Continuous Integration, Inria

Simple and flexible platform to improve your Quality of Software and reduce wasted time.

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Cloudsatck Overload

26 July 2024

Chers utilisateurs CI,

Depuis quelques temps nous constatons des difficultés pour démarer des VMs Cloudstack utilisant un grand nombre de coeurs CPU. Le démarage est en erreur avec un message “Unable to start a VM due to insufficient capacity”. Nous cherchons un moyen d’accroitre les capacités CPU du service mais celà va prendre du temps.

En attendant, pour que chacun puisse profiter pleinement de Cloudstack nous vous enjoignons fortement à éteindre toutes les VMs qui ne servent pas. Vous pouvez égelement utiliser un quadriciel comme opentofu pour créer et supprimer des VMs à la demande. Vous trouverez un exemple d’utilisation d’opentofu dans la gallery d’exemples CI ici.


L’équipe CI

Dear CI users,

For some time now we’ve been experiencing difficulties starting Cloudstack VMs using a large number of CPU cores. The startup error is “Unable to start a VM due to insufficient capacity”. We’re looking for a way to increase the service’s CPU capacity, but it’s going to take some time.

In the meantime, so that everyone can take full advantage of Cloudstack we strongly urge you to turn off all VMs that are not in use. You can also use a framework like opentofu to create and delete VMs on demand. You’ll find an example of how to use opentofu in the CI example gallery here.


The CI Team

Deletion of old Jenkins servers

2 July 2024

Chers utilisateurs CI,

Suite aux rappels envoyés par e-mail début mai et début juin, nous vous informons que les serveurs Jenkins dont la version est antérieure à la version 2.440.3 LTS au 9 juillet 2024 seront supprimés des serveurs.


L’équipe CI

PS: si vous avez explicitement demandé un délai pour la montée en version, ne tenez pas compte de ce message.

Dear CI users,

Further to reminders sent by e-mail at the beginning of May and June, we would like to inform you that Jenkins servers with versions prior to version 2.440.3 LTS on July 9, 2024 will be removed from the servers.


The CI Team

PS: if you have explicitly requested an upgrade deadline, please disregard this message.

Jenkins deactivation for new projects

18 December 2023

Chers utilisateurs CI,

Rencontrant pas mal de problèmes de maintenance sur les serveurs Jenkins, nous avons décidé d’enlever de l’interface utilisateur la possibilité d’activer Jenkins à la création d’un projet CI. Cependant, vous pourrez toujours créer un ticket helpdesk ( si vous souhaitez avoir Jenkins.


L’équipe CI

Dear CI users,

As we are regularly facing maintenance issues with Jenkins servers, we have decided to remove from the user interface the option to activate Jenkins when creating a CI project. However, you will still be able to create a helpdesk ticket ( if you wish to use Jenkins.

Best regards,

The CI Team

Reboot of the Jenkins servers

13 December 2023

A maintenance operation requires us to stop all CI jenkins servers. This operation will take place tomorrow, Thursday December 14 at 1:30 pm. It should last half an hour.

Once the servers have been restarted, your jenkins projects may remain switched off. You may have to restart them manually on

We apologize for the inconvenience.

CI plateform interruption

20 November 2023

We will be updating and restarting some machines in charge of our infrastructure tomorrow, Tuesday, November 21, between 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm. This update is expected to be brief. While the virtual machines should not be impacted, all services related to user accounts, including login, will be temporarily unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will endeavor to minimize the downtime. Thank you for your understanding.

Login failure on CI portal and CloudStack on 2023/04/05: LDAP certificate expired

5 April 2023

Dear CI users,

The LDAP certificate for has been renewed: the certificate was expired on 2023/04/05 and login was impossible on that day on CI portal ( and CloudStack (login on virtual machines still worked). You should no longer have difficulties to login on CI anymore.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Featured template update for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS amd64

20 February 2023

There is a new featured template for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS amd64 (ubuntu-20.04-lts). This template subsumes the former template Ubuntu 20.04 amd64, which is no longer featured.

Changes with respect to the former template:

  • the initialization service for ‘~ci/.ssh/authorized_keys` is fixed, and the contents of this file will no longer be reset on each boot;
  • cloud-init is now configured to consider CloudStack provided user-data by default;
  • packages are upgraded to their last available version.

Thank you very much for using CI.

CloudStack is now updated to 4.16

30 January 2023

CloudStack is now updated to 4.16. You should now be able to start your virtual machines again via the portal

You may refer to the portal documentation:

We still have a problem that prevents users to log in to CloudStack by the web interface. Only the CloudStack web interface seems to be affected: you are still able to manage your virtual machines via the portal or the CloudStack API. We will fix the connection to the web interface as soon as possible.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

VMs will be interrupted on Tuesday afternoon 2023-02-07, 2pm-6pm, for CloudStack maintenance

30 January 2023

All VMs hosted on will be interrupted on Tuesday afternoon 2023-02-07, 2pm-6pm, for CloudStack maintenance. CloudStack will be upgraded to 4.16, and nested KVM will be enabled. The actual interruption may be shorter, we will publish an announce when the platform will be back. You will have to restart the VMs manually via or CloudStack. Thank you!

Jenkins option `--ajpPort13=-1` removed

7 January 2023

The option --ajpPort13=-1 has been removed for launching Jenkins. This option was necessary for very old version of Jenkins, but was ignored by all currently deployed Jenkins instance, and is no longer supported since Jenkins 2.375 (released on 2022-10-25). If you experienced failure while updating Jenkins recently, you should have a try now. Thank you!

Happy new year!

Jenkins storage is back to normal

19 September 2022

The shared storage for Jenkins instance is back to normal since last Thursday. If your Jenkins instance is down due to disk space outage, restarting the instance should now work again. Sorry for the inconvenience, we will try in the next few days to take counter-measures to prevent these kinds of problems in the future.

Jenkins storage is full

13 September 2022

The shared storage for Jenkins instance is full: this probably prevents all Jenkins instances to work properly. We are currently investigating why we have difficulties to free space and I hope we will be able to restore the service very soon!

LDAP certificate renewal

4 April 2022

The certificate of the LDAP server was expired this morning and has been renewed. You may have had some difficulties to connect to, CloudStack and Jenkins instances this morning but everything should work again now! Sorry for the inconvenience.

VMs expiration date extension

9 March 2022

You may have received this morning some emails inviting you to extend the expiration date of your CI virtual machines. As you may have noticed, the URLs were wrong: /prolongation was missing at the end. You may either use the fixed URL, or the “Extends” button in the slave table in the web interface of your CI project.

Sorry for this inconvenience, and thank you for extending your VMs!

Shared docker runners for

8 March 2022

We are pleased to announce that shared docker runners are now available for!

Thanks to everyone who helped testing the service during the (very long!) beta period. You can right now enable the shared runners in the CI/CD settings of your Gitlab projects.

See the shared runners documentation for more details. The three following docker runners are available:

  • small (1 CPU, 2048 MB RAM), tags:, linux, small
  • medium (2 CPUs, 4096 MB RAM), tags:, linux, medium
  • large (4 CPUs, 8096 MB RAM), tags:, linux, large

The runners will handle jobs declared in the .gitlab-ci.yml file of the project repository, at the condition that the jobs have at least one tag among, linux and either small, medium or large (these three last tags are exclusive: they cannot be used together for the same job since no runner will match more than one of them).

We would like to send a big thank you to Anthony Baire for all his efforts in developping this service, and we would like to thank also the CI infrastructure team of the Inria DSI who helped in deploying the platform.

Thank you very much for using, and happy hacking!

Mac OS X VMs keep rebooting

20 April 2021

For a few days and for an unknown reason, Mac OS X VMs are continuously rebooting when they are newly created or when their offer is changed. We are aware of the problem and are trying to fix it as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding!

VM expiration: 1 year, renewable

23 March 2021

Each VM hosted by has now an expiration date, fixed in one year from now for current VMs, and one year after the creation date for future VMs. This rule will make us able to clean unused VMs and save ressources for new projects.

These expiration dates are freely renewable, using the dedicated button “Extend” in the VM list associated to a project in the portal

When VMs are about to expire, project admins will be reminded three times by email (with a link to extend the expiration date) starting three weeks before the expiration. Expired VMs will be deleted and project admins will be notified (there will be a 24h delay before expunging, during which the VM can be recovered).

Thank you for your understanding!

Designed for Inria and its Partners.

Reduce risks

Replace “ big and long ” integration phases (especially at the end of the project) with “ small and frequent ” ones. The idea is to work with small increments as explained here. This way, you will have more time to focus on added value tasks.

Rapid feedback

Get a rapid feedback on your project (just like a health check up)! The quality of the checkup will depend of the quality of your tests, so pay attention to them!

SaaS platform : Your project ready to use in a few minutes

The platform is designed to provide on-demand Continuous Integration projects (powered by Jenkins) with a strong integration with a dedicated cloud to easily and quickly run jobs on various architectures / OS.

Master your workers

An integrated cloud powered by CloudStack is available. It allows you to manage (create, update, delete) workers needed to execute jobs. Fully-integrated templates are provided by administrators but you can also create and share your own templates with the community.