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Skipping 13,516 KB.. Full Log
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testCompiledMethodsOfSelectorinClasses ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testEmptyAnonSubclasses ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testMigrateObjectToAnonymousClass ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testMigrateObjectToOriginalClass ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testNewAnonymousSubclass ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testRemoveMethodNodeFromObject ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkAnonymousClassBuilderTest>>testWeakMigratedObjectsRegistry ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkClassToAST ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkClassToClassVarNamed ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkClassToSlotNamed ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkClassToSlotNamedUninstall ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkClassToTempVarNamed ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkObjectToAST ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkObjectToClassVarName ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkObjectToSlotNamed ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkObjectToTempVarName ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToClassVarNameAll ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToClassVarNameReads ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToClassVarNameWrites ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToSlotNamedAll ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToSlotNamedReads ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToSlotNamedWrites ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToTempVarNameAll ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToTempVarNameReads ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkObjectAPITest>>testLinkToTempVarNameWrites ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkRegistryTest>>testPermaLinksForMethod ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkRegistryTest>>testSlotSourcesConsiderClassesHierarchy ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testAvailableReifications ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testBlockLink ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testConditionLink ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testControlInstead ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testControlLink ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testDefintionString ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testLinkOption ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testLinkOptionsDefault ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testOptionFor ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testReificationError ... finished
starting testcase: MetaLinkTest>>testSimpleHaltLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testCreateReflectiveMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testCreateReflectiveMethodAndInvalidate ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testInvalidate ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testInvalidateNoJit ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testInvalidateWithLinkCount ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testLinkCountTwoLinks ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkInPrimitive ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnClassVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnClassVariableAndUninstall ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnDynamicArrayArgument ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnGlobalVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnGlobalVariableAndUninstall ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnInstanceVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnInstanceVariableAndUninstall ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkOnPrimitive ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkWithPragmaOptions ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectiveMethodTest>>testSetLinkWithPragmaOptionsPerClass ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterAssignment ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterBlock ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterBlockOptimizedIfTrue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterBlockOptimizedWhileFalseSend ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterBlockSequence ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterCascade ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterClassVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterLiteral ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterLiteralArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterMethod2 ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterMethodLevel ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterMethodPrimitive ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterMethodWithTemps ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterSend ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterSendWeak ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterSlot ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterSlotWrite ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testAfterVariableNode ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeAssignment ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeBlock ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeBlockSequence ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeBlockSequenceNoValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeBlockSequenceOptimized ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeCascade ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeClassVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeLiteral ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeLiteralArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeMethodPrimitive ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeReturn ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeSend ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeSendInCascade ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeSequence ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeSlot ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeSlotWrite ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testBeforeVariableSelf ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testConditionDisableEnableNoArguments ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testConditionDisableEnableWithArguments ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testConditionMetaLevel ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testConditionWithArgument ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testConditionWithArgument2 ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testFailingDoubleRWInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testFailingDoubleRWInsteadSimplified ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadAssign ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadBlock ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadBlockSequence ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadCascade ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadClassVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadLiteral ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadLiteralArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadPrimitiveMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadSend ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadSendMultipleSites ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadSequence ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadVariableReadGlobal ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadVariableReadIvar ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadVariableReadTemp ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testInsteadVariableWrite ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testLinkOneShot ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testLinkOptionDisabledLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testLinkoptionInlineCondition ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testLinkoptionInlineMetaObject ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityControlTest>>testRecursionStopper ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testAccessTemp ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockOperationBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockSequenceArguments ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockSequenceArgumentsWithArg ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockSequenceArgumentsWithArgAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockSequenceArgumentsWithArgAfterInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testBlockValueAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testLiteralOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testLiteralValueAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testLiteralValueBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyArguments2level ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyArrayOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyArrayOperationBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyArrayOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyArrayValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentClassVarOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentClassVarOperationBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentClassVarOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentSlotOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentSlotOperationBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentSlotOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentTempOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentTempOperationBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyAssignmentTempOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyByInstanceNotKey ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyCascadeValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVarOperation ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableClass ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableContext ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableEntity ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableName ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableObject ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyClassVariableVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyEntity ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyGlobalName ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyGlobalOperation ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyGlobalValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyGlobalVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyGlobalVariableValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyIndexAssigmentIvar ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyIvarIndex ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyIvarName ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyIvarValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyIvarVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyLiteralArrayContext ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyLiteralArrayOperation ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyLiteralArrayValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodArgs ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodArgsAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodArgsAfter2 ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodBodyArgsAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodBodyArgsBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodBodyArgsInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodReceiver ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodSelector ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodThisContext ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodThisContextAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyMethodValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyNewValueAssignmentAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyNewValueAssignmentBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyNode ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyObject ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOperationMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOperationMethodAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOperationMethodInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOperationSend ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOperationSendAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOperationSendInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOptionArgsAsArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyOrigMethod ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyReceiverOnSendWithArguments ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyReceiverOnSendWithArgumentsAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyReturnOperation ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyReturnValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendAfterMany ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendAll ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendArgsAsArray ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendArguments ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendArguments2 ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendArgumentsLevel ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendMethodToExecute ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendReceiver ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendSelector ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendSender ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendThisContext ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendThisContextAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySendValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotClass ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotName ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotOperation ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifySlotVariable ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyTempName ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyTempNewValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyTempOperation ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyTempOperationAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyTempOperationInstead ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyTempValue ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyValueAssignmentAfter ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityReificationTest>>testReifyValueAssignmentBefore ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityTest>>testDisableLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityTest>>testDisableThenCleanASTCacheThenEnableLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityTest>>testDisableThenEnableLink ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityTest>>testDisableThenEnableLinkWithCondition ... finished
starting testcase: ReflectivityTest>>testTwoLinksUninstallOne ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testAccessStrategy ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testAllSlotNamesFor ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakOnAccess ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakOnAccessTo ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakOnRead ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakOnReadTo ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakOnWrite ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakOnWriteTo ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnAllTempAccesses ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnArgument ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnClassVarAccesses ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnClassVarReads ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnClassVarWrites ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnTempReads ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testBreakpointOnTempWrites ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testInitialize ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testInstall ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testInstrumentedMethodIsCompiledMethod ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testIsInstalled ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testIsVariableBreakpoint ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNewBreakpointForVariableInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNewBreakpointForVariableInClassForMethod ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNewForClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNoRemoveAfterSubclassRemoved ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNotifyArgumentBreakpointHit ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNotifyInstVarBreakpointHit ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testNotifyTempBreakpointHit ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testRemove ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testRemoveAfterClassRemoved ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testRemoveAfterClassWithTempVarRemoved ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testRemoveAfterSuperclassRemoved ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testRemoveFromMethod ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testScopeTo ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testSetAsBreakpointProperty ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariableInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariableInObject ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariableReadsInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariableReadsInObject ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariableWritesInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariableWritesInObject ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariablesInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariablesInObject ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariablesReadsInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariablesReadsInObject ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariablesWritesInClass ... finished
starting testcase: VariableBreakpointTest>>testWatchVariablesWritesInObject ... finished
finished running suite: Reflectivity-Tests
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
Recording fingerprints
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 30 min
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] cleanWs
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] readFile
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Checkout-Windows-x86_64-ComposedFormat)
[Pipeline] dir
Running in C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] checkout
The recommended git tool is: git
using credential pharo-ci-api-user-pass-token
Cloning the remote Git repository
Using shallow clone with depth 2
Cloning repository
 > git init C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.29.2'
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials pharo-ci using token as pass
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Using shallow fetch with depth 2
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials pharo-ci using token as pass
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/602/head:refs/remotes/origin/PR-602 +refs/heads/pharo-12:refs/remotes/origin/pharo-12 # timeout=10
Merging remotes/origin/pharo-12 commit 2af984e4dd7dc3544eda4ac605c1bcf198996ff3 into PR head commit f5882c1560c56b51f1cabb82263c1dec722a4466
Merge succeeded, producing f5882c1560c56b51f1cabb82263c1dec722a4466
Checking out Revision f5882c1560c56b51f1cabb82263c1dec722a4466 (PR-602)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f f5882c1560c56b51f1cabb82263c1dec722a4466 # timeout=10
 > git remote # timeout=10
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials pharo-ci using token as pass
 > git merge 2af984e4dd7dc3544eda4ac605c1bcf198996ff3 # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse "HEAD^{commit}" # timeout=10
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f f5882c1560c56b51f1cabb82263c1dec722a4466 # timeout=10
Commit message: "Merge 2af984e4dd7dc3544eda4ac605c1bcf198996ff3"

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build-Windows-x86_64-ComposedFormat-CoInterpreter)
[Pipeline] echo
Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login
    cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602"`
    set -ex
    mkdir build
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
++ mkdir build
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] echo
Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login
    cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602"`
    set -ex
    cd build &&  cygcheck -c -d > cygwinVersions.txt
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
++ cd build
++ cygcheck -c -d
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] echo
Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login
    cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602"`
    set -ex
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
++ cd build
-- Setting build type to 'RelWithDebInfo' as none was specified.
-- CMAKE_GENERATOR=Unix Makefiles
-- Building version 10.0.5-f5882c156
-- Commit hash f5882c156 : 2023-06-30 12:06:56 +0200
-- No user build settings.
-- v10.0.5-58-gf5882c156 - Commit: f5882c156 - Date: 2023-06-30 12:06:56 +0200
-- Building on CYGWIN CMAKE: Adapting paths
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 8.0.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 8.0.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang - works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang++ - works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Compiling for architecture: x86_64
-- Building for WINDOWS
-- Full Platform name: Windows-x86_64
-- Building Pharo with executable named Pharo
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Check size of int
-- Check size of int - done
-- Check size of long
-- Check size of long - done
-- Check size of long long
-- Check size of long long - done
-- Check size of void*
-- Check size of void* - done
-- int 4
-- long 4
-- long long 8
-- void* 8
-- Writing libraries to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vm/
-- Looking for include file dirent.h
-- Looking for include file dirent.h - found
-- Looking for include file features.h
-- Looking for include file features.h - not found
-- Looking for include file unistd.h
-- Looking for include file unistd.h - found
-- Looking for include file ndir.h
-- Looking for include file ndir.h - not found
-- Looking for include file sys/ndir.h
-- Looking for include file sys/ndir.h - not found
-- Looking for include file sys/dir.h
-- Looking for include file sys/dir.h - not found
-- Looking for include file sys/filio.h
-- Looking for include file sys/filio.h - not found
-- Looking for include file sys/time.h
-- Looking for include file sys/time.h - found
-- Looking for include file execinfo.h
-- Looking for include file execinfo.h - not found
-- Looking for include file dlfcn.h
-- Looking for include file dlfcn.h - not found
-- Looking for dlopen in dl
-- Looking for dlopen in dl - not found
-- Looking for dlopen in dyld
-- Looking for dlopen in dyld - not found
-- Performing Test HAVE_TM_GMTOFF
-- Performing Test HAVE_TM_GMTOFF - Failed
-- Looking for include file sys/uuid.h
-- Looking for include file sys/uuid.h - not found
-- Looking for include file uuid/uuid.h
-- Looking for include file uuid/uuid.h - not found
-- Looking for include file uuid.h
-- Looking for include file uuid.h - not found
-- Looking for uuidgen in uuid
-- Looking for uuidgen in uuid - not found
-- Looking for uuid_generate in uuid
-- Looking for uuid_generate in uuid - not found
Defining Windows VM to download for code generation
-- C Compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang
-- C++ Compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang++
-- Resource Compiler: x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres
-- Building FFI
-- Downloading/updating libffi
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-download
Scanning dependencies of target libffi-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'libffi-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'libffi-download'
Cloning into 'libffi-src'...
Branch 'v3.3-cmake' set up to track remote branch 'v3.3-cmake' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'v3.3-cmake'
[ 33%] No patch step for 'libffi-download'
[ 44%] Performing update step for 'libffi-download'
Current branch v3.3-cmake is up to date.
[ 55%] No configure step for 'libffi-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'libffi-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'libffi-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'libffi-download'
[100%] Completed 'libffi-download'
[100%] Built target libffi-download
-- Building for TARGET_PLATFORM: X86_WIN64
-- Check size of size_t
-- Check size of size_t - done
-- The ASM compiler identification is Clang
-- Found assembler: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang
-- Check size of double
-- Check size of double - done
-- Check size of long double
-- Check size of long double - done
-- Looking for alloca
-- Looking for alloca - not found
-- Looking for mmap
-- Looking for mmap - not found
-- Looking for MAP_ANON
-- Looking for MAP_ANON - not found
-- Performing Test HAVE_MMAP_DEV_ZERO
-- Performing Test HAVE_MMAP_DEV_ZERO - Failed
-- Looking for alloca.h
-- Looking for alloca.h - not found
-- Performing Test HAVE_ALLOCA
-- Performing Test HAVE_ALLOCA - Failed
-- Looking for inttypes.h
-- Looking for inttypes.h - found
-- Looking for memory.h
-- Looking for memory.h - found
-- Looking for stdlib.h
-- Looking for stdlib.h - found
-- Looking for strings.h
-- Looking for strings.h - found
-- Looking for string.h
-- Looking for string.h - found
-- Looking for sys/mman.h
-- Looking for sys/mman.h - not found
-- Looking for sys/stat.h
-- Looking for sys/stat.h - found
-- Looking for 4 include files stdlib.h, ..., float.h
-- Looking for 4 include files stdlib.h, ..., float.h - found
-- Looking for memcpy
-- Looking for memcpy - found
-- Looking for mkostemp
-- Looking for mkostemp - not found
-- Checking if .eh_frame section is read-only - no
-- Checking HAVE_AS_X86_PCREL - yes
-- Checking HAVE_AS_X86_64_UNWIND_SECTION_TYPE - no
-- Checking if symbols are underscored - no
-- Performing Test HAVE_AS_CFI_PSEUDO_OP
-- Performing Test HAVE_AS_CFI_PSEUDO_OP - Failed
-- Adding plugin: FilePlugin
-- Adding plugin: FileAttributesPlugin
-- Adding plugin: UUIDPlugin
-- Adding plugin: SocketPlugin
-- Adding plugin: SurfacePlugin
-- Adding plugin: FloatArrayPlugin
-- Adding plugin: LargeIntegers
-- Adding plugin: JPEGReaderPlugin
-- Adding plugin: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin
-- Adding plugin: MiscPrimitivePlugin
-- Adding plugin: B2DPlugin
-- Adding plugin: LocalePlugin
-- Adding plugin: SqueakSSL
-- Adding plugin: DSAPrims
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: gcc-runtime-3.4
-- Downloading/updating gcc-runtime-3.4
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/gcc-runtime-3.4-download
Scanning dependencies of target gcc-runtime-3.4-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[100%] Completed 'gcc-runtime-3.4-download'
[100%] Built target gcc-runtime-3.4-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/gcc-runtime-3.4-src/iconv.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/gcc-runtime-3.4-src/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/gcc-runtime-3.4-src/libwinpthread-1.dll
-- Downloading Git2 binary
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: libgit2-1.4.4
-- Downloading/updating libgit2-1.4.4
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-download
Scanning dependencies of target libgit2-1.4.4-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[100%] Completed 'libgit2-1.4.4-download'
[100%] Built target libgit2-1.4.4-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-src/libcharset-1.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-src/libgit2-1-4-4.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-src/libhttp_parser-2.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-src/libiconv-2.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-src/libpcre2-8-0.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.4.4-src/libssh2-1.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: libgit2-1.5.2
-- Downloading/updating libgit2-1.5.2
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.5.2-download
Scanning dependencies of target libgit2-1.5.2-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[100%] Completed 'libgit2-1.5.2-download'
[100%] Built target libgit2-1.5.2-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.5.2-src/libgit2-1-5.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: libgit2-1.6.4
-- Downloading/updating libgit2-1.6.4
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.6.4-download
Scanning dependencies of target libgit2-1.6.4-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[100%] Completed 'libgit2-1.6.4-download'
[100%] Built target libgit2-1.6.4-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-1.6.4-src/libgit2-1-6.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: libgit2-default-2023-04-14
-- Downloading/updating libgit2-default-2023-04-14
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download
Scanning dependencies of target libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[100%] Completed 'libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download'
[100%] Built target libgit2-default-2023-04-14-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libgit2-default-2023-04-14-src/libgit2.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: zlib-1.2.13
-- Downloading/updating zlib-1.2.13
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/zlib-1.2.13-download
Scanning dependencies of target zlib-1.2.13-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[100%] Completed 'zlib-1.2.13-download'
[100%] Built target zlib-1.2.13-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/zlib-1.2.13-src/zlib1.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: openssl-1.1.1k
-- Downloading/updating openssl-1.1.1k
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/openssl-1.1.1k-download
Scanning dependencies of target openssl-1.1.1k-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[100%] Completed 'openssl-1.1.1k-download'
[100%] Built target openssl-1.1.1k-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/openssl-1.1.1k-src/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/openssl-1.1.1k-src/libssl-1_1-x64.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: ssh2-1.10.0
-- Downloading/updating ssh2-1.10.0
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/ssh2-1.10.0-download
Scanning dependencies of target ssh2-1.10.0-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[100%] Completed 'ssh2-1.10.0-download'
[100%] Built target ssh2-1.10.0-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/ssh2-1.10.0-src/libssh2-1-10-0-1.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: freetype-2.12.1
-- Downloading/updating freetype-2.12.1
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/freetype-2.12.1-download
Scanning dependencies of target freetype-2.12.1-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[100%] Completed 'freetype-2.12.1-download'
[100%] Built target freetype-2.12.1-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/freetype-2.12.1-src/libbz2-1.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/freetype-2.12.1-src/libfreetype-6.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: fontconfig-2.13.1
-- Downloading/updating fontconfig-2.13.1
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/fontconfig-2.13.1-download
Scanning dependencies of target fontconfig-2.13.1-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[100%] Completed 'fontconfig-2.13.1-download'
[100%] Built target fontconfig-2.13.1-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/fontconfig-2.13.1-src/libexpat-1.dll
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/fontconfig-2.13.1-src/libfontconfig-1.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: harfbuzz-5.3.1
-- Downloading/updating harfbuzz-5.3.1
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/harfbuzz-5.3.1-download
Scanning dependencies of target harfbuzz-5.3.1-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[100%] Completed 'harfbuzz-5.3.1-download'
[100%] Built target harfbuzz-5.3.1-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/harfbuzz-5.3.1-src/libharfbuzz-0.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: pixman-0.40.0
-- Downloading/updating pixman-0.40.0
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/pixman-0.40.0-download
Scanning dependencies of target pixman-0.40.0-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[100%] Completed 'pixman-0.40.0-download'
[100%] Built target pixman-0.40.0-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/pixman-0.40.0-src/libpixman-1-0.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: cairo-1.17.4
-- Downloading/updating cairo-1.17.4
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/cairo-1.17.4-download
Scanning dependencies of target cairo-1.17.4-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[100%] Completed 'cairo-1.17.4-download'
[100%] Built target cairo-1.17.4-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/cairo-1.17.4-src/libcairo-2.dll
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: libpng-1.6.37
-- Downloading/updating libpng-1.6.37
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libpng-1.6.37-download
Scanning dependencies of target libpng-1.6.37-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[100%] Completed 'libpng-1.6.37-download'
[100%] Built target libpng-1.6.37-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libpng-1.6.37-src/libpng16.dll
-- Downloading SDL2 binary
Adding third-party libraries for Windows-x86_64: SDL2-2.24.1
-- Downloading/updating SDL2-2.24.1
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/SDL2-2.24.1-download
Scanning dependencies of target SDL2-2.24.1-download
[ 11%] Creating directories for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[ 22%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[ 33%] No patch step for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[ 44%] No update step for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[ 55%] No configure step for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[ 66%] No build step for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[ 77%] No install step for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[ 88%] No test step for 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[100%] Completed 'SDL2-2.24.1-download'
[100%] Built target SDL2-2.24.1-download
-- /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/SDL2-2.24.1-src/SDL2.dll
-- dot executable from Graphviz not found. Dependency graphs not generated
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] echo
Executing: #!c:\tools\cygwin\bin\bash --login
    cd `cygpath "C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602"`
    set -ex
    cd build && VERBOSE=1 make install package
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
++ cd build
++ make install package
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -S/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository -B/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_progress_start /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
make[1]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make  -f libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/build.make libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/DependInfo.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/depend.internal".
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/depend.internal".
Scanning dependencies of target objlib
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make  -f libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/build.make libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  0%] Building C object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/closures.c.o
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/closures.c.o   -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/closures.c
In file included from /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/closures.c:525:
/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/dlmalloc.c:452:9: warning: 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
<command line>:14:9: note: previous definition is here
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
1 warning generated.
[  1%] Building C object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/java_raw_api.c.o
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/java_raw_api.c.o   -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/java_raw_api.c
[  1%] Building C object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/prep_cif.c.o
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/prep_cif.c.o   -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/prep_cif.c
[  2%] Building C object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/raw_api.c.o
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/raw_api.c.o   -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/raw_api.c
[  2%] Building C object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/types.c.o
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/types.c.o   -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/types.c
[  3%] Building ASM object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/x86/win64.S.obj
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/x86/win64.S.obj -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/x86/win64.S
[  3%] Building C object libffi-build/CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/x86/ffiw64.c.o
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang -DASYNC_FFI_QUEUE=1 -DAllocationCheckFiller=0xADD4E55 -DCOGMTVM=0 -DDEBUGVM=0 -DFFI_BUILDING -DIMMUTABILITY=1 -DLSB_FIRST=1 -DNO_ISNAN -DNO_SERVICE -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DPharoVM=1 -DSOURCE_PATH_SIZE=56 -DUSE_INLINE_MEMORY_ACCESSORS=1 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN64=1 -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/PUBLIC -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/resources/windows -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/include -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build -I/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/include  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -O2 -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-int-conversion -Wno-unused-value -Wno-absolute-value -Wno-unused-function -Wno-non-literal-null-conversion -Wno-pointer-integer-compare -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-constant-conversion -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types -Wno-conditional-type-mismatch -Wno-incompatible-function-pointer-types -Wno-return-type -Wno-unused-local-typedef -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-shift-negative-value -Wno-unknown-warning-option -o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/x86/ffiw64.c.o   -c /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src/src/x86/ffiw64.c
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  3%] Built target objlib
make  -f libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/build.make libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-src /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/DependInfo.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/depend.internal".
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/depend.internal".
Scanning dependencies of target ffi_shared
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make  -f libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/build.make libffi-build/CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  4%] Linking C shared library ../build/vm/ffi.dll
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/libffi-build && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/ffi_shared.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-clang  -g -fwrapv -fdeclspec -msse2 -ggdb2 -m64 -mno-rtd -mms-bitfields -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -D_MT -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -fno-builtin-fprintf -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -O2 -g -DNDEBUG   -shared -Wl,--enable-auto-import -o ../build/vm/ffi.dll -Wl,--out-implib,../build/vm/libffi.dll.a -Wl,--major-image-version,0,--minor-image-version,0 CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/closures.c.o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/java_raw_api.c.o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/prep_cif.c.o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/raw_api.c.o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/types.c.o CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/x86/win64.S.obj CMakeFiles/objlib.dir/src/x86/ffiw64.c.o 
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  4%] Built target ffi_shared
make  -f CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/DependInfo.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/depend.internal".
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/depend.internal".
Scanning dependencies of target vmmaker_vm
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make  -f CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  5%] Creating directories for 'vmmaker_vm'
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/tmp
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-mkdir
[  5%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'vmmaker_vm'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -P C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/download-vmmaker_vm.cmake
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 93% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- verifying file...
-- Downloading... done
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -P C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/verify-vmmaker_vm.cmake
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -P C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/extract-vmmaker_vm.cmake
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-download
[  5%] No patch step for 'vmmaker_vm'
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-patch
[  6%] No update step for 'vmmaker_vm'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-update
[  7%] No configure step for 'vmmaker_vm'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-configure
[  8%] No build step for 'vmmaker_vm'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-build
[  8%] No install step for 'vmmaker_vm'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-install
[  9%] Completed 'vmmaker_vm'
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker_vm-complete
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker_vm-stamp/vmmaker_vm-done
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  9%] Built target vmmaker_vm
make  -f CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
cd /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build /cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/DependInfo.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/depend.internal".
Dependee "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake" is newer than depender "/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/depend.internal".
Scanning dependencies of target vmmaker
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make  -f CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
[  9%] Creating directories for 'vmmaker'
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/tmp
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E make_directory C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/vmmaker-mkdir
[ 10%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'vmmaker'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -P C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/download-vmmaker.cmake
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 1% complete]
-- [download 2% complete]
-- [download 3% complete]
-- [download 4% complete]
-- [download 5% complete]
-- [download 6% complete]
-- [download 7% complete]
-- [download 8% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 10% complete]
-- [download 11% complete]
-- [download 12% complete]
-- [download 13% complete]
-- [download 14% complete]
-- [download 15% complete]
-- [download 16% complete]
-- [download 17% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 19% complete]
-- [download 20% complete]
-- [download 21% complete]
-- [download 22% complete]
-- [download 23% complete]
-- [download 24% complete]
-- [download 25% complete]
-- [download 26% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 28% complete]
-- [download 29% complete]
-- [download 30% complete]
-- [download 31% complete]
-- [download 32% complete]
-- [download 33% complete]
-- [download 34% complete]
-- [download 35% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 38% complete]
-- [download 39% complete]
-- [download 40% complete]
-- [download 41% complete]
-- [download 42% complete]
-- [download 43% complete]
-- [download 44% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 47% complete]
-- [download 48% complete]
-- [download 49% complete]
-- [download 50% complete]
-- [download 51% complete]
-- [download 52% complete]
-- [download 53% complete]
-- [download 54% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 56% complete]
-- [download 57% complete]
-- [download 58% complete]
-- [download 59% complete]
-- [download 60% complete]
-- [download 61% complete]
-- [download 62% complete]
-- [download 63% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 65% complete]
-- [download 66% complete]
-- [download 67% complete]
-- [download 68% complete]
-- [download 69% complete]
-- [download 70% complete]
-- [download 71% complete]
-- [download 72% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 75% complete]
-- [download 76% complete]
-- [download 77% complete]
-- [download 78% complete]
-- [download 79% complete]
-- [download 80% complete]
-- [download 81% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 84% complete]
-- [download 85% complete]
-- [download 86% complete]
-- [download 87% complete]
-- [download 88% complete]
-- [download 89% complete]
-- [download 90% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 94% complete]
-- [download 95% complete]
-- [download 96% complete]
-- [download 97% complete]
-- [download 98% complete]
-- [download 99% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- verifying file...
-- Downloading... done
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -P C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/verify-vmmaker.cmake
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -P C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/extract-vmmaker.cmake
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/vmmaker-download
[ 11%] No patch step for 'vmmaker'
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
/usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/vmmaker-patch
[ 11%] No update step for 'vmmaker'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/vmmaker-update
[ 11%] No configure step for 'vmmaker'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E echo_append
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image && /usr/bin/cmake.exe -E touch C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/vmmaker-configure
[ 12%] Performing build step for 'vmmaker'
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image && C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm/PharoConsole.exe --headless C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image/Pharo11-SNAPSHOT-64bit-cf3d3fd.image --no-default-preferences save VMMaker
cd C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image && C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/vm/PharoConsole.exe --headless C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/image/VMMaker.image --no-default-preferences --save --quit C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository/scripts/ C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/repository httpsUrl
NewUndeclaredWarning: UndefinedObject>>DoIt (path is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: UndefinedObject>>DoIt (defaultRemoteType is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: UndefinedObject>>DoIt (defaultRemoteType is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: UndefinedObject>>DoIt (path is Undeclared)
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> BaselineOfVMMaker-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> BaselineOfVMMaker-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> BaselineOfVMMaker-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Loading baseline of BaselineOfVMMaker...
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> BaselineOfLLVMDisassembler-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> BaselineOfLLVMDisassembler-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> BaselineOfLLVMDisassembler-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> BaselineOfOpalSimdBytecode-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] ---[main]
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> BaselineOfOpalSimdBytecode-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] ---[main]
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> BaselineOfOpalSimdBytecode-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] ---[main]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> BaselineOfSmaCC-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> BaselineOfSmaCC-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> BaselineOfSmaCC-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> BaselineOfUnicorn-CompatibleUserName.1683726218 ---[unicorn2] ---[unicorn2]
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> BaselineOfUnicorn-CompatibleUserName.1683726218 ---[unicorn2] ---[unicorn2]
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> BaselineOfUnicorn-CompatibleUserName.1683726218 ---[unicorn2] ---[unicorn2]
MetacelloNotification: Project: SmaCC-GLR baseline
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> SmaCC-Runtime-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> SmaCC-GLR-Runtime-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> CAST-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Slang-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Slang-Tests-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Melchor-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Project: Unicorn baseline
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Unicorn-CompatibleUserName.1683726218 ---[unicorn2] ---[unicorn2]
MetacelloNotification: Project: LLVMDisassembler baseline
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> LLVMDisassembler-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> LLVMDisassembler-Tests-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] ---[master]
MetacelloNotification: Project: OpalSimdBytecode baseline
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Opal-Simd-Bytecode-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] ---[main]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Opal-Simd-Bytecode-Tests-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] ---[main]
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> VMMakerLoadingDependencies-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> Printf-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> VMMaker-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> VMMakerTests-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> VMMaker-Tools-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Fetched -> FileAttributesPlugin-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> SmaCC-Runtime-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] --- cache
NewUndeclaredWarning: SmaCCParser class>>parseFile: (FileStream is Undeclared)
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> SmaCC-Runtime-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> SmaCC-GLR-Runtime-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> SmaCC-GLR-Runtime-CompatibleUserName.1671020579 ---[master] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> CAST-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> CAST-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> Slang-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
NewUndeclaredWarning: CCodeGenerator>>cLiteralForPrintfString: (PrintfFormatString is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: TMethod>>emitCLocalsOn:generator: (locals is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: TMethod>>emitCLocalsOn:generator: (locals is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: TMethod>>emitCLocalsOn:generator: (usedVariablesCache is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: TMethod>>emitInlineOn:level:generator: (locals is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: TMethod>>emitInlineOn:level:generator: (locals is Undeclared)
SystemNotification: TMethod>>methodIsEffectivelyComplete:in:(selector is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TAssignmentNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TAssignmentNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TBraceCaseNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TBraceCaseNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TCaseStmtNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TCaseStmtNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TConstantNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TGoToNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TInlineNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TInlineNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TLabeledCommentNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TParseNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TParseNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TReturnNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TReturnNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TSendNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TSendNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TStatementListNode>>addReadBeforeAssignedIn:to:assignments:in:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TStatementListNode>>addReadBeforeAssignedIn:to:assignments:in:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TStatementListNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TStatementListNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TSwitchStmtNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TSwitchStmtNode>>nodesDo:parent:unless:(parent is shadowed)
SystemNotification: TVariableNode>>nodesDo:parent:(parent is shadowed)
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> Slang-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> Slang-Tests-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
NewUndeclaredWarning: SLTestDeclarations>>testStructInstanceVariablesWithoutTypeDeclaration (MockVMStructWithoutTypeDeclarations is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: SlangOptionTest>>setUp (MLVMCCodeGenerator is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: SlangBasicTranslationTest>>constantClass (VMBasicConstants is Undeclared)
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> Slang-Tests-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> Melchor-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
NewUndeclaredWarning: VMClass>>fprintf:format:arguments: (PrintfFormatString is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: MLLocalizationTestCase>>setUp (VMMakerConfiguration is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: VMPluginCodeGenerator>>sizeOfIntegralCType: (BytesPerWord is Undeclared)
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> Melchor-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Starting atomic load
NewUndeclaredWarning: UcARMRegisters class>>eflags (UC_ARM_REG_EFLAGS is Undeclared)
MetacelloNotification: 	Loaded -> Unicorn-CompatibleUserName.1683726218 ---[unicorn2] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Finished atomic load
MetacelloNotification: Starting atomic load
SystemNotification: LLVMDisassembler>>setOptions:(options is shadowed)
MetacelloNotification: 	Loaded -> LLVMDisassembler-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: 	Loaded -> LLVMDisassembler-Tests-CompatibleUserName.1679325863 ---[master] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Finished atomic load
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> Opal-Simd-Bytecode-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> Opal-Simd-Bytecode-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> Opal-Simd-Bytecode-Tests-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> Opal-Simd-Bytecode-Tests-CompatibleUserName.1671286971 ---[main] --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> VMMakerLoadingDependencies-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> VMMakerLoadingDependencies-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> Printf-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loaded -> Printf-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
MetacelloNotification: Loading -> VMMaker-tonel.1 --- tonel://C:\builds\workspace\pharo-vm_PR-602\repository\smalltalksrc --- cache
NewUndeclaredWarning: VMMakerConfiguration class>>generateSqueakSpurCogSista64VM (SistaCogit is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: VMMakerConfiguration class>>generateSqueakSpurCogSistaVM (SistaCogit is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: VMSpurImageToComposedImageMigrationProcess>>createSimulator (VMSimulatedEnvironmentBuilder is Undeclared)
SystemNotification: VMStackPageSurrogate>>addressIsInPage:(address is shadowed)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>compressStructSize (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>decompressStructSize (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>errorMgr2StructSize (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primImageHeight: (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primImageNumComponents: (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primImageWidth: (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGPluginIsPresent (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGReadHeader:fromByteArray:size:errorMgrReadHeader: (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGReadImagefromByteArrayonFormdoDitheringerrorMgrReadScanlines:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: JPEGReadWriter2Plugin>>primJPEGWriteImageonByteArrayformqualityprogressiveJPEGerrorMgrWriteScanlines:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_: (JPEGReadWriter2 is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: Cogit class>>initializeMiscConstants (UnicornProcessor is Undeclared)
NewUndeclaredWarning: StackToRegisterMappingCogit>>genPushEnclosingObjectAt: (ceEnclosingObjectTrampoline is Undeclared)
Aborted by
Sending interrupt signal to process
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/build.make:137: C:/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build/build/vmmaker/src/vmmaker-stamp/vmmaker-build] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:444: CMakeFiles/vmmaker.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/builds/workspace/pharo-vm_PR-602/build'
make: *** [Makefile:172: all] Error 2
script returned exit code 2
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch Windows-x86_64
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 126

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

Finished: ABORTED