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  1. rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors (details)
  2. throw error with conflicting API methods (details)
  3. error message (details)
  4. rename conflicting locals (details)
  5. Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set. (details)
  6. Pass cmake parameters to VM generator (details)
  7. Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration (details)
  8. Add option accessor (details)
  9. Image format validation (details)
  10. Avoid escaping of spaces (details)
  11. rename hardcoded C code (details)
  12. rename before inlinings (details)
  13. clean (details)
  14. A single API method is allowed (details)
  15. sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord (details)
  16. This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results. (details)
  17. - Removing unused variables (details)
  18. Linter rule (details)
  19. declareC pragma + tests (details)
  20. Removing unused method (details)
  21. Removing references to removed method in C code (details)
  22. Removing unused instance and class variables (details)
  23. Removing unused variables (details)
  24. Fixing the declaration of variables (details)
  25. Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel (details)
  26. Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty: (details)
  27. test arguments (details)
  28. Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator. (details)
  29. Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side. (details)
  30. Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations. (details)
  31. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
Commit a830705e7f7f96d594f51a85e8c282053b4405d5 by ivojawerbaum
rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 7c28f4edb380a58244af5327f942ec28cb49bdde by ivojawerbaum
throw error with conflicting API methods
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit f10621b35a497364fcf2241de7ef40be104f3f68 by ivojawerbaum
rename conflicting locals
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 0a2f8a5b132b2f978b149b1c5d2e6c8bc5490e73 by tesonep
Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit ef56dded5709517f9a4ff0d37077123744c960a7 by guillermopolito
Pass cmake parameters to VM generator
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 03b0b6bd11278d36b4d02f53c3bd3fcac8de3bd6 by guillermopolito
Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 519117eaf20b17e1bb008b92d24833f8490a62c3 by ivojawerbaum
rename hardcoded C code
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit d22631c041d8196c29e724ff5ed114cb25a8c6c0 by ivojawerbaum
rename before inlinings
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 6f86481027dc752d748fa9e88bf6aa5353e1fab1 by ivojawerbaum
A single API method is allowed
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 9f10e99949e0da1f31026f5115e03c4e2cb776b3 by hernan.morales
sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Melchor/ (diff)
Commit c4dacc68dfe09c5ceb834a554fa08e71f9231167 by hernan.morales
This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results.
It also add a missing method #plusPlusToken: which was called when testing an expression like a++.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit 7c33c35d203465abae873e9ef16f960db684c515 by tesonep
- Removing unused variables
- Removing some display functions that are not used anymore
- Removing desiredDisplayExtent
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Commit 5e5bb2df45440dd469814d572ac9796fdcdf9b86 by ivojawerbaum
declareC pragma + tests
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 2bd99e84d71ac832a35428d3c88bfe43dabaa180 by tesonep
Removing unused method
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 916d86063e7f1fcd35a985f5c40b05803276b6cd by tesonep
Removing references to removed method in C code
The file was modified extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (diff)
The file was modified extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltPlugin.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (diff)
Commit 4838aaa2aee98f71e2c610777662a70958b44eed by tesonep
Removing unused instance and class variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit fe43b0dc3ac345820142e0a1076e32b3e9fa523f by tesonep
Removing unused variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 913dfbb484479037d56bf3d78b71b24cac496949 by tesonep
Fixing the declaration of variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 74d318c16c95c34c338435d8ad30f3a98598d357 by hernan.morales
Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit db0abbc396472a33885d15cdc32f1606d244ae15 by hernan.morales
Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit cdcfdd552de03acff4b0dcc095121b84b3a19693 by hernan.morales
Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 4bf42826a59e192c085658b428521f9542903644 by hernan.morales
Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side.
Add a fix (thanks to Guille) which correctly generates the C AST expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit dbf41498c5b6a5ea0a24ff6205566202325040b4 by hernan.morales
Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations.
Simplify test cases using getTMethod: by automatically preparing the method.
Removed test cases where invalid C were generated.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 029a3009f547f96de1363c42b1aae5a5e35cd150 by nahuel.palumbo
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors (details)
  2. throw error with conflicting API methods (details)
  3. error message (details)
  4. rename conflicting locals (details)
  5. Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set. (details)
  6. Pass cmake parameters to VM generator (details)
  7. Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration (details)
  8. Add option accessor (details)
  9. Image format validation (details)
  10. Avoid escaping of spaces (details)
  11. rename hardcoded C code (details)
  12. rename before inlinings (details)
  13. clean (details)
  14. A single API method is allowed (details)
  15. sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord (details)
  16. This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results. (details)
  17. - Removing unused variables (details)
  18. Linter rule (details)
  19. declareC pragma + tests (details)
  20. Removing unused method (details)
  21. Removing references to removed method in C code (details)
  22. Removing unused instance and class variables (details)
  23. Removing unused variables (details)
  24. Fixing the declaration of variables (details)
  25. Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel (details)
  26. Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty: (details)
  27. test arguments (details)
  28. Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator. (details)
  29. Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side. (details)
  30. Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations. (details)
  31. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
Commit a830705e7f7f96d594f51a85e8c282053b4405d5 by ivojawerbaum
rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 7c28f4edb380a58244af5327f942ec28cb49bdde by ivojawerbaum
throw error with conflicting API methods
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit f10621b35a497364fcf2241de7ef40be104f3f68 by ivojawerbaum
rename conflicting locals
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 0a2f8a5b132b2f978b149b1c5d2e6c8bc5490e73 by tesonep
Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit ef56dded5709517f9a4ff0d37077123744c960a7 by guillermopolito
Pass cmake parameters to VM generator
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 03b0b6bd11278d36b4d02f53c3bd3fcac8de3bd6 by guillermopolito
Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 519117eaf20b17e1bb008b92d24833f8490a62c3 by ivojawerbaum
rename hardcoded C code
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit d22631c041d8196c29e724ff5ed114cb25a8c6c0 by ivojawerbaum
rename before inlinings
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 6f86481027dc752d748fa9e88bf6aa5353e1fab1 by ivojawerbaum
A single API method is allowed
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 9f10e99949e0da1f31026f5115e03c4e2cb776b3 by hernan.morales
sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Melchor/ (diff)
Commit c4dacc68dfe09c5ceb834a554fa08e71f9231167 by hernan.morales
This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results.
It also add a missing method #plusPlusToken: which was called when testing an expression like a++.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit 7c33c35d203465abae873e9ef16f960db684c515 by tesonep
- Removing unused variables
- Removing some display functions that are not used anymore
- Removing desiredDisplayExtent
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Commit 5e5bb2df45440dd469814d572ac9796fdcdf9b86 by ivojawerbaum
declareC pragma + tests
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit 2bd99e84d71ac832a35428d3c88bfe43dabaa180 by tesonep
Removing unused method
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 916d86063e7f1fcd35a985f5c40b05803276b6cd by tesonep
Removing references to removed method in C code
The file was modified extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (diff)
The file was modified extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltPlugin.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (diff)
Commit 4838aaa2aee98f71e2c610777662a70958b44eed by tesonep
Removing unused instance and class variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit fe43b0dc3ac345820142e0a1076e32b3e9fa523f by tesonep
Removing unused variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 913dfbb484479037d56bf3d78b71b24cac496949 by tesonep
Fixing the declaration of variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 74d318c16c95c34c338435d8ad30f3a98598d357 by hernan.morales
Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit db0abbc396472a33885d15cdc32f1606d244ae15 by hernan.morales
Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit cdcfdd552de03acff4b0dcc095121b84b3a19693 by hernan.morales
Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 4bf42826a59e192c085658b428521f9542903644 by hernan.morales
Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side.
Add a fix (thanks to Guille) which correctly generates the C AST expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit dbf41498c5b6a5ea0a24ff6205566202325040b4 by hernan.morales
Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations.
Simplify test cases using getTMethod: by automatically preparing the method.
Removed test cases where invalid C were generated.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 029a3009f547f96de1363c42b1aae5a5e35cd150 by nahuel.palumbo
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors (details)
  2. throw error with conflicting API methods (details)
  3. error message (details)
  4. rename conflicting locals (details)
  5. Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set. (details)
  6. Pass cmake parameters to VM generator (details)
  7. Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration (details)
  8. Add option accessor (details)
  9. Image format validation (details)
  10. Avoid escaping of spaces (details)
  11. rename hardcoded C code (details)
  12. rename before inlinings (details)
  13. clean (details)
  14. A single API method is allowed (details)
  15. sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord (details)
  16. This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results. (details)
  17. - Removing unused variables (details)
  18. Linter rule (details)
  19. declareC pragma + tests (details)
  20. Removing unused method (details)
  21. Removing references to removed method in C code (details)
  22. Removing unused instance and class variables (details)
  23. Removing unused variables (details)
  24. Fixing the declaration of variables (details)
  25. Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel (details)
  26. Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty: (details)
  27. test arguments (details)
  28. Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator. (details)
  29. Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side. (details)
  30. Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations. (details)
  31. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
Commit a830705e7f7f96d594f51a85e8c282053b4405d5 by ivojawerbaum
rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 7c28f4edb380a58244af5327f942ec28cb49bdde by ivojawerbaum
throw error with conflicting API methods
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit f10621b35a497364fcf2241de7ef40be104f3f68 by ivojawerbaum
rename conflicting locals
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 0a2f8a5b132b2f978b149b1c5d2e6c8bc5490e73 by tesonep
Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit ef56dded5709517f9a4ff0d37077123744c960a7 by guillermopolito
Pass cmake parameters to VM generator
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 03b0b6bd11278d36b4d02f53c3bd3fcac8de3bd6 by guillermopolito
Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 519117eaf20b17e1bb008b92d24833f8490a62c3 by ivojawerbaum
rename hardcoded C code
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit d22631c041d8196c29e724ff5ed114cb25a8c6c0 by ivojawerbaum
rename before inlinings
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 6f86481027dc752d748fa9e88bf6aa5353e1fab1 by ivojawerbaum
A single API method is allowed
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 9f10e99949e0da1f31026f5115e03c4e2cb776b3 by hernan.morales
sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Melchor/ (diff)
Commit c4dacc68dfe09c5ceb834a554fa08e71f9231167 by hernan.morales
This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results.
It also add a missing method #plusPlusToken: which was called when testing an expression like a++.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit 7c33c35d203465abae873e9ef16f960db684c515 by tesonep
- Removing unused variables
- Removing some display functions that are not used anymore
- Removing desiredDisplayExtent
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Commit 5e5bb2df45440dd469814d572ac9796fdcdf9b86 by ivojawerbaum
declareC pragma + tests
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit 2bd99e84d71ac832a35428d3c88bfe43dabaa180 by tesonep
Removing unused method
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 916d86063e7f1fcd35a985f5c40b05803276b6cd by tesonep
Removing references to removed method in C code
The file was modified extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (diff)
The file was modified extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltPlugin.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (diff)
Commit 4838aaa2aee98f71e2c610777662a70958b44eed by tesonep
Removing unused instance and class variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit fe43b0dc3ac345820142e0a1076e32b3e9fa523f by tesonep
Removing unused variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 913dfbb484479037d56bf3d78b71b24cac496949 by tesonep
Fixing the declaration of variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 74d318c16c95c34c338435d8ad30f3a98598d357 by hernan.morales
Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit db0abbc396472a33885d15cdc32f1606d244ae15 by hernan.morales
Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit cdcfdd552de03acff4b0dcc095121b84b3a19693 by hernan.morales
Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 4bf42826a59e192c085658b428521f9542903644 by hernan.morales
Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side.
Add a fix (thanks to Guille) which correctly generates the C AST expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit dbf41498c5b6a5ea0a24ff6205566202325040b4 by hernan.morales
Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations.
Simplify test cases using getTMethod: by automatically preparing the method.
Removed test cases where invalid C were generated.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 029a3009f547f96de1363c42b1aae5a5e35cd150 by nahuel.palumbo
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors (details)
  2. throw error with conflicting API methods (details)
  3. error message (details)
  4. rename conflicting locals (details)
  5. Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set. (details)
  6. Pass cmake parameters to VM generator (details)
  7. Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration (details)
  8. Add option accessor (details)
  9. Image format validation (details)
  10. Avoid escaping of spaces (details)
  11. rename hardcoded C code (details)
  12. rename before inlinings (details)
  13. clean (details)
  14. A single API method is allowed (details)
  15. sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord (details)
  16. This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results. (details)
  17. - Removing unused variables (details)
  18. Linter rule (details)
  19. declareC pragma + tests (details)
  20. Removing unused method (details)
  21. Removing references to removed method in C code (details)
  22. Removing unused instance and class variables (details)
  23. Removing unused variables (details)
  24. Fixing the declaration of variables (details)
  25. Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel (details)
  26. Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty: (details)
  27. test arguments (details)
  28. Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator. (details)
  29. Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side. (details)
  30. Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations. (details)
  31. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
Commit a830705e7f7f96d594f51a85e8c282053b4405d5 by ivojawerbaum
rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 7c28f4edb380a58244af5327f942ec28cb49bdde by ivojawerbaum
throw error with conflicting API methods
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit f10621b35a497364fcf2241de7ef40be104f3f68 by ivojawerbaum
rename conflicting locals
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 0a2f8a5b132b2f978b149b1c5d2e6c8bc5490e73 by tesonep
Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit ef56dded5709517f9a4ff0d37077123744c960a7 by guillermopolito
Pass cmake parameters to VM generator
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 03b0b6bd11278d36b4d02f53c3bd3fcac8de3bd6 by guillermopolito
Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 519117eaf20b17e1bb008b92d24833f8490a62c3 by ivojawerbaum
rename hardcoded C code
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit d22631c041d8196c29e724ff5ed114cb25a8c6c0 by ivojawerbaum
rename before inlinings
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 6f86481027dc752d748fa9e88bf6aa5353e1fab1 by ivojawerbaum
A single API method is allowed
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 9f10e99949e0da1f31026f5115e03c4e2cb776b3 by hernan.morales
sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Melchor/ (diff)
Commit c4dacc68dfe09c5ceb834a554fa08e71f9231167 by hernan.morales
This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results.
It also add a missing method #plusPlusToken: which was called when testing an expression like a++.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit 7c33c35d203465abae873e9ef16f960db684c515 by tesonep
- Removing unused variables
- Removing some display functions that are not used anymore
- Removing desiredDisplayExtent
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Commit 5e5bb2df45440dd469814d572ac9796fdcdf9b86 by ivojawerbaum
declareC pragma + tests
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit 2bd99e84d71ac832a35428d3c88bfe43dabaa180 by tesonep
Removing unused method
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 916d86063e7f1fcd35a985f5c40b05803276b6cd by tesonep
Removing references to removed method in C code
The file was modified extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltPlugin.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (diff)
Commit 4838aaa2aee98f71e2c610777662a70958b44eed by tesonep
Removing unused instance and class variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit fe43b0dc3ac345820142e0a1076e32b3e9fa523f by tesonep
Removing unused variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 913dfbb484479037d56bf3d78b71b24cac496949 by tesonep
Fixing the declaration of variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 74d318c16c95c34c338435d8ad30f3a98598d357 by hernan.morales
Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit db0abbc396472a33885d15cdc32f1606d244ae15 by hernan.morales
Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit cdcfdd552de03acff4b0dcc095121b84b3a19693 by hernan.morales
Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 4bf42826a59e192c085658b428521f9542903644 by hernan.morales
Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side.
Add a fix (thanks to Guille) which correctly generates the C AST expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit dbf41498c5b6a5ea0a24ff6205566202325040b4 by hernan.morales
Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations.
Simplify test cases using getTMethod: by automatically preparing the method.
Removed test cases where invalid C were generated.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 029a3009f547f96de1363c42b1aae5a5e35cd150 by nahuel.palumbo
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)


  1. rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors (details)
  2. throw error with conflicting API methods (details)
  3. error message (details)
  4. rename conflicting locals (details)
  5. Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set. (details)
  6. Pass cmake parameters to VM generator (details)
  7. Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration (details)
  8. Add option accessor (details)
  9. Image format validation (details)
  10. Avoid escaping of spaces (details)
  11. rename hardcoded C code (details)
  12. rename before inlinings (details)
  13. clean (details)
  14. A single API method is allowed (details)
  15. sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord (details)
  16. This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results. (details)
  17. - Removing unused variables (details)
  18. Linter rule (details)
  19. declareC pragma + tests (details)
  20. Removing unused method (details)
  21. Removing references to removed method in C code (details)
  22. Removing unused instance and class variables (details)
  23. Removing unused variables (details)
  24. Fixing the declaration of variables (details)
  25. Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel (details)
  26. Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty: (details)
  27. test arguments (details)
  28. Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator. (details)
  29. Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side. (details)
  30. Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations. (details)
  31. Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building (details)
Commit a830705e7f7f96d594f51a85e8c282053b4405d5 by ivojawerbaum
rename selectors when the conflict with other selectors
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 7c28f4edb380a58244af5327f942ec28cb49bdde by ivojawerbaum
throw error with conflicting API methods
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit f10621b35a497364fcf2241de7ef40be104f3f68 by ivojawerbaum
rename conflicting locals
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 0a2f8a5b132b2f978b149b1c5d2e6c8bc5490e73 by tesonep
Adding check to fix when the image is open with an older VM that corrupts the remembered set.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit ef56dded5709517f9a4ff0d37077123744c960a7 by guillermopolito
Pass cmake parameters to VM generator
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 03b0b6bd11278d36b4d02f53c3bd3fcac8de3bd6 by guillermopolito
Pass options as argument to allow more flexible configuration
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerCompatibilityForPharo6/ (diff)
The file was modified cmake/vmmaker.cmake (diff)
Commit 519117eaf20b17e1bb008b92d24833f8490a62c3 by ivojawerbaum
rename hardcoded C code
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit d22631c041d8196c29e724ff5ed114cb25a8c6c0 by ivojawerbaum
rename before inlinings
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 6f86481027dc752d748fa9e88bf6aa5353e1fab1 by ivojawerbaum
A single API method is allowed
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit 9f10e99949e0da1f31026f5115e03c4e2cb776b3 by hernan.morales
sizeOfIntegralCType: bytesPerWord
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Melchor/ (diff)
Commit c4dacc68dfe09c5ceb834a554fa08e71f9231167 by hernan.morales
This PR provides multiple fixes to failing CAST tests, due to changes in the SmaCC parse results.
It also add a missing method #plusPlusToken: which was called when testing an expression like a++.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit 7c33c35d203465abae873e9ef16f960db684c515 by tesonep
- Removing unused variables
- Removing some display functions that are not used anymore
- Removing desiredDisplayExtent
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Commit 5e5bb2df45440dd469814d572ac9796fdcdf9b86 by ivojawerbaum
declareC pragma + tests
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was addedsmalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/
Commit 2bd99e84d71ac832a35428d3c88bfe43dabaa180 by tesonep
Removing unused method
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 916d86063e7f1fcd35a985f5c40b05803276b6cd by tesonep
Removing references to removed method in C code
The file was modified extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltPlugin.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (diff)
The file was modified extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (diff)
Commit 4838aaa2aee98f71e2c610777662a70958b44eed by tesonep
Removing unused instance and class variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit fe43b0dc3ac345820142e0a1076e32b3e9fa523f by tesonep
Removing unused variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 913dfbb484479037d56bf3d78b71b24cac496949 by tesonep
Fixing the declaration of variables
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
Commit 74d318c16c95c34c338435d8ad30f3a98598d357 by hernan.morales
Refactored to #assertIntDeclaration: as suggested by Nahuel
The file was modified smalltalksrc/CAST/ (diff)
Commit db0abbc396472a33885d15cdc32f1606d244ae15 by hernan.morales
Revert initializeRememberedSetShouldStartEmpty:
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMaker/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/VMMakerTests/ (diff)
Commit cdcfdd552de03acff4b0dcc095121b84b3a19693 by hernan.morales
Add tests for an incorrectly case of generated inlined C code from the CCodeGenerator.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 4bf42826a59e192c085658b428521f9542903644 by hernan.morales
Add a C code generator test for inlinings which has a shift right in the left side.
Add a fix (thanks to Guille) which correctly generates the C AST expression.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang/ (diff)
Commit dbf41498c5b6a5ea0a24ff6205566202325040b4 by hernan.morales
Changed tests as suggested to check Slang methods annotated with types, either using built-in and without built-in C operations.
Simplify test cases using getTMethod: by automatically preparing the method.
Removed test cases where invalid C were generated.
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 029a3009f547f96de1363c42b1aae5a5e35cd150 by nahuel.palumbo
Update Jenkins to use Pharo 110 for building

I'm trying to fix the CI :)
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)