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  1. Changing the order of command-line processing and PList in OSX (details)
  2. Fixing category of methods and adding a test to validate that all known methods are correctly identified as object accessors. (details)
  3. rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors (details)
  4. throw error with conflicting API methods (details)
  5. Adding parsing of image parameters from PList (details)
  6. error message (details)
  7. rename conflicting locals (details)
  8. remove unused method StackInterpreter>>findSelectorAndClassForMethod:lookupClass:do: (details)
  9. StackInterpreter>>#lookupMethodInClass: be robust when sending cannotInterpret: (details)
  10. VMLookUpTest add test related to robust `cannotInterpret:` send (details)
  11. Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set. (details)
  12. Use exit code 128+n. (details)
  13. (details)
  14. Pass cmake parameters to VM generator (details)
  15. Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration (details)
  16. Add option accessor (details)
  17. Image format validation (details)
  18. Avoid escaping of spaces (details)
  19. rename hardcoded C code (details)
  20. rename before inlinings (details)
  21. clean (details)
  22. A single API method is allowed (details)
  23. sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord (details)
  24. This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results. (details)
  25. - Removing unused variables (details)
  26. Linter rule (details)
  27. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
  28. declareC pragma + tests (details)
  29. Removing unused method (details)
  30. Removing references to removed method in C code (details)
  31. Removing unused instance and class variables (details)
  32. Removing unused variables (details)
  33. Fixing the declaration of variables (details)
  34. Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel (details)
  35. Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty: (details)
  36. test arguments (details)
  37. Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator. (details)
  38. Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side. (details)
  39. Add ephemeron tests with ephemeron list (details)
  40. Cleanup (details)
  41. Make stack printing more robust in absence of semaphore and mutex classes (details)
  42. Pass on assertions (details)
  43. Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations. (details)
  44. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
  45. Prepare release 10.0.6 (details)
  46. Move warnings to debug when loading plugins (details)
  47. Fixing release process (details)
  48. Fix check if image exits (details)
  49. Created new package CAST-Tests (details)
  50. Changing the order of the tests in the main branch (details)
  51. Disabling Docker builds (details)
  52. - Adding primitive to move all objects in old space to permSpace (details)
  53. - Adding shrinking of the rememberedSet (details)
  54. Moving the check if it is a hidden VM object only to the moveToPermSpaceAllOldObjects only (details)
  55. Add parentheses to r-value to correctly generate C code during complex inlining cases. For instance if the AST root is #at:, with a TSendNode(#+) as child, then we should generate: (details)
  56. Add a palette with the C code translation of any inspected CGLRAbstractNode. (details)
  57. Add an extension method to VMMaker-Tools to access a new tab with the C code translation of any inspected TParseNode. (details)
  58. Update (details)
  59. Add #isExpression to TAssignmentNode, TSendNode, TStatementListNode and TSwitchStmtNode, which redefines #asCASTExpressionIn: method. (details)
  60. Refactoring a bit (details)
  61. Remove unnecessary tests (details)
  62. Add a couple of small tests for the stack interpreter (details)
  63. Improving performance of the scavenger (details)
  64. - Moving the fake nullHeader to all memoryManagers (details)
  65. Fixing test, in the real world there is always a non accessible object in the perm space. (details)
  66. Make ephemeron scanning more optimal by firing many ephemerons in a single run (details)
  67. Prepare release 10.0.7 (details)
  68. Set the null terminator in the targetFile buffer (details)
  69. Added tests for the new primitiveNewOldSpace (details)
  70. First implementation of the primitiveNewOldSpace and primitiveNewWithArgOldSpace (details)
  71. Refactores newOldSpace primitive (details)
  72. Refactoring primitive new old space with args (details)
  73. Added primitives to the primitive table (details)
  74. Updated image version (details)
  75. Undo changes (details)
  76. Removed space - make the CI run again (details)
  77. Recovering the behaviour of internalExecuteMethod (details)
  78. Never compile methods upon activation (details)
  79. Never compile during activation (details)
  80. Eagerly compile direct method executions (details)
  81. Do not eagerly compile when invoking from the interpreter (details)
  82. Fix stack interpreter (details)
  83. Prepare release 10.0.8 (details)
  84. Preparing for release v10.0.9 (details)
  85. Fixing undefined behaviors that Clang 15 removes (details)
Commit cde841fe74014fc333c540ed8ce38c8f75037608 by tesonep
Changing the order of command-line processing and PList in OSX
The file was modified src/parameters/parameters.c (diff)
Commit 9ca8e89554c04e7207ce9a2de7807c1fd5a45bfb by tesonep
Fixing category of methods and adding a test to validate that all known methods are correctly identified as object accessors.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit a830705e7f7f96d594f51a85e8c282053b4405d5 by ivojawerbaum
rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 7c28f4edb380a58244af5327f942ec28cb49bdde by ivojawerbaum
throw error with conflicting API methods
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 27255c9c0c433008c36c9bda7c9a7788dad7dedc by tesonep
Adding parsing of image parameters from PList
The file was modified src/parameters/parameters.m (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit f10621b35a497364fcf2241de7ef40be104f3f68 by ivojawerbaum
rename conflicting locals
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit d5ed18930474a1a5a97a33d20381c73dbdc89665 by jean
remove unused method StackInterpreter>>findSelectorAndClassForMethod:lookupClass:do:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 4ddc6fb0528344ed5a145e38169c9e8b23ceffa2 by jean
StackInterpreter>>#lookupMethodInClass: be robust when sending cannotInterpret:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit ae731201f9636c7d28754aa73d5f696ebb441b3d by jean
VMLookUpTest add test related to robust `cannotInterpret:` send
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit 0a2f8a5b132b2f978b149b1c5d2e6c8bc5490e73 by tesonep
Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 8f7985d4a7b564c38071b042838c7b4bfbe25efd by jonathan
Use exit code 128+n.
Fixes #643
The file was modified src/debugUnix.c (diff)
Commit cc3bab9627e5e89480dac7e12a88dee25134a615 by santiagobragagnolo

RBMethod's compilationContext variable do not offer getClass anymore.
We modify the senders of ``compilationContext getClass`` by ``self methodClass. ``
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
Commit ef56dded5709517f9a4ff0d37077123744c960a7 by guillermopolito
Pass cmake parameters to VM generator
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 03b0b6bd11278d36b4d02f53c3bd3fcac8de3bd6 by guillermopolito
Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 519117eaf20b17e1bb008b92d24833f8490a62c3 by ivojawerbaum
rename hardcoded C code
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit d22631c041d8196c29e724ff5ed114cb25a8c6c0 by ivojawerbaum
rename before inlinings
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 6f86481027dc752d748fa9e88bf6aa5353e1fab1 by ivojawerbaum
A single API method is allowed
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 9f10e99949e0da1f31026f5115e03c4e2cb776b3 by hernan.morales
sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Melchor/ (diff)
Commit c4dacc68dfe09c5ceb834a554fa08e71f9231167 by hernan.morales
This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results.
It also add a missing method #plusPlusToken: which was called when testing an expression like a++.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit 7c33c35d203465abae873e9ef16f960db684c515 by tesonep
- Removing unused variables
- Removing some display functions that are not used anymore
- Removing desiredDisplayExtent
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Commit b35c15e4ae474595bf6ecb4fcfdef6202625f63f by github
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 5e5bb2df45440dd469814d572ac9796fdcdf9b86 by ivojawerbaum
declareC pragma + tests
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit 2bd99e84d71ac832a35428d3c88bfe43dabaa180 by tesonep
Removing unused method
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 916d86063e7f1fcd35a985f5c40b05803276b6cd by tesonep
Removing references to removed method in C code
The file was modified extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (diff)
The file was modified extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltPlugin.c (diff)
Commit 4838aaa2aee98f71e2c610777662a70958b44eed by tesonep
Removing unused instance and class variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit fe43b0dc3ac345820142e0a1076e32b3e9fa523f by tesonep
Removing unused variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 913dfbb484479037d56bf3d78b71b24cac496949 by tesonep
Fixing the declaration of variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 74d318c16c95c34c338435d8ad30f3a98598d357 by hernan.morales
Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit db0abbc396472a33885d15cdc32f1606d244ae15 by hernan.morales
Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit cdcfdd552de03acff4b0dcc095121b84b3a19693 by hernan.morales
Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 4bf42826a59e192c085658b428521f9542903644 by hernan.morales
Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side.
Add a fix (thanks to Guille) which correctly generates the C AST expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit a8c3f6b2fe49e166dd163cc159db2b7a208e27a7 by guillermopolito
Add ephemeron tests with ephemeron list
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 842320fb5f90037332d66e25a7f9f3d22dd258cf by guillermopolito
Make stack printing more robust in absence of semaphore and mutex classes
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit dbf41498c5b6a5ea0a24ff6205566202325040b4 by hernan.morales
Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations.
Simplify test cases using getTMethod: by automatically preparing the method.
Removed test cases where invalid C were generated.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 029a3009f547f96de1363c42b1aae5a5e35cd150 by nahuel.palumbo
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 790761a21cf12b3b52de025c56493d8177f8ce3a by github
Prepare release 10.0.6
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit aef1f3ce931203420d01e7ecd03b09ad7ad9c1f6 by guillermopolito
Move warnings to debug when loading plugins
The file was modified src/externalPrimitives.c (diff)
Commit 8ba7eb50bd2d4cdb09606acdc41ee736fc2f8981 by tesonep
Fixing release process
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 53d28be2c866cfd834781c6f04cc1b255f6e9107 by tesonep
Fix check if image exits
The file was modified src/client.c (diff)
Commit 30e242792f5a256db6afb17b30bf9ac886577fcc by hernan.morales
Created new package CAST-Tests
Update Baseline with new package CAST-Tests
The file was removedsmalltalksrc/CAST/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/CAST-Tests/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/CAST-Tests/
The file was removedsmalltalksrc/CAST/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/BaselineOfVMMaker/ (diff)
The file was removedsmalltalksrc/CAST/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/CAST-Tests/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/CAST-Tests/
Commit a2b6ff7bc8aaa5f923b730652bd311bf785a8f7f by tesonep
Changing the order of the tests in the main branch
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit b67609b953ba847c1c2f1e9c857fd22ed48ce566 by tesonep
Disabling Docker builds
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 525e42201e2b563146a696d1c0c0bab151621972 by tesonep
- Adding primitive to move all objects in old space to permSpace
- Adding Inspector for OldSpace only
- Fixing description of objects
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit cdec7b5f440263ea83465ab2dd789a303e85ad68 by tesonep
- Adding shrinking of the rememberedSet
- The triggering of an scavenge is only done when it is grown.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 5686845aa5a6bd0e161be1cab5123523225eaeb7 by tesonep
Moving the check if it is a hidden VM object only to the moveToPermSpaceAllOldObjects only
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 24ff9e1e57fa107ef30ccf0561605fdb2cc2f935 by hernan.morales
Add parentheses to r-value to correctly generate C code during complex inlining cases. For instance if the AST root is #at:, with a TSendNode(#+) as child, then we should generate: 

pTo1[i] = (pFrom + anInteger)[i];

instead of the (incorrect):

pTo1[i] = pFrom + anInteger[i];

Fix the test case.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit a9576b365dfefc8b146b605942acfd3f43156ebb by hernan.morales
Add a palette with the C code translation of any inspected CGLRAbstractNode.
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/
Commit f7bbbcafb9018c4cf403014056ca9b14c7e20cab by hernan.morales
Add an extension method to VMMaker-Tools to access a new tab with the C code translation of any inspected TParseNode.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/ (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 8dd3c035a1a042b47a91280fcb9aabf11f03cfb6 by hernan.morales
Add #isExpression to TAssignmentNode, TSendNode, TStatementListNode and TSwitchStmtNode, which redefines #asCASTExpressionIn: method.
Add #isExpression to TParseNode which answers false.
Add another palette which also display the C-AST in addition to the C-AST Expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 5a351357ac1249c5e5d3cc93e1cee82e1fd9f6a5 by hernan.morales
Refactoring a bit
Add tests
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit e41ee03a326e1f788c6ac9c0824308b39fcfa286 by hernan.morales
Remove unnecessary tests
Add conditional inspection tabs
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 2965c144f5d95deeca03148f572b12e88778ec53 by hernan.morales
Add a couple of small tests for the stack interpreter
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit 520f38d081bb0643ddf86b544f48fbbe8c7e1855 by tesonep
Improving performance of the scavenger
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 46aa0620655c73e6e2652428d2199f46452d860b by tesonep
- Moving the fake nullHeader to all memoryManagers
- When checking if a perm object points to a new or old object, I have to discard the machine code objects
- Writing a better test
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 628222a130f6be70b07db54dd3a9ef226db4d52f by tesonep
Fixing test, in the real world there is always a non accessible object in the perm space.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 27556c3cca4a316249fd50504a4bccc470893d48 by guillermopolito
Make ephemeron scanning more optimal by firing many ephemerons in a single run
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit 95c3f348cf67bfdc9afbe58ea7eaa34e5716d6a1 by github
Prepare release 10.0.7
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 28b81b1dd2c9896ed078bb21427f62c47822bb6c by alistairgrant
Set the null terminator in the targetFile buffer
The file was modified extracted/plugins/FileAttributesPlugin/src/unix/faSupport.c (diff)
Commit 2fd313f2816e452b2fe557f381fe91def6c778ac by sebastianjmt
Added tests for the new primitiveNewOldSpace
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit b335adf078b18289bfbe68eef67f69d201a70278 by sebastianjmt
First implementation of the primitiveNewOldSpace and primitiveNewWithArgOldSpace
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 4639c8304c0ef18e892f6c3d03fa71b51b18d2df by sebastianjmt
Refactores newOldSpace primitive
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 2746e5283f9a88951461c4bb26362739cb36707f by sebastianjmt
Refactoring primitive new old space with args
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit e48a046e517cac751519efcc8f740226c2d35eb7 by sebastianjmt
Added primitives to the primitive table
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit b63731c44db9f89a65b1ab505813281aded4fdc4 by sebastianjmt
Removed space - make the CI run again
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit dc71f7607878b197a6fd6be40c7f7a4bab682fa6 by tesonep
Recovering the behaviour of internalExecuteMethod
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit c091c12c5716400bac7ca46e34d1a780224d3736 by guillermopolito
Never compile methods upon activation
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 1e786c09be6a805cde12c71b3225488fe3944532 by guillermopolito
Never compile during activation
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit cd65df03d4adf1737fb2723ddabd4e5dfa2f05a2 by guillermopolito
Eagerly compile direct method executions
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit aaec6ed92e7babee7780e572dd19372e12bf1a6d by guillermopolito
Do not eagerly compile when invoking from the interpreter
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 9f02e63f95ce96c9512351a4235b8e0da7ab0b18 by github
Prepare release 10.0.8
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 6df8b9e40b639c46b731baf90bfda0822fe6ca71 by tesonep
Preparing for release v10.0.9
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 54da7fca575c6e594704cd2e88de6e17503256fb by tesonep
Fixing undefined behaviors that Clang 15 removes
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)