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projectroot.MBI.mbi_CallOrdering_Igather_ok (from CTest)

Took 0.24 sec.

Standard Output

| Compiling ./mbi_CallOrdering_Igather_ok.c (batchinfo:)
| $ 
| Executing the command
|  $ /builds/workspace/SimGrid-DynamicAnalysis-Coverage/label/debian-testing/build/smpi_script/bin/smpirun -wrapper '/builds/workspace/SimGrid-DynamicAnalysis-Coverage/label/debian-testing/build/bin/simgrid-mc --cfg=model-check/reduction:odpor --log=mc_safety.t:info' -platform ./cluster.xml -analyze --cfg=smpi/barrier-finalization:on --cfg=smpi/list-leaks:10 --cfg=model-check/max-depth:10000 -np 2 ./mb
...[truncated 117 chars]...

| [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'smpi/privatization' to 'ON'
| [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'smpi/np' to '2'
| [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'smpi/hostfile' to ''
| [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'precision/timing' to '1e-9'
| [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'network/model' to 'SMPI'
| [0.000000] ...
[This part of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.]