Skip to content
Start of Pipeline - (2 hr 32 min in block)
node - (2 hr 32 min in block)pipeline
node block - (1 hr 19 min in block)
withEnv - (1 hr 19 min in block)SIMGRID_PATH
withEnv block - (1 hr 19 min in block)
stage - (1 hr 19 min in block)Proxy-Apps
stage block (Proxy-Apps) - (1 hr 19 min in block)
ircNotify - (31 ms in self)true
git - (1.2 sec in self)
findFiles - (95 ms in self)
readFile - (0.11 sec in self)
readFile - (0.12 sec in self)
readFile - (0.33 sec in self)
readFile - (0.15 sec in self)
readFile - (0.17 sec in self)
readFile - (0.29 sec in self)
parallel - (1 hr 19 min in block)
parallel block (Branch: - (7 ms in block)
node - (22 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (26 sec in block)
stage - (5.2 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (5.2 sec in block)
timestamps - (5.1 sec in block)
timestamps block - (5.1 sec in block)
git - (1.3 sec in self)
sh - (3.4 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.29 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (20 sec in block)
stage block ( - (20 sec in block)
timestamps - (20 sec in block)
timestamps block - (20 sec in block)
readFile - (36 ms in self)
stage - (6.9 sec in block)Test CodeVault_PreExec
stage block (Test CodeVault_PreExec) - (6.8 sec in block)
sh - (6.8 sec in self)bin/
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (19 ms in self)
stage - (3.2 sec in block)Test CodeVault_read2shmem
stage block (Test CodeVault_read2shmem) - (3.1 sec in block)
sh - (2.8 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "CodeVault_read2shmem" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"CodeVault_read2shmem".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (3.9 sec in block)Test CodeVault_parallelio
stage block (Test CodeVault_parallelio) - (3.9 sec in block)
sh - (3.5 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "CodeVault_parallelio" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"CodeVault_parallelio".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (2.5 sec in block)Test CodeVault_MCM
stage block (Test CodeVault_MCM) - (2.5 sec in block)
sh - (2.2 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "CodeVault_MCM" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"CodeVault_MCM".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (15 ms in self)
stage - (3.9 sec in block)Test CodeVault_DynSparse
stage block (Test CodeVault_DynSparse) - (3.8 sec in block)
sh - (3.5 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "CodeVault_DynSparse" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"CodeVault_DynSparse".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (0.13 sec in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.32 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.31 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (24 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (1 min 56 sec in block)
stage - (1.6 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.5 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.5 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.5 sec in block)
git - (0.3 sec in self)
sh - (0.88 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.3 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (1 min 54 sec in block)
stage block ( - (1 min 54 sec in block)
timestamps - (1 min 54 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1 min 54 sec in block)
readFile - (38 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (56 sec in block)Test Coral_UMT2013
stage block (Test Coral_UMT2013) - (56 sec in block)
sh - (56 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Coral_UMT2013" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Coral_UMT2013".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (10 sec in block)Test Coral_Lulesh
stage block (Test Coral_Lulesh) - (10 sec in block)
sh - (10 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Coral_Lulesh" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Coral_Lulesh".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (33 ms in self)
stage - (3.1 sec in block)Test Coral_KMI_HASH
stage block (Test Coral_KMI_HASH) - (3.1 sec in block)
sh - (2.8 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Coral_KMI_HASH" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Coral_KMI_HASH".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (15 ms in self)
stage - (12 sec in block)Test Coral_IOR
stage block (Test Coral_IOR) - (12 sec in block)
sh - (12 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Coral_IOR" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.32 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Coral_IOR".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (23 ms in self)
stage - (3.3 sec in block)Test Coral_HACC_IO
stage block (Test Coral_HACC_IO) - (3.2 sec in block)
sh - (2.8 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Coral_HACC_IO" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.34 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Coral_HACC_IO".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (52 ms in self)
stage - (27 sec in block)Test Coral_AMG2013
stage block (Test Coral_AMG2013) - (27 sec in block)
sh - (26 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Coral_AMG2013" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Coral_AMG2013".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (51 ms in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.3 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (30 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (6 min 14 sec in block)
stage - (1.7 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.6 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.6 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.6 sec in block)
git - (0.4 sec in self)
sh - (0.89 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.29 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (6 min 12 sec in block)
stage block ( - (6 min 12 sec in block)
timestamps - (6 min 11 sec in block)
timestamps block - (6 min 11 sec in block)
readFile - (35 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (14 ms in self)
stage - (15 sec in block)Test Mantevo_MiniSMAC2D
stage block (Test Mantevo_MiniSMAC2D) - (15 sec in block)
sh - (15 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Mantevo_MiniSMAC2D" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.38 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Mantevo_MiniSMAC2D".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (0.12 sec in self)
stage - (1 min 22 sec in block)Test ECP_sw4lite
stage block (Test ECP_sw4lite) - (1 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 21 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_sw4lite" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_sw4lite".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 8 sec in block)Test ECP_quicksilver
stage block (Test ECP_quicksilver) - (1 min 8 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 7 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_quicksilver" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_quicksilver".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 52 sec in block)Test ECP_CoMD
stage block (Test ECP_CoMD) - (1 min 52 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 51 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_CoMD" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_CoMD".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (30 ms in self)
stage - (32 sec in block)Test ECP_AMG
stage block (Test ECP_AMG) - (32 sec in block)
sh - (32 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_AMG" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.33 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_AMG".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (5.9 sec in block)Test ECP_SWFFT
stage block (Test ECP_SWFFT) - (5.8 sec in block)
sh - (5.5 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_SWFFT" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_SWFFT".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (22 sec in block)Test ECP_SimpleMOC
stage block (Test ECP_SimpleMOC) - (22 sec in block)
sh - (22 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_SimpleMOC" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_SimpleMOC".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (42 ms in self)
stage - (12 sec in block)Test ECP_PENNANT
stage block (Test ECP_PENNANT) - (12 sec in block)
sh - (12 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_PENNANT" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_PENNANT".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (18 sec in block)Test ECP_miniTri
stage block (Test ECP_miniTri) - (18 sec in block)
sh - (18 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_miniTri" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_miniTri".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (85 ms in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (40 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (9 min 26 sec in block)
stage - (1.9 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.8 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.8 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.7 sec in block)
git - (0.35 sec in self)
sh - (1.1 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.29 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (9 min 23 sec in block)
stage block ( - (9 min 23 sec in block)
timestamps - (9 min 23 sec in block)
timestamps block - (9 min 23 sec in block)
readFile - (46 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (2.5 sec in block)Test ECP_EBMS
stage block (Test ECP_EBMS) - (2.5 sec in block)
sh - (2.1 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_EBMS" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_EBMS".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (3.9 sec in block)Test ECP_CoSP2
stage block (Test ECP_CoSP2) - (3.9 sec in block)
sh - (3.5 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_CoSP2" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_CoSP2".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 22 sec in block)Test ECP_CLAMR
stage block (Test ECP_CLAMR) - (1 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 21 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_CLAMR" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_CLAMR".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (27 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 52 sec in block)Test FFTW
stage block (Test FFTW) - (1 min 52 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 51 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "FFTW" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"FFTW".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 52 sec in block)Test ECP_VPFFT
stage block (Test ECP_VPFFT) - (1 min 52 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 51 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_VPFFT" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_VPFFT".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (15 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 8 sec in block)Test ECP_TeaLeaf
stage block (Test ECP_TeaLeaf) - (1 min 8 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 7 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_TeaLeaf" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_TeaLeaf".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (22 sec in block)Test ECP_SNbone
stage block (Test ECP_SNbone) - (22 sec in block)
sh - (22 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_SNbone" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_SNbone".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (47 sec in block)Test ECP_miniAero
stage block (Test ECP_miniAero) - (47 sec in block)
sh - (46 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_miniAero" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_miniAero".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 52 sec in block)Test ECP_kripke
stage block (Test ECP_kripke) - (1 min 52 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 51 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_kripke" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_kripke".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (69 ms in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.33 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.31 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (54 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (14 min in block)
stage - (1.6 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.6 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.5 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.5 sec in block)
git - (0.31 sec in self)
sh - (0.86 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.3 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (14 min in block)
stage block ( - (14 min in block)
timestamps - (14 min in block)
timestamps block - (14 min in block)
readFile - (46 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (8.7 sec in block)Test Mantevo_HPCCG
stage block (Test Mantevo_HPCCG) - (8.7 sec in block)
sh - (8.4 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Mantevo_HPCCG" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Mantevo_HPCCG".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (19 ms in self)
stage - (22 sec in block)Test ECP_SNbone
stage block (Test ECP_SNbone) - (22 sec in block)
sh - (22 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_SNbone" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_SNbone".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (8 min 22 sec in block)Test ECP_PETSC
stage block (Test ECP_PETSC) - (8 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (8 min 22 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_PETSC" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.33 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_PETSC".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (18 sec in block)Test ECP_MiniXyce
stage block (Test ECP_MiniXyce) - (18 sec in block)
sh - (18 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_MiniXyce" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_MiniXyce".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (47 sec in block)Test ECP_HPGMG
stage block (Test ECP_HPGMG) - (47 sec in block)
sh - (47 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_HPGMG" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_HPGMG".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (39 sec in block)Test Mantevo_CloverLeaf
stage block (Test Mantevo_CloverLeaf) - (39 sec in block)
sh - (39 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Mantevo_CloverLeaf" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Mantevo_CloverLeaf".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (0.73 sec in block)Test Mantevo_CloverLeaf3D
stage block (Test Mantevo_CloverLeaf3D) - (0.68 sec in block)
sh - (0.36 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Mantevo_CloverLeaf3D" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Mantevo_CloverLeaf3D".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (27 ms in self)
stage - (2 min 22 sec in block)Test ECP_XSBench
stage block (Test ECP_XSBench) - (2 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 21 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_XSBench" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.82 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_XSBench".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (27 ms in self)
stage - (57 sec in block)Test ECP_Nekbone
stage block (Test ECP_Nekbone) - (57 sec in block)
sh - (57 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_Nekbone" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.32 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_Nekbone".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (0.27 sec in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.39 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.33 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (5 ms in block)
node - (1 hr 19 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (29 min in block)
stage - (5.1 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (5 sec in block)
timestamps - (5 sec in block)
timestamps block - (5 sec in block)
git - (1.3 sec in self)
sh - (3.3 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.3 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (29 min in block)
stage block ( - (29 min in block)
timestamps - (29 min in block)
timestamps block - (29 min in block)
readFile - (44 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (2 min 37 sec in block)Test ECP_XSBench
stage block (Test ECP_XSBench) - (2 min 37 sec in block)
sh - (2 min 36 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_XSBench" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_XSBench".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 8 sec in block)Test ECP_Picsar
stage block (Test ECP_Picsar) - (1 min 8 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 8 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_Picsar" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_Picsar".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (19 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 22 sec in block)Test ECP_Nekbone
stage block (Test ECP_Nekbone) - (1 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 22 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_Nekbone" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.32 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_Nekbone".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (19 ms in self)
stage - (8.8 sec in block)Test ECP_MiniVite
stage block (Test ECP_MiniVite) - (8.7 sec in block)
sh - (8.4 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_MiniVite" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_MiniVite".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (5 min 52 sec in block)Test ECP_ProfugusMC
stage block (Test ECP_ProfugusMC) - (5 min 52 sec in block)
sh - (5 min 52 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_ProfugusMC" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_ProfugusMC".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (23 ms in self)
stage - (57 sec in block)Test ECP_Comb
stage block (Test ECP_Comb) - (57 sec in block)
sh - (56 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_Comb" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_Comb".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (10 sec in block)Test ECP_Chatterbug
stage block (Test ECP_Chatterbug) - (10 sec in block)
sh - (10 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_Chatterbug" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_Chatterbug".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (15 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 8 sec in block)Test ECP_Tycho2
stage block (Test ECP_Tycho2) - (1 min 8 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 8 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_Tycho2" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_Tycho2".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (16 min in block)Test ECP_SNAP
stage block (Test ECP_SNAP) - (16 min in block)
sh - (16 min in self)ctest -T test -R "ECP_SNAP" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.37 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"ECP_SNAP".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (0.18 sec in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.3 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.3 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (56 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (1 min 59 sec in block)
stage - (3 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (2.9 sec in block)
timestamps - (2.9 sec in block)
timestamps block - (2.8 sec in block)
git - (0.37 sec in self)
sh - (2 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.36 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (1 min 55 sec in block)
stage block ( - (1 min 55 sec in block)
timestamps - (1 min 55 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1 min 55 sec in block)
readFile - (0.11 sec in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (22 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 22 sec in block)Test HPL_vanilla
stage block (Test HPL_vanilla) - (1 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 21 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "HPL_vanilla" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"HPL_vanilla".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (32 sec in block)Test HPL_optimized
stage block (Test HPL_optimized) - (32 sec in block)
sh - (32 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "HPL_optimized" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"HPL_optimized".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (0.37 sec in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (56 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (42 sec in block)
stage - (1.7 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.6 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.6 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.5 sec in block)
git - (0.38 sec in self)
sh - (0.87 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.29 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (39 sec in block)
stage block ( - (39 sec in block)
timestamps - (39 sec in block)
timestamps block - (39 sec in block)
readFile - (40 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (39 sec in block)Test Others_mpi-test-suite
stage block (Test Others_mpi-test-suite) - (39 sec in block)
sh - (39 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Others_mpi-test-suite" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.32 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Others_mpi-test-suite".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (73 ms in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.3 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (4 ms in block)
node - (59 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (3 min 7 sec in block)
stage - (1.6 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.5 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.5 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.4 sec in block)
git - (0.31 sec in self)
sh - (0.86 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.29 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (3 min 5 sec in block)
stage block ( - (3 min 5 sec in block)
timestamps - (3 min 5 sec in block)
timestamps block - (3 min 5 sec in block)
readFile - (35 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (5.9 sec in block)Test Trinity_ZiaTest
stage block (Test Trinity_ZiaTest) - (5.8 sec in block)
sh - (5.5 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_ZiaTest" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_ZiaTest".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (18 ms in self)
stage - (10 sec in block)Test Trinity_SMB_msgrate
stage block (Test Trinity_SMB_msgrate) - (10 sec in block)
sh - (10 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_SMB_msgrate" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_SMB_msgrate".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (0.98 sec in block)Test Trinity_SMB_mpiHeader
stage block (Test Trinity_SMB_mpiHeader) - (0.92 sec in block)
sh - (0.59 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_SMB_mpiHeader" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_SMB_mpiHeader".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (2 sec in block)Test Trinity_MDTest
stage block (Test Trinity_MDTest) - (1.9 sec in block)
sh - (1.6 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_MDTest" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_MDTest".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (22 ms in self)
stage - (18 sec in block)Test Trinity_OMB_MPI_pt2pt
stage block (Test Trinity_OMB_MPI_pt2pt) - (18 sec in block)
sh - (18 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_OMB_MPI_pt2pt" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_OMB_MPI_pt2pt".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (1 min 22 sec in block)Test Trinity_OMB_MPI_one-sided
stage block (Test Trinity_OMB_MPI_one-sided) - (1 min 22 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 21 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_OMB_MPI_one-sided" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.36 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_OMB_MPI_one-sided".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (29 ms in self)
stage - (32 sec in block)Test Trinity_OMB_MPI_collective
stage block (Test Trinity_OMB_MPI_collective) - (32 sec in block)
sh - (32 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_OMB_MPI_collective" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.29 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_OMB_MPI_collective".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (15 ms in self)
stage - (12 sec in block)Test Trinity_MPIMemu
stage block (Test Trinity_MPIMemu) - (12 sec in block)
sh - (12 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_MPIMemu" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_MPIMemu".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (25 ms in self)
stage - (18 sec in block)Test Trinity_MiniFE
stage block (Test Trinity_MiniFE) - (18 sec in block)
sh - (18 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_MiniFE" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.31 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_MiniFE".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (0.14 sec in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.29 sec in self)rm -rf tests
parallel block (Branch: - (1 hr 14 min in block)
node - (1 hr 14 min in block)proxy-apps
node block - (14 min in block)
stage - (1.6 sec in block)generating for ""
stage block (generating for "") - (1.6 sec in block)
timestamps - (1.5 sec in block)
timestamps block - (1.5 sec in block)
git - (0.33 sec in self)
sh - (0.89 sec in self) cmake -Dbuild_mode=SMPI .; mkdir -p tests; rm -rf bin; mkdir -p bin; emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "")';
sh - (0.29 sec in self)ls -tr bin/*.sh | sed 's|bin/\(.*\)\.sh|\1|' >
stage - (13 min in block)
stage block ( - (13 min in block)
timestamps - (13 min in block)
timestamps block - (13 min in block)
readFile - (34 ms in self)
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (16 ms in self)
stage - (15 sec in block)Test Trinity_MiniFE
stage block (Test Trinity_MiniFE) - (15 sec in block)
sh - (15 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_MiniFE" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.3 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_MiniFE".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (20 ms in self)
stage - (6 min 36 sec in block)Test Trinity_MiniDFT
stage block (Test Trinity_MiniDFT) - (6 min 36 sec in block)
sh - (6 min 32 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_MiniDFT" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (4.2 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_MiniDFT".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (41 sec in block)Test Trinity_MILC
stage block (Test Trinity_MILC) - (41 sec in block)
sh - (41 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_MILC" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.5 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_MILC".xml rm -rf Testing
addEmbeddableBadgeConfiguration - (17 ms in self)
stage - (6 min 23 sec in block)Test Trinity_GTC
stage block (Test Trinity_GTC) - (6 min 23 sec in block)
sh - (6 min 22 sec in self)ctest -T test -R "Trinity_GTC" --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1000000
sh - (0.34 sec in self) xsltproc ./src/ctest2junit.xsl Testing/$( head -n 1 < Testing/TAG )/Test.xml > ./tests/"Trinity_GTC".xml rm -rf Testing
junit - (4 sec in self)tests/*.xml
sh - (0.42 sec in self)rm -rf testlist_""
sh - (0.41 sec in self)rm -rf tests
stage - (0.57 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (0.54 sec in block)
ircNotify - (0.51 sec in self)