Skip to content
Start of Pipeline - (2 hr 48 min in block)
properties - (24 ms in self)
node - (21 min in block)Darwin-x86_64
node block - (4 min 47 sec in block)
cleanWs - (50 ms in self)
stage - (4 min 47 sec in block)VM Unit Tests
stage block (VM Unit Tests) - (4 min 47 sec in block)
dir - (41 sec in block)repository
dir block - (41 sec in block)
checkout - (41 sec in self)
cmakeBuild - (48 sec in self)
dir - (3 min 17 sec in block)runTests
dir block - (3 min 17 sec in block)
sh - (48 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make vmmaker
dir - (2 min 28 sec in block)build/vmmaker
dir block - (2 min 28 sec in block)
sh - (1 sec in self)wget
sh - (1.2 sec in self)unzip -d ./vm/Contents/MacOS/Plugins
sh - (0.33 sec in self)wget
sh - (0.33 sec in self)unzip -d ./vm/Contents/MacOS/Plugins
timeout - (2 min 25 sec in block)20
timeout block - (2 min 25 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 25 sec in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./vm/Contents/MacOS/Pharo --headless --logLevel=4 ./image/VMMaker.image test --junit-xml-output 'VMMakerTests'
junit - (0.68 sec in self)
parallel - (1 hr 12 min in block)
parallel block (Branch: Linux-x86_64) - (6 ms in block)
node - (5 min 50 sec in block)Linux-x86_64
node block - (5 min 50 sec in block)
timeout - (5 min 50 sec in block)30
timeout block - (5 min 50 sec in block)
cleanWs - (51 ms in self)
stage - (41 sec in block)Checkout-Linux-x86_64
stage block (Checkout-Linux-x86_64) - (41 sec in block)
dir - (41 sec in block)repository
dir block - (41 sec in block)
checkout - (40 sec in self)
stage - (5 min 8 sec in block)Build-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Build-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter) - (5 min 8 sec in block)
cmakeBuild - (8.2 sec in self)
dir - (4 min 55 sec in block)build
dir block - (4 min 55 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 53 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make install
sh - (2 min 1 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make package
stash - (2.3 sec in self)packages-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter
archiveArtifacts - (1.9 sec in self)
timeout - (28 ms in block)30
timeout block - (12 ms in block)
parallel block (Branch: Darwin-x86_64) - (6 ms in block)
node - (16 min in block)Darwin-x86_64
node block - (4 min 51 sec in block)
timeout - (4 min 50 sec in block)30
timeout block - (4 min 50 sec in block)
cleanWs - (26 ms in self)
stage - (39 sec in block)Checkout-Darwin-x86_64
stage block (Checkout-Darwin-x86_64) - (39 sec in block)
dir - (38 sec in block)repository
dir block - (38 sec in block)
checkout - (38 sec in self)
stage - (4 min 11 sec in block)Build-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Build-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter) - (4 min 11 sec in block)
cmakeBuild - (13 sec in self)
dir - (3 min 54 sec in block)build
dir block - (3 min 54 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 22 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make install
sh - (1 min 31 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make package
stash - (1.5 sec in self)packages-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter
archiveArtifacts - (1.3 sec in self)
timeout - (0.18 sec in block)30
timeout block - (87 ms in block)
parallel block (Branch: Windows-x86_64) - (5 ms in block)
node - (1 hr 12 min in block)Windows-x86_64
node block - (18 min in block)
timeout - (18 min in block)30
timeout block - (18 min in block)
cleanWs - (30 ms in self)
stage - (53 sec in block)Checkout-Windows-x86_64
stage block (Checkout-Windows-x86_64) - (53 sec in block)
dir - (53 sec in block)repository
dir block - (53 sec in block)
checkout - (53 sec in self)
stage - (17 min in block)Build-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Build-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter) - (17 min in block)
echo - (14 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex mkdir build
withEnv - (0.65 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (0.62 sec in block)
sh - (0.61 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex mkdir build
echo - (12 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && cygcheck -c -d > cygwinVersions.txt
withEnv - (0.65 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (0.62 sec in block)
sh - (0.61 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && cygcheck -c -d > cygwinVersions.txt
archiveArtifacts - (47 ms in self)build/cygwinVersions.txt
echo - (14 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && cmake -DFLAVOUR=CoInterpreter -DPHARO_DEPENDENCIES_PREFER_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=TRUE ../repository -DICEBERG_DEFAULT_REMOTE=httpsUrl
withEnv - (3 min 1 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (3 min 1 sec in block)
sh - (3 min 1 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && cmake -DFLAVOUR=CoInterpreter -DPHARO_DEPENDENCIES_PREFER_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=TRUE ../repository -DICEBERG_DEFAULT_REMOTE=httpsUrl
echo - (18 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && VERBOSE=1 make install
withEnv - (9 min 16 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (9 min 15 sec in block)
sh - (9 min 15 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && VERBOSE=1 make install
echo - (13 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && VERBOSE=1 make package
withEnv - (5 min 2 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (5 min 2 sec in block)
sh - (5 min 2 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd build && VERBOSE=1 make package
stash - (4.2 sec in self)packages-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter
archiveArtifacts - (4.6 sec in self)
timeout - (30 ms in block)30
timeout block - (11 ms in block)
parallel block (Branch: Darwin-arm64) - (5 min 31 sec in block)
node - (5 min 29 sec in block)Darwin-arm64
node block - (5 min 29 sec in block)
timeout - (5 min 28 sec in block)30
timeout block - (5 min 28 sec in block)
cleanWs - (0.59 sec in self)
stage - (39 sec in block)Checkout-Darwin-arm64
stage block (Checkout-Darwin-arm64) - (39 sec in block)
dir - (39 sec in block)repository
dir block - (39 sec in block)
checkout - (38 sec in self)
stage - (4 min 47 sec in block)Build-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Build-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter) - (4 min 47 sec in block)
cmakeBuild - (5.1 sec in self)
dir - (4 min 39 sec in block)build
dir block - (4 min 39 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 20 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make install
sh - (2 min 18 sec in self)VERBOSE=1 make package
stash - (1.3 sec in self)packages-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter
archiveArtifacts - (1.3 sec in self)
timeout - (0.32 sec in block)30
timeout block - (67 ms in block)
node - (0.88 sec in block)unix
node block - (0.83 sec in block)
stage - (0.81 sec in block)Upload
stage block (Upload) - (0.79 sec in block)
echo - (7 ms in self)[DO NO UPLOAD] In branch different that 'headless': feat/headless
node - (1 min 2 sec in block)unix
node block - (1 min 2 sec in block)
cleanWs - (25 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 2 sec in block)build-GTK-bundle
stage block (build-GTK-bundle) - (1 min 2 sec in block)
checkout - (40 sec in self)
unstash - (2.6 sec in self)packages-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter
dir - (18 sec in block)build
dir block - (18 sec in block)
sh - (1.8 sec in self)wget
sh - (0.87 sec in self)unzip -d ./bundleGTK
sh - (0.85 sec in self)unzip -n build/packages/PharoVM-* -d ./bundleGTK
dir - (9.3 sec in block)bundleGTK
dir block - (9.1 sec in block)
sh - (8.8 sec in self)zip -r -9 ../ *
stash - (2.6 sec in self)packages-Windows-x86_64-gtkBundle
archiveArtifacts - (2.4 sec in self)
parallel - (1 hr 13 min in block)
parallel block (Branch: Linux-x86_64) - (3 ms in block)
node - (27 min in block)Linux-x86_64
node block - (27 min in block)
timeout - (13 min in block)45
timeout block - (13 min in block)
cleanWs - (78 ms in self)
stage - (13 min in block)Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter) - (13 min in block)
unstash - (2.1 sec in self)packages-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter
sh - (0.34 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (13 min in block)runTests
dir block - (13 min in block)
sh - (2.2 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
sh - (0.28 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
sh - (0.54 sec in self)unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
sh - (13 min in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./pharo --logLevel=4 Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter '.*'
junit - (3 sec in self)
fileExists - (22 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
sh - (0.29 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (49 ms in self)
fileExists - (22 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (19 ms in self)progress.log
sh - (0.28 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
sh - (0.3 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (26 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.59 sec in self)
timeout - (13 min in block)45
timeout block - (13 min in block)
cleanWs - (27 ms in self)
stage - (13 min in block)Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker
stage block (Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker) - (13 min in block)
unstash - (1.3 sec in self)packages-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter
sh - (0.28 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (13 min in block)runTests
dir block - (13 min in block)
sh - (2.1 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
sh - (0.29 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
sh - (0.53 sec in self)unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
sh - (13 min in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./pharo --logLevel=4 --worker Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker '.*'
junit - (3.9 sec in self)
fileExists - (19 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
sh - (0.4 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (0.14 sec in self)
fileExists - (34 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (19 ms in self)progress.log
sh - (0.28 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
sh - (0.28 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Linux-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (21 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.58 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Darwin-x86_64) - (4 ms in block)
node - (22 min in block)Darwin-x86_64
node block - (22 min in block)
timeout - (11 min in block)45
timeout block - (11 min in block)
cleanWs - (85 ms in self)
stage - (11 min in block)Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter) - (11 min in block)
unstash - (0.87 sec in self)packages-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter
sh - (0.43 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (11 min in block)runTests
dir block - (11 min in block)
sh - (1.2 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
sh - (0.29 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
sh - (0.28 sec in self)unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
sh - (10 min in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./ --logLevel=4 Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter '.*'
junit - (3.1 sec in self)
fileExists - (25 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
sh - (0.29 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (42 ms in self)
fileExists - (19 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (20 ms in self)progress.log
sh - (0.28 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
sh - (0.29 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (23 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.56 sec in self)
timeout - (11 min in block)45
timeout block - (11 min in block)
cleanWs - (31 ms in self)
stage - (11 min in block)Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker
stage block (Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker) - (11 min in block)
unstash - (0.58 sec in self)packages-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter
sh - (0.28 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (11 min in block)runTests
dir block - (11 min in block)
sh - (1.7 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
sh - (0.27 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
sh - (0.28 sec in self)unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
sh - (10 min in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./ --logLevel=4 --worker Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker '.*'
junit - (3.5 sec in self)
fileExists - (28 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
sh - (0.29 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (40 ms in self)
fileExists - (18 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (20 ms in self)progress.log
sh - (0.36 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
sh - (0.29 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Darwin-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (26 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.54 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Windows-x86_64) - (5 ms in block)
node - (1 hr 13 min in block)Windows-x86_64
node block - (43 min in block)
timeout - (22 min in block)45
timeout block - (22 min in block)
cleanWs - (52 ms in self)
stage - (22 min in block)Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter) - (22 min in block)
unstash - (4.1 sec in self)packages-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter
bat - (0.97 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (21 min in block)runTests
dir block - (21 min in block)
bat - (5 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
bat - (0.37 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
echo - (12 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd runTests && unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
withEnv - (1.4 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (1.4 sec in block)
sh - (1.4 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd runTests && unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
echo - (13 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true cd runTests && ./PharoConsole.exe --logLevel=4 Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter '.*'
withEnv - (21 min in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (21 min in block)
sh - (21 min in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true cd runTests && ./PharoConsole.exe --logLevel=4 Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter '.*'
junit - (17 sec in self)
fileExists - (0.21 sec in self)PharoDebug.log
bat - (0.34 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (56 ms in self)
fileExists - (25 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (24 ms in self)progress.log
bat - (0.31 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
bat - (0.35 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (33 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.81 sec in self)
timeout - (21 min in block)45
timeout block - (21 min in block)
cleanWs - (30 ms in self)
stage - (21 min in block)Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker
stage block (Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker) - (21 min in block)
unstash - (1.9 sec in self)packages-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter
bat - (0.3 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (21 min in block)runTests
dir block - (21 min in block)
bat - (4.1 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
bat - (0.3 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
echo - (18 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd runTests && unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
withEnv - (1.2 sec in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (1.2 sec in block)
sh - (1.1 sec in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex cd runTests && unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
echo - (26 ms in self)Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true cd runTests && ./PharoConsole.exe --logLevel=4 --worker Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker '.*'
withEnv - (20 min in block)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT
withEnv block - (20 min in block)
sh - (20 min in self)#!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_feat_headless"` set -ex PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true cd runTests && ./PharoConsole.exe --logLevel=4 --worker Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker '.*'
junit - (9.5 sec in self)
fileExists - (18 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
bat - (0.3 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (46 ms in self)
fileExists - (19 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (22 ms in self)progress.log
bat - (0.29 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
bat - (0.29 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Windows-x86_64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (31 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.55 sec in self)
parallel block (Branch: Darwin-arm64) - (18 min in block)
node - (18 min in block)Darwin-arm64
node block - (18 min in block)
timeout - (9 min 15 sec in block)45
timeout block - (9 min 15 sec in block)
cleanWs - (1.4 sec in self)
stage - (9 min 14 sec in block)Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter
stage block (Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter) - (9 min 14 sec in block)
unstash - (0.74 sec in self)packages-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter
sh - (0.34 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (9 min 11 sec in block)runTests
dir block - (9 min 11 sec in block)
sh - (1.3 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
sh - (0.4 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
sh - (0.34 sec in self)unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
sh - (9 min 7 sec in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./ --logLevel=4 Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter '.*'
junit - (1.3 sec in self)
fileExists - (25 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
sh - (0.36 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (87 ms in self)
fileExists - (33 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (24 ms in self)progress.log
sh - (0.35 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter.log
sh - (0.35 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter.log
archiveArtifacts - (52 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.61 sec in self)
timeout - (9 min 19 sec in block)45
timeout block - (9 min 19 sec in block)
cleanWs - (46 ms in self)
stage - (9 min 19 sec in block)Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter-worker
stage block (Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter-worker) - (9 min 19 sec in block)
unstash - (0.59 sec in self)packages-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter
sh - (0.34 sec in self)mkdir runTests
dir - (9 min 17 sec in block)runTests
dir block - (9 min 17 sec in block)
sh - (1.3 sec in self)wget -O - | bash
sh - (0.35 sec in self)echo 90 > pharo.version
sh - (0.34 sec in self)unzip ../build/build/packages/PharoVM-* -d .
sh - (9 min 11 sec in self)PHARO_CI_TESTING_ENVIRONMENT=true ./ --logLevel=4 --worker Pharo.image test --junit-xml-output --stage-name=Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter-worker '.*'
junit - (2.5 sec in self)
fileExists - (33 ms in self)PharoDebug.log
sh - (0.36 sec in self)mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (63 ms in self)
fileExists - (35 ms in self)crash.dmp
fileExists - (29 ms in self)progress.log
sh - (0.36 sec in self)mv progress.log progress-Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
sh - (0.35 sec in self)cat progress-Tests-Darwin-arm64-CoInterpreter-worker.log
archiveArtifacts - (53 ms in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.62 sec in self)