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Console Output

E:\Builds\workspace\est_and_branch_Pipeline_Pharo8.0\Tests-windows-32>bash -c 'bootstrap/scripts/ 32 Tests-windows-32' 
+ CACHE=bootstrap-cache
+ find bootstrap-cache
++ find bootstrap-cache -name 'Pharo*.zip'
++ head -n 1
++ cut -d/ -f 2
++ cut -d- -f 1-2
+ ./bootstrap/scripts/ 70 vm 32
Downloading the latest pharoVM:
Creating starter scripts pharo and pharo-ui
VM downloaded
++ find bootstrap-cache -name 'Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-*.zip'
+ IMAGE_ARCHIVE=bootstrap-cache/
+ unzip bootstrap-cache/
Archive:  bootstrap-cache/
  inflating: Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.changes  
  inflating: Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.image  
  inflating: Pharo8.0-32bit-8e9c63c.sources  
 extracting: pharo.version           
++ find . -name Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.image
+ IMAGE_FILE=./Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.image
++ find . -name Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.changes
+ CHANGES_FILE=./Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.changes
+ cp bootstrap-cache/Pharo8.0-32bit-8e9c63c.sources bootstrap-cache/PharoV60.sources .
+ mv ./Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.image Pharo.image
+ mv ./Pharo8.0-SNAPSHOT-32bit-8e9c63c.changes Pharo.changes
+ ./pharo Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-windows-32 '.*'
Running tests in 621 Packages

ClyClassWithUndeclares>>method2WithUndeclares (undeclaredStubInstVar2 is Undeclared) 

ClyClassWithUndeclares>>method1WithUndeclares (undeclaredStubInstVar1 is Undeclared) 
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from ChangesBrowser>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (Foo is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (Foo is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (Foo is Undeclared) 
'Cannot read stored value of #notExistingClassStoredSettingSTONString. Exception: KeyNotFound: key #MockNotExistingClass not found in SystemDictionary'

*** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Kernel: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!

*** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Kernel: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!

*** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Kernel: System-Localization dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!

*** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Unordered: Jobs dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!

*** Warning: PotentialOutDatedDependencyWarning: Collections-Unordered: UIManager dependency declared in the package Manifest as manuallyResolvedDependencies not detected as a dependency!
\\The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractListPresenter>>#menu: called from EpLogBrowserPresenter>>#initializeItemsPresenter has been deprecated.
Use #contextMenu: instead. The old way to create a MenuPresenter was this method taking a MenuMorph as parameter. This will not work with other backend and will be totally removed in Pharo7. Now you should use #contextMenu takin a MeruPresenter (or a block returning a menu presenter) as parameter.
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from SearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from SearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from SearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from SearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from SearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method ComposablePresenter>>#newTree called from SearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The class #NuclearSiteTestingClassTestis removed twice

C2>>setValues2 (d is Undeclared) 

C2>>setValues2 (e is Undeclared) 

C2>>setValues2 (f is Undeclared) 

C2>>getValues2 (d is Undeclared) 

C2>>getValues2 (e is Undeclared) 

C2>>getValues2 (f is Undeclared) 

C1>>doSomething (otherSlot is Undeclared) 

C1>>doSomething (otherSlot is Undeclared) 
The method ClassDescription>>#instanceVariables called from T2TraitWithSlots>>#testRedefiningSuperclass has been deprecated.
Please use #instVarNames or #slotNames instead
The method ClassDescription>>#instanceVariables called from T2TraitWithSlots>>#testRedefiningSuperclass has been deprecated.
Please use #instVarNames or #slotNames instead
The method ClassDescription>>#instanceVariables called from T2TraitWithSlots>>#testRedefiningSuperclass has been deprecated.
Please use #instVarNames or #slotNames instead
The method ClassDescription>>#instanceVariables called from T2TraitWithSlots>>#testRedefiningSuperclass has been deprecated.
Please use #instVarNames or #slotNames instead
Pharo writing to the standard error
Pharo writing to the standard output

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (Xcrd is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (cdfgdf is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (PoPouet is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (AnotherTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (MyTrait is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 
UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>noMethod (TheSuperClass is Undeclared) 
UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (val is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (arg is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (val is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (arg is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (arg1 is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (arg2 is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (arg1 is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (arg2 is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (var is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>conditionBlockGenerator (var is Undeclared) 
The method AbstractTextPresenter>>#beForCode called from SugsContextTest>>#testTetModelIsAValidContext has been deprecated.
The forCode functionality has moved to TextCodePresenter, please use it instead TextPresenter.

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method AbstractTextPresenter>>#beForCode called from SugsContextTest>>#testTetModelIsAValidContext has been deprecated.
The forCode functionality has moved to TextCodePresenter, please use it instead TextPresenter.

OCMockCompilationClass>>methodWithUndeclaredVar (undeclaredTestVar is Undeclared) 

UndefinedObject>>tt (Object is Undeclared) 

testFileTreeRepository: E:\Builds\workspace\est_and_branch_Pipeline_Pharo8.0\Tests-windows-32\temp\repoThe method SpAbstractTextPresenter>>#getText called from MessageBrowser>>#buildUpdateTitle has been deprecated.
Use #text instead
The method SpDynamicPresenter>>#widgets called from SpCalendarPresenterTest>>#testWhenDaySelectedBlock has been deprecated.
Use #basicPresenters instead
The method SpAbstractListPresenter>>#selectedItem called from SpChooseMethodUI>>#selectedClass has been deprecated.
Use the #selection object instead. This method assumes single selection
The method SpPresenter>>#newTree called from SpSearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method SpPresenter>>#newTree called from SpSearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method SpPresenter>>#newTree called from SpSearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method SpPresenter>>#newTree called from SpSearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead
The method SpPresenter>>#newTree called from SpSearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead

*** Warning: Deprecation: The method SpPresenter>>#newTree called from SpSearchableTree>>#initializeWidgets has been deprecated.
Use #newTreeTable instead