecessorProxy: (InternalPipe is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>processProxyFor:input:output:error:predecessorProxy: (PipeJunction is Undeclared) 
[64] CommandShell>>processProxyFor:input:output:error:predecessorProxy: (PipeableOSProcess is Undeclared) 
[64] Loaded -> CommandShell-Base-ThierryGoubier.60 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> CommandShell-Piping-dtl.22 --- --- cache
[64] CrLfFileEditor>>browseChanges (ChangeList is Undeclared) 
[64] Loaded -> CommandShell-Commands-dtl.21 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> CommandShell-UI-dtl.19 --- --- cache
[64] Evaluated -> 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper] >> checkPluginVersion
[64] Loaded -> ProcessWrapper-Core-HernanMoralesDurand.37 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-monty.25 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.33 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionaryGTExtensions-monty.1 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> XML-Parser-monty.449 --- --- cache
[32] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[32] PharoCommandLineHandler>>runPreferences (PhLDeploymentScript is Undeclared) 
[32] MacOSPlatform>>privOpenFileBrowserOn: (PhLProcessWrapper is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLQuitCommand>>execute (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLDownloadedTemplateGroup>>downloadAndStoreFile:forTemplate: (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLHTTPListingTemplateGroup>>templatesAndGroups (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLJenkins2Entity>>jsonQuery: (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLVirtualMachineManager is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLProcessWrapper is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLImageVersionDeterminationError is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLArchitectureMismatchWarning is Undeclared) 
[32] UnixPlatform>>privOpenFileBrowserOn: (PhLProcessWrapper is Undeclared) 
[32] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[32] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[32] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Spec-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[32] PhLJenkins2EntityTest>>downloadManager (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLJenkins2EntityTest>>setUp (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLJenkins2EntityTest>>tearDown (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLAbstractTemplateGroupTest>>setUp (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[32] PhLAbstractTemplateGroupTest>>tearDown (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[32] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[32] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[32] ...finished baselinelinear load : 
[32] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[32] 		load : ConfigurationOfXMLParser-monty.353
[32] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[32] 		load : ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.49
[32] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[32] 		load : ConfigurationOfJSON-StephanEggermont.7
[32] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[32] 		load : ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper-HernanMoralesDurand.17
[32] 	linear load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[32] 		linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfJSON]
[32] 			load : JSON-PaulDeBruicker.39
[32] 		explicit load : 4.6.13 [ConfigurationOfOSProcess]
[32] 			load : ConfigurationOfCommandShell-ThierryGoubier.30
[32] 		atomic load : 4.6.13 [ConfigurationOfOSProcess]
[32] 			linear load : 4.6.25 [ConfigurationOfCommandShell]
[32] 				atomic load : 4.6.13 [ConfigurationOfOSProcess]
[32] 					load : OSProcess-AIO-dtl.9
[32] 					load : OSProcess-Base-ThierryGoubier.64
[32] 					load : OSProcess-OS2-dtl.2
[32] 					load : OSProcess-Win32-dtl.16
[32] 					load : OSProcess-Unix-dtl.31
[32] 					load : OSProcess-Mac-dtl.2
[32] 					load : OSProcess-RiscOS-dtl.2
[32] 				load : CommandShell-Base-ThierryGoubier.60
[32] 				load : CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2
[32] 				load : CommandShell-Piping-dtl.22
[32] 				load : CommandShell-Commands-dtl.21
[32] 				load : CommandShell-UI-dtl.19
[32] 		preload : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper] >> checkPluginVersion
[32] 		linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper]
[32] 			load : ProcessWrapper-Core-HernanMoralesDurand.37
[32] 		explicit load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
[32] 			load : ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-monty.27
[32] 		explicit load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
[32] 			load : ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.46
[32] 		linear load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
[32] 			linear load : 1.2.6 [ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet]
[32] 				load : Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-monty.25
[32] 			linear load : 1.4.0 [ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary]
[32] 				load : Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.33
[32] 				load : Collections-OrderPreservingDictionaryGTExtensions-monty.1
[32] 			load : XML-Parser-monty.449
[32] 		load : ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064
[32] 		load : PharoLauncher-Core-GitHub.1530896064
[32] 		load : PharoLauncher-Download-GitHub.1530896064
[32] 		load : PharoLauncher-Spec-GitHub.1530896064
[32] 		load : PharoLauncher-Tests-Core-GitHub.1530896064
[32] 		load : PharoLauncher-Tests-Download-GitHub.1530896064
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // dir
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // stage
[Pipeline] [32] stage
[Pipeline] [32] { (Test 32-bits)
[Pipeline] [32] dir
[32] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[32] + ./ test
[32] + PHARO=61
[32] + VM=vm
[32] + ARCH=32
[32] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[32] + SCRIPT_TARGET=test
[32] + echo 'Running target test'
[32] Running target test
[32] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[32] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[32] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[32] + run_tests
[32] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image test --junit-xml-output 'PharoLauncher.*'
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP.
[32] Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
[32]   Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir;
[32]   file[.zip] may be a wildcard.  -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).
[32]   -p  extract files to pipe, no messages     -l  list files (short format)
[32]   -f  freshen existing files, create none    -t  test compressed archive data
[32]   -u  update files, create if necessary      -z  display archive comment only
[32]   -v  list verbosely/show version info       -T  timestamp archive to latest
[32]   -x  exclude files that follow (in xlist)   -d  extract files into exdir
[32] modifiers:
[32]   -n  never overwrite existing files         -q  quiet mode (-qq => quieter)
[32]   -o  overwrite files WITHOUT prompting      -a  auto-convert any text files
[32]   -j  junk paths (do not make directories)   -aa treat ALL files as text
[32]   -U  use escapes for all non-ASCII Unicode  -UU ignore any Unicode fields
[32]   -C  match filenames case-insensitively     -L  make (some) names lowercase
[32]   -X  restore UID/GID info                   -V  retain VMS version numbers
[32]   -K  keep setuid/setgid/tacky permissions   -M  pipe through "more" pager
[32]   -O CHARSET  specify a character encoding for DOS, Windows and OS/2 archives
[32]   -I CHARSET  specify a character encoding for UNIX and other archives
[32] See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help.  Examples:
[32]   unzip data1 -x joe   => extract all files except joe from zipfile
[32]   unzip -p foo | more  => send contents of via pipe into program more
[32]   unzip -fo foo ReadMe => quietly replace existing ReadMe if archive file newer
[64] Loaded -> Collections-OrderPreservingDictionaryGTExtensions-monty.1 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> XML-Parser-monty.449 --- --- cache
[64] Loaded -> ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[64] PharoCommandLineHandler>>runPreferences (PhLDeploymentScript is Undeclared) 
[64] MacOSPlatform>>privOpenFileBrowserOn: (PhLProcessWrapper is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLQuitCommand>>execute (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLDownloadedTemplateGroup>>downloadAndStoreFile:forTemplate: (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLHTTPListingTemplateGroup>>templatesAndGroups (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLJenkins2Entity>>jsonQuery: (PhLDownloadManager is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLVirtualMachineManager is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLProcessWrapper is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLImageVersionDeterminationError is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLImage>>launchWithSettings: (PhLArchitectureMismatchWarning is Undeclared) 
[64] UnixPlatform>>privOpenFileBrowserOn: (PhLProcessWrapper is Undeclared) 
[32] UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP.
[32] Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
[32]   Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir;
[32]   file[.zip] may be a wildcard.  -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).
[32]   -p  extract files to pipe, no messages     -l  list files (short format)
[32]   -f  freshen existing files, create none    -t  test compressed archive data
[32]   -u  update files, create if necessary      -z  display archive comment only
[32]   -v  list verbosely/show version info       -T  timestamp archive to latest
[32]   -x  exclude files that follow (in xlist)   -d  extract files into exdir
[32] modifiers:
[32]   -n  never overwrite existing files         -q  quiet mode (-qq => quieter)
[32]   -o  overwrite files WITHOUT prompting      -a  auto-convert any text files
[32]   -j  junk paths (do not make directories)   -aa treat ALL files as text
[32]   -U  use escapes for all non-ASCII Unicode  -UU ignore any Unicode fields
[32]   -C  match filenames case-insensitively     -L  make (some) names lowercase
[32]   -X  restore UID/GID info                   -V  retain VMS version numbers
[32]   -K  keep setuid/setgid/tacky permissions   -M  pipe through "more" pager
[32]   -O CHARSET  specify a character encoding for DOS, Windows and OS/2 archives
[32]   -I CHARSET  specify a character encoding for UNIX and other archives
[32] See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help.  Examples:
[32]   unzip data1 -x joe   => extract all files except joe from zipfile
[32]   unzip -p foo | more  => send contents of via pipe into program more
[32]   unzip -fo foo ReadMe => quietly replace existing ReadMe if archive file newer
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] MultiByteFileStream: '/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/pharo.version'
[64] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[64] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[64] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Spec-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[64] PhLJenkins2EntityTest>>downloadManager (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLJenkins2EntityTest>>setUp (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLJenkins2EntityTest>>tearDown (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLAbstractTemplateGroupTest>>setUp (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[64] PhLAbstractTemplateGroupTest>>tearDown (PhLDownloadManagerMock is Undeclared) 
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] MultiByteFileStream: '/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32/pharo.version'
[32] /bin/sh: 1: foo: not found
[64] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Core-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[64] Loaded -> PharoLauncher-Tests-Download-GitHub.1530896064 ---[0121dfc] --- cache
[64] ...finished baselinelinear load : 
[64] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[64] 		load : ConfigurationOfXMLParser-monty.353
[64] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[64] 		load : ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.49
[64] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[64] 		load : ConfigurationOfJSON-StephanEggermont.7
[64] 	explicit load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[64] 		load : ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper-HernanMoralesDurand.17
[64] 	linear load : baseline [BaselineOfPharoLauncher]
[64] 		linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfJSON]
[64] 			load : JSON-PaulDeBruicker.39
[64] 		explicit load : 4.6.13 [ConfigurationOfOSProcess]
[64] 			load : ConfigurationOfCommandShell-ThierryGoubier.30
[64] 		atomic load : 4.6.13 [ConfigurationOfOSProcess]
[64] 			linear load : 4.6.25 [ConfigurationOfCommandShell]
[64] 				atomic load : 4.6.13 [ConfigurationOfOSProcess]
[64] 					load : OSProcess-AIO-dtl.9
[64] 					load : OSProcess-Base-ThierryGoubier.64
[64] 					load : OSProcess-OS2-dtl.2
[64] 					load : OSProcess-Win32-dtl.16
[64] 					load : OSProcess-Unix-dtl.31
[64] 					load : OSProcess-Mac-dtl.2
[64] 					load : OSProcess-RiscOS-dtl.2
[64] 				load : CommandShell-Base-ThierryGoubier.60
[64] 				load : CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2
[64] 				load : CommandShell-Piping-dtl.22
[64] 				load : CommandShell-Commands-dtl.21
[64] 				load : CommandShell-UI-dtl.19
[64] 		preload : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper] >> checkPluginVersion
[64] 		linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfProcessWrapper]
[64] 			load : ProcessWrapper-Core-HernanMoralesDurand.37
[64] 		explicit load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
[64] 			load : ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-monty.27
[64] 		explicit load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
[64] 			load : ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.46
[64] 		linear load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
[64] 			linear load : 1.2.6 [ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet]
[64] 				load : Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-monty.25
[64] 			linear load : 1.4.0 [ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary]
[64] 				load : Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.33
[64] 				load : Collections-OrderPreservingDictionaryGTExtensions-monty.1
[64] 			load : XML-Parser-monty.449
[64] 		load : ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-GitHub.1530896064
[64] 		load : PharoLauncher-Core-GitHub.1530896064
[64] 		load : PharoLauncher-Download-GitHub.1530896064
[64] 		load : PharoLauncher-Spec-GitHub.1530896064
[64] 		load : PharoLauncher-Tests-Core-GitHub.1530896064
[64] 		load : PharoLauncher-Tests-Download-GitHub.1530896064
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // dir
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // stage
[Pipeline] [64] stage
[Pipeline] [64] { (Test 64-bits)
[Pipeline] [64] dir
[64] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[32] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[32] Running tests in 5 Packages
[32] 75 run, 75 passes, 0 failures, 0 errors.
[64] [64] Running shell script
[Pipeline] [32] junit
[32] Recording test results
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // dir
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // stage
[Pipeline] [32] stage
[Pipeline] [32] { (Packaging-developer 32-bits)
[64] + ./ test
[64] + PHARO=61
[64] + VM=vm
[64] + ARCH=32
[64] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[64] + SCRIPT_TARGET=test
[64] + echo 'Running target test'
[64] Running target test
[64] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[64] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[64] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[64] + run_tests
[64] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image test --junit-xml-output 'PharoLauncher.*'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[Pipeline] [32] dir
[32] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[32] + ./ developer
[32] + PHARO=61
[32] + VM=vm
[32] + ARCH=32
[32] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[32] + SCRIPT_TARGET=developer
[32] + echo 'Running target developer'
[32] Running target developer
[32] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[32] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[32] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[32] + package_developer_version
[32] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval --save 'PhLDirectoryBasedImageRepository location'
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[64] UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP.
[64] Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
[64]   Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir;
[64]   file[.zip] may be a wildcard.  -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).
[64]   -p  extract files to pipe, no messages     -l  list files (short format)
[64]   -f  freshen existing files, create none    -t  test compressed archive data
[64]   -u  update files, create if necessary      -z  display archive comment only
[64]   -v  list verbosely/show version info       -T  timestamp archive to latest
[64]   -x  exclude files that follow (in xlist)   -d  extract files into exdir
[64] modifiers:
[64]   -n  never overwrite existing files         -q  quiet mode (-qq => quieter)
[64]   -o  overwrite files WITHOUT prompting      -a  auto-convert any text files
[64]   -j  junk paths (do not make directories)   -aa treat ALL files as text
[64]   -U  use escapes for all non-ASCII Unicode  -UU ignore any Unicode fields
[64]   -C  match filenames case-insensitively     -L  make (some) names lowercase
[64]   -X  restore UID/GID info                   -V  retain VMS version numbers
[64]   -K  keep setuid/setgid/tacky permissions   -M  pipe through "more" pager
[64]   -O CHARSET  specify a character encoding for DOS, Windows and OS/2 archives
[64]   -I CHARSET  specify a character encoding for UNIX and other archives
[64] See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help.  Examples:
[64]   unzip data1 -x joe   => extract all files except joe from zipfile
[64]   unzip -p foo | more  => send contents of via pipe into program more
[64]   unzip -fo foo ReadMe => quietly replace existing ReadMe if archive file newer
[64] UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP.
[64] Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
[64]   Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir;
[64]   file[.zip] may be a wildcard.  -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).
[64]   -p  extract files to pipe, no messages     -l  list files (short format)
[64]   -f  freshen existing files, create none    -t  test compressed archive data
[64]   -u  update files, create if necessary      -z  display archive comment only
[64]   -v  list verbosely/show version info       -T  timestamp archive to latest
[64]   -x  exclude files that follow (in xlist)   -d  extract files into exdir
[64] modifiers:
[64]   -n  never overwrite existing files         -q  quiet mode (-qq => quieter)
[64]   -o  overwrite files WITHOUT prompting      -a  auto-convert any text files
[64]   -j  junk paths (do not make directories)   -aa treat ALL files as text
[64]   -U  use escapes for all non-ASCII Unicode  -UU ignore any Unicode fields
[64]   -C  match filenames case-insensitively     -L  make (some) names lowercase
[64]   -X  restore UID/GID info                   -V  retain VMS version numbers
[64]   -K  keep setuid/setgid/tacky permissions   -M  pipe through "more" pager
[64]   -O CHARSET  specify a character encoding for DOS, Windows and OS/2 archives
[64]   -I CHARSET  specify a character encoding for UNIX and other archives
[64] See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help.  Examples:
[64]   unzip data1 -x joe   => extract all files except joe from zipfile
[64]   unzip -p foo | more  => send contents of via pipe into program more
[64]   unzip -fo foo ReadMe => quietly replace existing ReadMe if archive file newer
[32] File @ /builds/Pharo/images
[32] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval '(MBConfigurationRoot current configurationInfoFor: ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher) version versionNumber'
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] + set_env
[32] ++ date +%Y.%m.%d
[32] + DATE=2018.07.06
[32] + case "$ARCHITECTURE" in
[32] + ARCH_SUFFIX=x86
[32] + '[' bleedingEdge == bleedingEdge ']'
[32] + VERSION_NUMBER=bleedingEdge-2018.07.06-x86
[32] + set_pharo_sources_version
[32] ++ ls 'One/PharoV*.sources'
[32] ls: cannot access 'One/PharoV*.sources': No such file or directory
[32] + local sources_file=
[32] + '[' -z '' ']'
[32] ++ curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[32] + local HTTP_CODE=404
[32] + '[' 404 -eq 404 ']'
[32] + zip -9r PharoLauncher.image PharoLauncher.changes launcher-version.txt
[64] MultiByteFileStream: '/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/pharo.version'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[64] MultiByteFileStream: '/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64/pharo.version'
[64] /bin/sh: 1: foo: not found
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathNameFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] *** Warning: Deprecation: The method Object>>#name called from PhLTreeSelection>>#pathFor:on: has been deprecated.
[64] Implement your own domain representation of an object, or use #asString or #printString instead.
[64] Running tests in 5 Packages
[64] 75 run, 75 passes, 0 failures, 0 errors.
[Pipeline] [64] junit
[64] Recording test results
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // dir
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // stage
[Pipeline] [64] stage
[Pipeline] [64] { (Packaging-developer 64-bits)
[Pipeline] [64] dir
[64] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[64] [64] Running shell script
[64] + ./ developer
[64] + PHARO=61
[64] + VM=vm
[64] + ARCH=32
[64] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[64] + SCRIPT_TARGET=developer
[64] + echo 'Running target developer'
[64] Running target developer
[64] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[64] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[64] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[64] + package_developer_version
[64] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval --save 'PhLDirectoryBasedImageRepository location'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[64] File @ /builds/Pharo/images
[64] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval '(MBConfigurationRoot current configurationInfoFor: ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher) version versionNumber'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[32]   adding: PharoLauncher.image (deflated 59%)
[32]   adding: PharoLauncher.changes (deflated 84%)
[32]   adding: launcher-version.txt (stored 0%)
[64] + set_env
[64] ++ date +%Y.%m.%d
[64] + DATE=2018.07.06
[64] + case "$ARCHITECTURE" in
[64] + ARCH_SUFFIX=x64
[64] + export ARCH=64
[64] + ARCH=64
[64] + '[' bleedingEdge == bleedingEdge ']'
[64] + VERSION_NUMBER=bleedingEdge-2018.07.06-x64
[64] + set_pharo_sources_version
[64] ++ ls 'One/PharoV*.sources'
[64] ls: cannot access 'One/PharoV*.sources': No such file or directory
[64] + local sources_file=
[64] + '[' -z '' ']'
[64] ++ curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}'
[64] + local HTTP_CODE=404
[64] + '[' 404 -eq 404 ']'
[64] + zip -9r PharoLauncher.image PharoLauncher.changes launcher-version.txt
[Pipeline] [32] archiveArtifacts
[32] Archiving artifacts
[32] Recording fingerprints
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[32] + echo
[Pipeline] [32] sshagent
[32] [ssh-agent] Using credentials filepharosync (
[32] [ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation...
[32] [ssh-agent]   Exec ssh-agent (binary ssh-agent on a remote machine)
[32] $ ssh-agent
[32] SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-FIbqtBJoa2wZ/agent.25483
[32] SSH_AGENT_PID=25485
[32] $ ssh-add /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32@tmp/private_key_260188206008064624.key
[32] Identity added: /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32@tmp/private_key_260188206008064624.key (/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32@tmp/private_key_260188206008064624.key)
[32] [ssh-agent] Started.
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[32] + ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no mkdir -p files/pharo-launcher/tmp-bleedingEdge
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[32] + scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
[32] $ ssh-agent -k
[32] unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
[32] unset SSH_AGENT_PID;
[32] echo Agent pid 25485 killed;
[32] [ssh-agent] Stopped.
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // sshagent
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // dir
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // stage
[Pipeline] [32] stage
[Pipeline] [32] { (Packaging-user 32-bits)
[Pipeline] [32] dir
[32] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/32
[Pipeline] [32] {
[Pipeline] [32] sh
[32] [32] Running shell script
[32] + ./ user
[32] + PHARO=61
[32] + VM=vm
[32] + ARCH=32
[32] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[32] + SCRIPT_TARGET=user
[32] + echo 'Running target user'
[32] Running target user
[32] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[32] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[32] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[32] + package_user_version
[32] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval --save 'PhLDeploymentScript doAll'
[32] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[32] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[32] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[32] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[32] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[32] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[32] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[32] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[32] *      hard    rtprio  2
[32] *      soft    rtprio  2
[32] END
[32] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[32] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[32] For more information please see
[32] PhLDeploymentScript
[32] + describe --tags
[32] ./ line 49: describe: command not found
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // dir
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // stage
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // node
[Pipeline] [32] }
[Pipeline] [32] // withEnv
[Pipeline] [32] }
[32] Failed in branch 32
[64]   adding: PharoLauncher.image (deflated 69%)
[64]   adding: PharoLauncher.changes (deflated 84%)
[64]   adding: launcher-version.txt (stored 0%)
[Pipeline] [64] archiveArtifacts
[64] Archiving artifacts
[64] Recording fingerprints
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[64] [64] Running shell script
[64] + echo
[Pipeline] [64] sshagent
[64] [ssh-agent] Using credentials filepharosync (
[64] [ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation...
[64] [ssh-agent]   Exec ssh-agent (binary ssh-agent on a remote machine)
[64] $ ssh-agent
[64] SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-YRzXiniJqMqn/agent.5292
[64] SSH_AGENT_PID=5294
[64] $ ssh-add /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64@tmp/private_key_2789858752764763252.key
[64] Identity added: /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64@tmp/private_key_2789858752764763252.key (/builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64@tmp/private_key_2789858752764763252.key)
[64] [ssh-agent] Started.
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[64] [64] Running shell script
[64] + ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no mkdir -p files/pharo-launcher/tmp-bleedingEdge
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[64] [64] Running shell script
[64] + scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
[64] $ ssh-agent -k
[64] unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
[64] unset SSH_AGENT_PID;
[64] echo Agent pid 5294 killed;
[64] [ssh-agent] Stopped.
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // sshagent
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // dir
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // stage
[Pipeline] [64] stage
[Pipeline] [64] { (Packaging-user 64-bits)
[Pipeline] [64] dir
[64] Running in /builds/workspace/aroLauncher-Pipeline_master-KFGP55LYG327ERQZ35EROE3GSCJU6KQ45ET5KYN3YXROHWOUZKQA/64
[Pipeline] [64] {
[Pipeline] [64] sh
[64] [64] Running shell script
[64] + ./ user
[64] + PHARO=61
[64] + VM=vm
[64] + ARCH=32
[64] + VERSION=bleedingEdge
[64] + SCRIPT_TARGET=user
[64] + echo 'Running target user'
[64] Running target user
[64] + echo 'Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher'
[64] Using a Pharo61 image and 32-bits vm virtual machines from get-giles. Will load version bleedingEdge of PharoLauncher
[64] + case $SCRIPT_TARGET in
[64] + package_user_version
[64] + ./pharo PharoLauncher.image eval --save 'PhLDeploymentScript doAll'
[64] pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
[64] This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock
[64] and handle events.  For best operation, this thread should run at a
[64] higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority.  The
[64] effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency
[64] issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration
[64] file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
[64] cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
[64] *      hard    rtprio  2
[64] *      soft    rtprio  2
[64] END
[64] and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour.
[64] You will need to log out and log back in for the limits to take effect.
[64] For more information please see
[64] PhLDeploymentScript
[64] + describe --tags
[64] ./ line 49: describe: command not found
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // dir
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // stage
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // node
[Pipeline] [64] }
[Pipeline] [64] // withEnv
[Pipeline] [64] }
[64] Failed in branch 64
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] emailext
Sending email to:
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

ERROR: script returned exit code 127
Finished: FAILURE