Started 2 mo 24 days ago
Took 21 sec on atsyra-win32

Failed Build #593 (Feb 7, 2024, 3:27:26 PM)

  1. add svg sources (details)
  2. generate DomainDiagram name base on root group name (details)
  3. remove BasicObjectDiagram view (details)
  4. added several icons for AssetType and Asset and some outline labels (details)
  5. added support for subgroups in locales (details)
  6. fix formatter (details)
  7. update locales for mini building lib (details)
  8. fix validator for EqualityComparisonExpression type (details)
  9. test (details)
  10. improved icon for extends (details)
  11. add abstract icon on AssetType (details)
  12. remove unused customization section (details)
  13. Full validator no longer short circuits (details)
  14. add null tests for activator (details)
  15. remove maven.inria from pomfirst repo (details)
  16. added @OverrideAspectMethod in k3dsa (details)
  17. icons for EnumDataType and EnumLiteral (details)
  18. improved import and using  icons + label (details)
  19. improved import and locale labels and icons (details)
  20. improved labels for enum locale in outline (details)
  21. basic display of asset attribute (details)
  22. displays attributes ion AssetDiagram (details)
  23. group invisible tools in dedicated "usability" section (details)
  24. partial implem of direct edit of attribute value (details)
  25. implements direct edit of enum asset attribute (details)
  26. implement Add attribute for asset with a basic dialog (details)
  27. deal with default value when creating attribute [partial] (details)
  28. using EKeys for definitions, features and enum literals (details)
  29. fix test (details)
  30. remove SI related tags from core.abs (details)
  31. update k3 version (details)
  32. update core.json (details)
  33. fix name uniqueness validation for subgroups (details)
  34. fix Tag in base_definition (details)
  35. add missing locale (details)
  36. id is prefixed with eClass (details)
  37. replaced List<AssetBasedSystem> by ResourceSet in transfo context (details)
  38. Sirius basic support for both attribute and contained Assets in Asset (details)
  39. use transparent container (details)
  40. initial name for AssetDiagram based on group name (details)
  41. add drop place for asset contained by asset (details)
  42. add smarter label for Asset in case of containment (details)
  43. add support to remove an asset from anotehr Asset (details)
  44. added artwork (details)
  45. adapted label edit to show only the name (details)
  46. update Id in odesign (details)
  47. add dialog on double click to edit Asset name and type (details)
  48. set AssetType  in dialog (details)
  49. add edit support for Asset description on double click (details)
  50. add some missing null tests (details)
  51. update mini example (details)
  52. add notion of opposite in the metamodel (details)
  53. add possibility to indicate the opposite in the link itself (details)
  54. add opposite keyword for AssetType reference (details)
  55. add opposite ref capability in Link definition (details)
  56. add a test for opposite declaration (details)
  57. basic hovering for AssetTypes (wip) (details)
  58. implement AssetType reference opposite scopeProvider (details)
  59. add  some more test (details)
  60. add validation for inconsistent opposite (details)
  61. basic hovering for AssetTypes (details)
  62. basic hovering for AssetTypes (details)
  63. qualified names and descriptions (details)
  64. asset documentation (details)
  65. check for similar link definitions (details)
  66. util to get locales (details)
  67. update absreport xtext (details)
  68. add validator about inconsistent asset link opposite (details)
  69. add opposite support to AssetDiagram (details)
  70. added locale in hover (details)
  71. update names of locale files (details)
  72. load locale resource (details)
  73. use jvm locale (details)
  74. fix for localization with subfolders (details)
  75. add preference to override locale (details)
  76. move documentation provider to xtext plugin (details)
  77. renaming localization related functions (details)
  78. pomfirst (details)
  79. implemented DomainDiagram opposite (details)
  80. update meta model example (details)
  81. added bidirectionnal reconnection support (details)
  82. update meta model example (details)
  83. update meta model example (details)
  84. remove use of discouraged access class in sirius (details)
  85. filter presented AssetType in Asset Dialog (details)
  86. add test of validation time (details)
  87. contracts on smallagence (details)
  88. contract checker execution time in eclipse (details)
  89. register opposite in abs2gal (details)
  90. fix slicing for opposites (details)
  91. test abs2abs (details)
  92. test abs2gal with opposite (details)
  93. sort subtypes for a deterministic transformation (details)
  94. remove tags from Asset (details)
  95. add annotations in AssetType and EnumDataType (details)
  96. bump xtend version (details)
  97. removed abstract assettypes proposition from assets type ref (details)
  98. bump to latest gemoc (details)
  99. add javax.xml.bind from latest orbit update site that provides it (details)
  100. add dependency introduced by GEMOC refactoring (details)
  101. adapt to latest gemoc version (details)
  102. adapt template to current abs syntax (details)
  103. fixes check of with statement coming from indirect import in empty model (details)
  104. add a function to load resources referenced via import statement (details)
  105. add support for html and markdown descriptions (details)
  106. pomfirst (details)
  107. add common-mark to target (details)
  108. fix gemoc interpreter launchconfig for the standalone examples (details)
  109. Merge branch 'master' into 314-support-rich-text-in-description (details)
  110. use stable version of gemoc + correct default eclipse base for update (details)
  111. add m2e.pde feature to the sdk version of the studio (details)
  112. menu for managing imports in sirius (details)
  113. fix import creation (details)
  114. fix value expression in textbox (details)
  115. removed cancel button (details)
  116. copied import management into asset diagram (details)
  117. validator no longer returns on first issue (details)
  118. add icon name on AssetTypes to metamodel example (details)
  119. add diagnostics for evaluated contracts that succeed (details)
  120. only generate a single ok diagnostic per valid contract (details)
  121. remove error code from ok diagnostics (details)
  122. only add ok diagnostic for contracts that succeed (details)
  123. update integration test (details)
  124. fix missing mandatory reference for opposite (details)
  125. validation of links for reference multiplicity (details)
  126. fix validation of link only on the same asset (details)
  127. typo (details)
  128. adding sub section to security rules repository (details)
  129. fix #366 (details)
  130. fix #363 (details)
  131. relax validator to not raise NPE on link without referenceType (details)
  132. basic handling of UndefinedReceiverException in contract validation (details)
  133. Add double action to edit link type (details)
  134. [Sirius] prevent impossible Asset link creation (details)
  135. feat(metamodel): example of html descriptions fir repositories (details)
  136. feat(metamodel): example of html descriptions fir repositories (details)
  137. feat(metamodel): add EN locale (details)
  138. fix #352 (details)
  139. add Any as abstract in the core lib (details)
  140. add cleaner for html description (details)
  141. don't test if description is in html (details)
  142. manage null description (details)
  143. update metamodel json files (details)
  144. abs model: requirements and requirement groups (details)
  145. abs xtext: requirements and requirement groups (details)
  146. implemented getId (details)
  147. fix keyword for Requirement (details)
  148. formatter (details)
  149. removed requirementgroup and requirement links (details)
  150. added missing AnnotationEntry formating (details)
  151. removed old files (details)
  152. fix link type edition (details)
  153. move to sub folder (details)
  154. structure clarification of the 'mini' domain (details)
  155. structure clarification of the 'mini' domain (details)
  156. fixed Asset typing of the Network GuardedActions (details)
  157. improved validator message (details)
  158. update small reception diagram (details)
  159. add missing @generated NOT (details)
  160. requirement locale in ecore (details)
  161. requirement locale in xtext grammar (details)
  162. formatter (details)
  163. getLocalization implementation for Requirement (details)
  164. requirement hovering (details)
  165. adapted examples (details)
  166. add diagram to mini is example (details)
  167. add applied security rules (details)
  168. add applied behavior to mini office example (details)
  169. fix requirement syntax and formatting (details)
  170. updated the generator for requirement localization (details)
  171. adapted scope for RequirementLocale (details)
  172. recreate example in standalone project (details)
  173. add requirements (details)
  174. add contracts locales (details)
  175. add repository locales (details)
  176. corresponding json files (details)
  177. warning on undefined guard (details)
  178. warning on undefined pre/post in goal (details)
  179. filter undefined contract from checking (details)
  180. simplified getting the goal from selection (details)
  181. rewrite goal retrieving strategy to not select undefined goals (details)
  182. add k3dsa test suite for contract checking (details)
  183. extraction of error message in properties, and localization of EObject (details)
  184. pomfirst (details)
  185. pomfirst: includes the file (details)
  186. fix call getObjectLabel after configuring substitutionlabelprovider (details)
  187. fix npe for (details)
  188. localisation in structural validator (details)
  189. base for localization of contract error message (details)
  190. pomfirst: add in k3dsa (details)
  191. validate needs a mutable map (details)
  192. fix locale handling and improved resource locale location strategy (details)
  193. fix for getLocalizedMessage (details)
  194. use resourcebundle for localization (details)
  195. removed type in error messages for missing mandatory static features (details)
  196. validator error message in french (details)
  197. using ResourceBundleLocator for k3dsa exception localization (details)
  198. localizableException in k3dsa (details)
  199. add throws clauses, and handle InvalidConfigurationException (details)
  200. fix localization of diagnostic messages (details)
  201. moved resource file (details)
  202. fix message (details)
  203. removed absystem model plugin (details)
  204. include resources in pomfirst for k3dsa (details)
  205. register Eclipse preference service on plugin start (details)
  206. use ABS locale instead of default for validation messages default (details)
  207. renamed english localization resources (details)
  208. localization of new validation messages (details)
  209. implement opposite static AssetLink (details)
  210. fix contract name localization (details)
  211. fix validation short-circuiting when collecting diagnostics (details)
  212. cache for ResourceBundleLocator (details)
  213. weak reference to modules (details)
  214. fix(abs2json): add Requirement management (details)
  215. fix the decoding from gal (details)
  216. fix doc + add precision (details)
  217. add procedure and script to update versions (for releases) (details)
  218. renma job name to clearly see that is for master only (details)
  219. change the console name and message group of k3dsa (details)
  220. automation to publish eclipse artefacts and create gitlab release on tag (details)
  221. add ssh key for deployment (details)
  222. create intermediate folder as required (details)
  223. create release on gitlab ui in separate job/docker image (details)
  224. generation of goals from dynamic contracts (details)
  225. add missing tag for job attribution (details)
  226. empty before_script for release job (details)
  227. abs transfos dependencies reorganized (details)
  228. conversion of dynamic contract to invariants for abs2senarios (details)
  229. added an option to disable dynamic contract evaluation during (details)
  230. add an atsyra preference for dynamic contracts (details)
  231. feat(validation): get contracts from requirements (details)
  232. feat(validation): get contracts occurences from outside (details)
  233. Fix the simplification of invariants from contracts (details)
  234. Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s) (details)
  235. Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s) (details)
  236. feat(validation): fix duplicated contracts (details)
  237. moved preference constants to preference plugin (details)
  238. restored Preference constants for compatibility (details)
  239. add dynamic contracts variables to useful variables (details)
  240. test slicing with a dynamic contract (details)
  241. validation error if a feature name is shadowing another one (details)
  242. fix contracts group name (details)
  243. add requirements to the test examples (details)
  244. bump abs related components to 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (details)
  245. align to 3.0.0-snapshot (details)
  246. ensure version in pomfirst for (details)
  247. ensure version in the pom of emf.transaction (details)
  248. allow for collections in AssetAttributeValue (details)
  249. update k3dsa (details)
  250. update abs2gal (details)
  251. add LICENSE file (details)
  252. add license header to all java files (details)
  253. update license about box (details)
  254. update to sirius (details)
  255. add license and copyrigth in feature.xml (details)
  256. fix wrong variable (details)
  257. abs formatter (details)
  258. fix xtext integration service (details)
  259. bump version of tools in CI docker image (details)
  260. update maven too (details)
  261. fix statebuilder to ignore arrays that are not related to features (details)
  262. implement containsAll for k3dsa (details)
  263. add check for no duplicate AssetAttributeValue (details)
  264. test for AssetAttibuteValue duplication check (details)
  265. added collection attribute to AssetAttributeValue (details)
  266. added an invariant on AssetAttributeValue (details)
  267. validator for isCollection (details)
  268. add anssi repo to metamodel example (details)
  269. update sirius with isCollection (details)
  270. fix bug with completion proposal (details)
  271. add anssi repo en version (details)
  272. fix completion for [ ] and , in AssetAttributeValue (details)
  273. initialization of absreport diagram support (details)
  274. attempt with 2 kind of diagrams (details)
  275. validator for requirement: contracts should be static (details)
  276. feat(metamodel): it grundschutz integration (details)
  277. chore: change poms to 3.0.0 (details)
  278. chore: preparing next release 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT (details)
  279. some attempt about having a global diagram for goal scenarios (details)
  280. current state of the absreport diagram (details)
  281. absreport 2 dot (details)
  282. use ELK layered layout (details)
  283. basic presentation using ELK Layered layout (details)
  284. use ordered tree layout (details)
  285. remove internal step container (details)
  286. added plantuml & scenario index (details)
  287. add start and end node (details)
  288. use border to link to the end (details)
  289. add custom colors on each scenarios (details)
  290. add service methods (details)
  291. use colorscheme instead of manual color selection (details)
  292. adding title in requirements (details)
  293. support for title in locale generator (details)
  294. updated example requirement files (details)
  295. release 3.1.0 (details)
  296. bump to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT (details)
  297. add CI info in readme (details)
  298. add link to release version on the web (details)
  299. build doc for any push on master (details)
  300. deploy pomfirst on every push to master (details)
  301. generate javadoc jars (details)
  302. remove javafx and gemoc Trace from atsyra base studio (details)
  303. improved label for report witness and report goal (details)
  304. improved outline showing steps and initial/final states section (details)
  305. escape description strings in generated locales files (details)
  306. add different validators corresponding to the various case (details)
  307. filter domain contract from Requirement related contracts (details)
  308. add fix (details)
  309. add notion of security level that can be check by referential rules (details)
  310. use different parker for different static checks (details)
  311. add some more static contracts on mini (details)
  312. add missing odesign for absReport (details)
  313. build absreport design project (details)
  314. fix benchmark tests (details)
  315. fix(abs2json): npe when no description on Contract (details)
  316. add automatic changelog in ci (details)
  317. fix CI on commit tag (details)
  318. prevent simultaneous access to atsyra web site (details)
  319. add  --fail-with-body (details)
  320. enable "ask marketplace" for unknown file association (details)
  321. initial version of a plantuml UI integration (details)
  322. add sources (details)
  323. use real semantic versionning for tag (details)
  324. Add changelog for version 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT [ci skip] (details)
  325. ✨ improve plantuml support for absreport (details)
  326. 🐛 avoid duplicate sources for plantuml diagram (details)
  327. 💚 add xtend-gen folder to build source (details)
  328. 💚 force to not fail is cache is empty (details)
  329. ✨direct support of plantuml diagram view for Asset in xtext editor (details)
  330. ✨direct support of plantuml diagram view for AssetTypê in xtext editor (details)
  331. ♻️remove redundant code (details)
  332. fix dot generator (details)
  333. fix plantuml scenarios graph (details)
  334. changes to getDomainContractsOccurences (details)
  335. moved transitive imports resolution (details)
  336. add grouped resolution of imports (details)
  337. resolve transitive imports in domain contract validation (details)
  338. importURI fix in abs2json (details)
  339. restriction on error contracts moved to specialized method (details)

Started by an SCM change (32,685 times)

Revision: d8f479c1760c12cac0a6791f51a675539d7a469d
  • refs/remotes/origin/master

Downstream Builds