Started 1 mo 13 days ago
Took 2.2 sec on atsyra-win32

Failed Build #596 (Mar 20, 2024, 11:31:56 AM)

  1. class to collect info on ABS size (details)
  2. use set of abs instead of resourceset (details)
  3. log size of model in abs2abs (details)
  4. add missing private visibility (details)
  5. GAL size info object (details)
  6. log the size of the generated GAL (details)
  7. json-ified (details)
  8. abs state enumeration (details)
  9. Evaluation of simple expressions (details)
  10. eval lambda (details)
  11. compute goal size, including collection (details)
  12. Eval expression only on referred features (details)
  13. instanciate only refered features (details)
  14. renamed "finalState" to be more accurate (details)
  15. gal number of states (details)
  16. fix for collection counting (details)
  17. counting for every multiplicity (details)
  18. added a preference for model size computation (details)
  19. fix pomfirst (details)

Started by an SCM change (2 times)

Revision: 836a9196df040fd361165889679b32c6e71586a4
  • refs/remotes/origin/master

Downstream Builds