Started by upstream project "Retry-Tests-Manually" build number 261 originally caused by: Started by user [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on pharo-ci-jenkins2-bootstrap-unix (linux unix unix-master) in workspace /builds/workspace/Retry-Tests-Manually/ARCHITECTURE/32/PLATFORM/unix [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [unix] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + PATTERN=Pharo-7\.0\.0-alpha\.build\.19.sha\..*\.arch\.32bit\.zip + URL= + echo Looking for build 19 in Looking for build 19 in + wget -O - + grep -o MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBBranchTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.1 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.0 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2 Loading 1.2 of ConfigurationOfMBFooTests... Fetched -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache Loaded -> MBFooTests-dkh.3 --- cache --- cache ...finished 1.2'1' '1' '2' '2' testFileTreeRepository: /builds/workspace/Retry-Tests-Manually/ARCHITECTURE/32/PLATFORM/unix/temp/repoa string TD TB TC TA CA CB'Filed out to: /builds/workspace/Retry-Tests-Manually/ARCHITECTURE/32/PLATFORM/unix/' T6'Filed out to: /builds/workspace/Retry-Tests-Manually/ARCHITECTURE/32/PLATFORM/unix/' Attempt to create AClass as a subclass of nil. Possibly a class is being loaded before its superclass. The method SUnitTest>>#deprecatedMessage called from SUnitTest>>#testIgnoreDeprecationWarnings has been deprecated. Deprecated method used by #testIgnoreDeprecationWarnings MultiByteFileStreamFileOutTestClass'Filed out to: /builds/workspace/Retry-Tests-Manually/ARCHITECTURE/32/PLATFORM/unix/' 'EpMonitor could not log a change. You can enable debugging with "EpMonitor current debugMode: true".' 'EpMonitor could not log a change. You can enable debugging with "EpMonitor current debugMode: true".' Time for Heap: 5 msecs Time for SortedCollection: 10 msecs Time for heap-sort: 7 msecs Time for quick-sort: 4 msecs Time for merge-sort: 5 msecs [ Halt now ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest>>testErrorCaughtAndDefferedIfExceptionSignaledAtStartupWhenStartupUiManagerActive in Block: [ Halt now ] TestSessionHandler>>startup: [ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ] in TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runStartup: in Block: [ :each | each startup: isImageStarting ] [ aBlock value: each ] in [ :each | [ aBlock value: each ] on: Exception do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runList:do: in Block: [ aBlock value: each ] BlockClosure>>on:do: [ :each | [ aBlock value: each ] on: Exception do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runList:do: in Block: [ :each | ... Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runList:do: TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runStartup: TestWorkingSession>>start: [ session start: false ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest>>testErrorCaughtAndDefferedIfExceptionSignaledAtStartupWhenStartupUiManagerActive in Block: [ session start: false ] [ aBlock value. false ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestAsserter)>>executeShould:inScopeOf: in Block: [ aBlock value.... BlockClosure>>on:do: SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestAsserter)>>executeShould:inScopeOf: SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestAsserter)>>shouldnt:raise: SessionErrorHandlingTest>>testErrorCaughtAndDefferedIfExceptionSignaledAtStartupWhenStartupUiManagerActive SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestCase)>>performTest [ self setUp. self performTest ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestCase)>>runCase in Block: [ self setUp.... BlockClosure>>ensure: SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestCase)>>runCase [ aTestCase runCase ] in [ [ aTestCase runCase ] on: Halt do: [ :halt | "if test was halted we should resume all background failures to debug all of them together with test process" failedProcesses keysDo: #resume. halt pass ] ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCaseSafelly: in Block: [ aTestCase runCase ] BlockClosure>>on:do: [ [ aTestCase runCase ] on: Halt do: [ :halt | "if test was halted we should resume all background failures to debug all of them together with test process" failedProcesses keysDo: #resume. halt pass ] ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCaseSafelly: in Block: [ [ aTestCase runCase ]... BlockClosure>>on:do: TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCaseSafelly: [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] in [ [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] ensure: [ testCompleted := true. watchDogSemaphore signal ]. "signal that test case completes" self checkForkedProcesses ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCase: in Block: [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] BlockClosure>>ensure: [ [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] ensure: [ testCompleted := true. watchDogSemaphore signal ]. "signal that test case completes" self checkForkedProcesses ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCase: in Block: [ [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ]... BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCase:  [ Halt now ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest>>testErrorHandledIfExceptionSignaledAtShutdownWhenStartupUiManagerActive in Block: [ Halt now ] TestSessionHandler>>shutdown: [ :each | each shutdown: isImageQuitting ] in TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runShutdown: in Block: [ :each | each shutdown: isImageQuitting ] [ aBlock value: each ] in [ :each | [ aBlock value: each ] on: Exception do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runList:do: in Block: [ aBlock value: each ] BlockClosure>>on:do: [ :each | [ aBlock value: each ] on: Exception do: [ :error | self errorHandler handleError: error ] ] in TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runList:do: in Block: [ :each | ... Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runList:do: TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>runShutdown: TestWorkingSession(WorkingSession)>>stop: [ session stop: false ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest>>testErrorHandledIfExceptionSignaledAtShutdownWhenStartupUiManagerActive in Block: [ session stop: false ] [ aBlock value. false ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestAsserter)>>executeShould:inScopeOf: in Block: [ aBlock value.... BlockClosure>>on:do: SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestAsserter)>>executeShould:inScopeOf: SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestAsserter)>>shouldnt:raise: SessionErrorHandlingTest>>testErrorHandledIfExceptionSignaledAtShutdownWhenStartupUiManagerActive SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestCase)>>performTest [ self setUp. self performTest ] in SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestCase)>>runCase in Block: [ self setUp.... BlockClosure>>ensure: SessionErrorHandlingTest(TestCase)>>runCase [ aTestCase runCase ] in [ [ aTestCase runCase ] on: Halt do: [ :halt | "if test was halted we should resume all background failures to debug all of them together with test process" failedProcesses keysDo: #resume. halt pass ] ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCaseSafelly: in Block: [ aTestCase runCase ] BlockClosure>>on:do: [ [ aTestCase runCase ] on: Halt do: [ :halt | "if test was halted we should resume all background failures to debug all of them together with test process" failedProcesses keysDo: #resume. halt pass ] ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCaseSafelly: in Block: [ [ aTestCase runCase ]... BlockClosure>>on:do: TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCaseSafelly: [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] in [ [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] ensure: [ testCompleted := true. watchDogSemaphore signal ]. "signal that test case completes" self checkForkedProcesses ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCase: in Block: [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] BlockClosure>>ensure: [ [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ] ensure: [ testCompleted := true. watchDogSemaphore signal ]. "signal that test case completes" self checkForkedProcesses ] in TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCase: in Block: [ [ self runTestCaseSafelly: aTestCase ]... BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: TestExecutionEnvironment>>runTestCase: '1' '1' '2' '2' FBDExamples>>exampleWhileTrue3 (tmp1 is Undeclared) FBDExamples>>exampleWhileTrue3 (tmp1 is Undeclared)  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Kernel: Random-Core dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Sequenceable: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Kernel: Random-Core dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Kernel: Random-Core dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Streams: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Tests: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Abstract: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Strings: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!  *** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Sequenceable: Traits dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency! Running tests in 467 Packages14379 run, 14379 passes, 0 failures, 0 errors.Recording test results Finished: SUCCESS