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  1. Move code outside of the header file (details)
  2. Add debug info to DPOR algorithm (details)
  3. Add boolean information about correction of the state (details)
  4. Add pretty printer for ODPOR executions (details)
  5. Add a critical transition explorer to the SimGrid MC (details)
  6. Add the possibility to deactivate critical transition finder (details)
  7. Set verbosity down when looking for critical transition (details)
  8. Set deadlock test verbosity to low while looking for Gamma (details)
  9. Enhance logging of critical exploration (details)
  10. Revalidate tesh with critical transition exploration (details)
  11. Add critical transition files (details)
  12. Fix missing files after last MC update (details)
  13. Add no-location on verbose output because it's paltform dependent (details)
  14. Reindent, no real change (details)
  15. multiline log channels' description break our scripts (details)
Commit 70b4ddf114a54371f1e95dadc955ab96654126b6 by Mathieu Laurent
Move code outside of the header file
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/DPOR.hpp
The file was modified tools/cmake/DefinePackages.cmake
The file was addedsrc/mc/explo/reduction/DPOR.cpp
Commit 1202a51690c658bf32f64ed120deb1c76a5a96c2 by Mathieu Laurent
Add debug info to DPOR algorithm
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/DPOR.cpp
Commit 58aee4a4857e054a613d6ee94511e06933671715 by Mathieu Laurent
Add boolean information about correction of the state

This information stores the fact that one state might lead to a
correct execution. It is easily stored when reaching a full correct
execution. It is then retrieved by the critical transition algorithm.
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.hpp
Commit b4c1450a1633650ec4978489f09cede3e50d768e by Mathieu Laurent
Add pretty printer for ODPOR executions
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/Execution.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/Execution.hpp
Commit ebed13958ea74bbfd34fc9f772c7106a89a0f5f6 by Mathieu Laurent
Add a critical transition explorer to the SimGrid MC

It is still a bit experimental in the sense that the given answer is
an approximation of the correct one when used in combination with
reduction algorithms. More to come.
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/smpi/mc/sendsend.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/explo/DFSExplorer.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/Exploration.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/DFSExplorer.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_deadlock.tesh
The file was addedsrc/mc/explo/CriticalTransitionExplorer.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/BFSODPOR.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/RemoteApp.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/Exploration.hpp
The file was addedsrc/mc/explo/CriticalTransitionExplorer.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.hpp
The file was modified tools/cmake/DefinePackages.cmake
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_mutex_deadlock.tesh
Commit 59459973bf57652774270d2dce88551d09e3ccf3 by Mathieu Laurent
Add the possibility to deactivate critical transition finder

Some examples are wayyyyy too long without that flag
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/producer_consumer_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/mc_config.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/mc_config.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/Exploration.cpp
Commit 99940c54503674e85cdf4726c98e17781aa1a9b8 by Mathieu Laurent
Set verbosity down when looking for critical transition
The file was modified src/mc/explo/Exploration.cpp
Commit bba5fda3db71d84be9ebfa084154c771c197efb6 by Mathieu Laurent
Set deadlock test verbosity to low while looking for Gamma
The file was modified src/mc/explo/Exploration.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/RemoteApp.cpp
Commit 741c67bc7c022ebf87285637277c8aef1a828f5e by Mathieu Laurent
Enhance logging of critical exploration
The file was modified src/mc/explo/CriticalTransitionExplorer.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/CriticalTransitionExplorer.hpp
Commit b2bfe20bfc9a75243186c37ea553552aaba43328 by Mathieu Laurent
Revalidate tesh with critical transition exploration
The file was modified examples/sthread/pthread-mc-mutex-simpledeadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/producer_consumer_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_with_semaphore_deadlock1.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_with_semaphore_deadlock2.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_mutex_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_semaphores_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphore_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/barber_shop_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/smpi/mc/sendsend.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_deadlock.tesh
Commit 0b6d9895de771d382adb0e1706def349a7b7ae78 by Mathieu Laurent
Add critical transition files
The file was modified
Commit cd65f9f7b0c81442f115a6a07d50b3ca51d5bf9f by Mathieu Laurent
Fix missing files after last MC update
The file was modified
Commit 8fa9a13a6bbcc3356998bc8c649002a906d3afed by Mathieu Laurent
Add no-location on verbose output because it's paltform dependent
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphore_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_deadlock.tesh
Commit c038960410cbe936e4d0d1d9965802b68979893c by Martin Quinson
Reindent, no real change
The file was modified docs/bin/
Commit 9f655b51ab9fe0a78f5ebd2ecab0e4d5d35417e8 by Martin Quinson
multiline log channels' description break our scripts
The file was modified src/mc/explo/CriticalTransitionExplorer.cpp