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Build Queue
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<h1>Welcome to the hwloc continuous integration Jenkins!</h1>
<p>All branches and pull requests are tested automatically in "basic". Tarballs and PDF documentation are made available as artifacts of these builds.</p>
<p>master and stable branches get more extensive testing during night in "extended". Tarballs, pre-built Windows ZIPs, and PDF documentation are made available as artifacts of these builds.</p>
<p>If extensive testing of another branch is ever needed, "extended-custombranch" can be launched manually.</p>
SWNameLast SuccessLast FailureLast DurationF
basic 1 yr 8 mo logN/A37 sec
extended 1 yr 8 mo logN/A15 sec
extended-custombranch 6 mo 18 days #27N/A4 min 28 sec
extended-customPR 2 mo 7 days #36N/A4 min 43 sec
  1. Small
  2. Medium
  3. Large