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  1. Add options for a new MC guiding strategy based on actor switch (details)
  2. Add MC min context switch strategy (details)
  3. Now we have replay from fork, fix MC BFS exploration (details)
  4. Use a config to switch between MC full BFS or DFS-like (details)
  5. Add a few parameters to sleep state to support BFS ODPOR (details)
  6. Add ressource to work with ODPOR in BFS order (details)
  7. Revert a small ODPOR optimisation that is not always correct (details)
  8. Speak about explored traces rather than backtracks (details)
  9. Add ODPOR reduction and support for its BFS version (details)
  10. Remove unecessary debug information: too much is too much (details)
  11. Fix dependencies (details)
Commit 15a3ad721c3d56ee14aa3af82e685a0c8524e6eb by Mathieu Laurent
Add options for a new MC guiding strategy based on actor switch
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/mc_config.cpp
Commit 240c6172565014167c2796091d2384de233eb9ea by Mathieu Laurent
Add MC min context switch strategy

It explores in priority traces with the least amount of switches
between actors.
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.cpp
The file was addedsrc/mc/api/strategy/MinContextSwitch.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/DFSExplorer.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.cpp
Commit a19b2d1c0a3feae03f2677625f2e322fdb78f728 by Mathieu Laurent
Now we have replay from fork, fix MC BFS exploration
The file was modified examples/sthread/pthread-mc-mutex-simple.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/random-bug/random-bug.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/smpi/mc/only_send_deterministic.tesh
The file was modified examples/smpi/mc/mc-waitany-ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_with_threads_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/synchro-mutex/s4u-mc-synchro-mutex.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_mutex_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_threads_ok.tesh
The file was modified examples/sthread/pthread-mc-producer-consumer.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.hpp
The file was modified examples/sthread/pthread-mc-mutex-recursive.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_semaphores_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/producer_consumer_ok.tesh
The file was modified examples/sthread/pthread-mc-mutex-simpledeadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/barber_shop_ok.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/synchro-semaphore/s4u-mc-synchro-semaphore.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_ok.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-bugged1/s4u-mc-bugged1.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/synchro-barrier/s4u-mc-synchro-barrier.tesh
The file was modified examples/smpi/mc/sendsend.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_with_threads_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/smpi/coll-allreduce-with-leaks/mc-coll-allreduce-with-leaks.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/explo/DFSExplorer.hpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_semaphores_ok.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-failing-assert/s4u-mc-failing-assert.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/explo/DFSExplorer.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/barber_shop_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_with_threads_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/sthread/stdobject/stdobject.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_ok.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-failing-assert/s4u-mc-failing-assert-nodpor.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_barrier_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-electric-fence/s4u-mc-electric-fence.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_with_threads_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-bugged2/s4u-mc-bugged2.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphore_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_mutex_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/producer_consumer_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_ok.tesh
Commit 9a4bb1f38c73e8a61241ae724266517603ca3fe3 by Mathieu Laurent
Use a config to switch between MC full BFS or DFS-like

That behavior is wheter to backtrack only after executing a full
trace (default), or backtrack when the guiding return a value
different to a certain percentage of optimal.
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-bugged2/s4u-mc-bugged2.tesh
The file was modified examples/cpp/synchro-barrier/s4u-mc-synchro-barrier.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.hpp
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-failing-assert/s4u-mc-failing-assert-nodpor.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/mc_config.cpp
The file was modified examples/cpp/mc-failing-assert/s4u-mc-failing-assert.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/strategy/StratLocalInfo.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/strategy/BasicStrategy.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/mc_config.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/strategy/UniformStrategy.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/WakeupTree.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_semaphores_with_threads_ok.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/strategy/MinMatchComm.hpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_mutex_with_threads_ok.tesh
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_semaphores_deadlock.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/strategy/MinContextSwitch.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/WutState.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/strategy/MaxMatchComm.hpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/philosophers_mutex_deadlock.tesh
Commit 3e3db80972a083b05d5a2149007d9ad5bc763392 by Mathieu Laurent
Add a few parameters to sleep state to support BFS ODPOR
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/SleepSetState.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/SleepSetState.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/Execution.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/Execution.cpp
Commit 58e243e04cb438abd463264a4841a0fdda4c8558 by Mathieu Laurent
Add ressource to work with ODPOR in BFS order
The file was addedsrc/mc/explo/reduction/BFSODPOR.hpp
The file was addedsrc/mc/explo/reduction/BFSODPOR.cpp
The file was addedsrc/mc/api/states/BFSWutState.cpp
The file was addedsrc/mc/api/states/BFSWutState.hpp
Commit 94ffc48536e5354ce5bdb41f25cb5bc3f6ad9161 by Mathieu Laurent
Revert a small ODPOR optimisation that is not always correct
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/ODPOR.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/producer_consumer_ok.tesh
Commit 91ae0eaa853316d26e4527a685b9fb486d63cda0 by Mathieu Laurent
Speak about explored traces rather than backtracks

It is easier to track correctly. With BFS strategy, we are doing
backtracks that don't really correpond to traces.
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_with_semaphore_deadlock2.tesh
Commit 4958baed6ae790b3f85106bae3644ff24a89d75e by Mathieu Laurent
Add ODPOR reduction and support for its BFS version

It only needs to be tested a little bit more
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/BFSWutState.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/BFSODPOR.cpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/barber_shop_ok.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/State.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/WutState.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/Execution.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/WakeupTree.cpp
The file was modified examples/cpp/synchro-barrier/s4u-mc-synchro-barrier.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/BFSWutState.hpp
The file was modified teshsuite/mc/mcmini/simple_cond_broadcast_with_semaphore_deadlock1.tesh
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/BFSODPOR.hpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/WakeupTree.hpp
The file was modified tools/cmake/DefinePackages.cmake
The file was modified src/mc/api/states/WutState.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/OutOfOrderExplorer.cpp
The file was modified src/mc/explo/odpor/Execution.hpp
Commit 4c67cefde29692fda4dd15f6087fa6e21d70cd01 by Mathieu Laurent
Remove unecessary debug information: too much is too much
The file was modified src/mc/explo/reduction/BFSODPOR.cpp
Commit 7307189cdc6a8627ddb4f4f752f7fd8d6efd6fc7 by Mathieu Laurent
Fix dependencies
The file was modified tools/cmake/DefinePackages.cmake
The file was modified