Content of file qglviewer.h


 Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Gilles Debunne. All rights reserved.

 This file is part of the QGLViewer library version 2.8.0. -

 This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
 versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
 appearing in the LICENSE file included in the packaging of this file.
 In addition, as a special exception, Gilles Debunne gives you certain 
 additional rights, described in the file GPL_EXCEPTION in this package.

 libQGLViewer uses dual licensing. Commercial/proprietary software must
 purchase a libQGLViewer Commercial License.

 This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE



#include "camera.h"

#include <QClipboard>
#  include <QGL>
#include <QMap>
#include <QElapsedTimer>

class QTabWidget;

namespace qglviewer {
class MouseGrabber;
class ManipulatedFrame;
class ManipulatedCameraFrame;
} // namespace qglviewer

/*! \brief A versatile 3D OpenGL viewer based on QOpenGLWidget.
\class QGLViewer qglviewer.h QGLViewer/qglviewer.h

It features many classical viewer functionalities, such as a camera trackball,
manipulated objects, snapshot saving and much <a
href="../features.html">more</a>. Its main goal is to ease the development of
new 3D applications.

New users should read the <a href="../introduction.html">introduction page</a>
to get familiar with important notions such as sceneRadius(), sceneCenter() and
the world coordinate system. Try the numerous simple <a
href="../examples/index.html">examples</a> to discover the possibilities and
understand how it works.


To use a QGLViewer, derive you viewer class from the QGLViewer and overload its
draw() virtual method. See the <a
href="../examples/simpleViewer.html">simpleViewer example</a> for an

An other option is to connect your drawing methods to the signals emitted by the
QGLViewer (Qt's callback mechanism). See the <a
href="../examples/callback.html">callback example</a> for a complete

\nosubgrouping */
class QGLVIEWER_EXPORT QGLViewer : public QOpenGLWidget {

  explicit QGLViewer(QWidget *parent = 0,
                     Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags());
  explicit QGLViewer(QWidget *parent, const QGLWidget *shareWidget,
                     Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);
'QFlags' is deprecated: Use default constructor instead
explicit QGLViewer(QGLContext *context, QWidget *parent = 0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0); explicit QGLViewer(const QGLFormat &format, QWidget *parent = 0, const QGLWidget *shareWidget = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0); #endif virtual ~QGLViewer(); /*! @name Display of visual hints */ //@{ public: /*! Returns \c true if the world axis is drawn by the viewer. Set by setAxisIsDrawn() or toggleAxisIsDrawn(). Default value is \c false. */ bool axisIsDrawn() const { return axisIsDrawn_; } /*! Returns \c true if a XY grid is drawn by the viewer. Set by setGridIsDrawn() or toggleGridIsDrawn(). Default value is \c false. */ bool gridIsDrawn() const { return gridIsDrawn_; } /*! Returns \c true if the viewer displays the current frame rate (Frames Per Second). Use QApplication::setFont() to define the display font (see drawText()). Set by setFPSIsDisplayed() or toggleFPSIsDisplayed(). Use currentFPS() to get the current FPS. Default value is \c false. */ bool FPSIsDisplayed() const { return FPSIsDisplayed_; } /*! Returns \c true if text display (see drawText()) is enabled. Set by setTextIsEnabled() or toggleTextIsEnabled(). This feature conveniently removes all the possibly displayed text, cleaning display. Default value is \c true. */ bool textIsEnabled() const { return textIsEnabled_; } /*! Returns \c true if the camera() is being edited in the viewer. Set by setCameraIsEdited() or toggleCameraIsEdited(). Default value is \p false. The current implementation is limited: the defined camera() paths (see qglviewer::Camera::keyFrameInterpolator()) are simply displayed using qglviewer::Camera::drawAllPaths(). Actual camera and path edition will be implemented in the future. */ bool cameraIsEdited() const { return cameraIsEdited_; } public Q_SLOTS: /*! Sets the state of axisIsDrawn(). Emits the axisIsDrawnChanged() signal. * See also toggleAxisIsDrawn(). */ void setAxisIsDrawn(bool draw = true) { axisIsDrawn_ = draw; Q_EMIT axisIsDrawnChanged(draw); update(); } /*! Sets the state of gridIsDrawn(). Emits the gridIsDrawnChanged() signal. * See also toggleGridIsDrawn(). */ void setGridIsDrawn(bool draw = true) { gridIsDrawn_ = draw; Q_EMIT gridIsDrawnChanged(draw); update(); } /*! Sets the state of FPSIsDisplayed(). Emits the FPSIsDisplayedChanged() * signal. See also toggleFPSIsDisplayed(). */ void setFPSIsDisplayed(bool display = true) { FPSIsDisplayed_ = display; Q_EMIT FPSIsDisplayedChanged(display); update(); } /*! Sets the state of textIsEnabled(). Emits the textIsEnabledChanged() * signal. See also toggleTextIsEnabled(). */ void setTextIsEnabled(bool enable = true) { textIsEnabled_ = enable; Q_EMIT textIsEnabledChanged(enable); update(); } void setCameraIsEdited(bool edit = true); /*! Toggles the state of axisIsDrawn(). See also setAxisIsDrawn(). */ void toggleAxisIsDrawn() { setAxisIsDrawn(!axisIsDrawn()); } /*! Toggles the state of gridIsDrawn(). See also setGridIsDrawn(). */ void toggleGridIsDrawn() { setGridIsDrawn(!gridIsDrawn()); } /*! Toggles the state of FPSIsDisplayed(). See also setFPSIsDisplayed(). */ void toggleFPSIsDisplayed() { setFPSIsDisplayed(!FPSIsDisplayed()); } /*! Toggles the state of textIsEnabled(). See also setTextIsEnabled(). */ void toggleTextIsEnabled() { setTextIsEnabled(!textIsEnabled()); } /*! Toggles the state of cameraIsEdited(). See also setCameraIsEdited(). */ void toggleCameraIsEdited() { setCameraIsEdited(!cameraIsEdited()); } //@} /*! @name Viewer's colors */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the background color of the viewer. This method is provided for convenience since the background color is an OpenGL state variable set with \c glClearColor(). However, this internal representation has the advantage that it is saved (resp. restored) with saveStateToFile() (resp. restoreStateFromFile()). Use setBackgroundColor() to define and activate a background color. \attention Each QColor component is an integer ranging from 0 to 255. This differs from the qreal values used by \c glClearColor() which are in the 0.0-1.0 range. Default value is (51, 51, 51) (dark gray). You may have to change foregroundColor() accordingly. \attention This method does not return the current OpenGL clear color as \c glGet() does. Instead, it returns the QGLViewer internal variable. If you directly use \c glClearColor() or \c qglClearColor() instead of setBackgroundColor(), the two results will differ. */ QColor backgroundColor() const { return backgroundColor_; } /*! Returns the foreground color used by the viewer. This color is used when FPSIsDisplayed(), gridIsDrawn(), to display the camera paths when the cameraIsEdited(). \attention Each QColor component is an integer in the range 0-255. This differs from the qreal values used by \c glColor3f() which are in the range 0-1. Default value is (180, 180, 180) (light gray). Use \c qglColor(foregroundColor()) to set the current OpenGL color to the foregroundColor(). See also backgroundColor(). */ QColor foregroundColor() const { return foregroundColor_; } public Q_SLOTS: /*! Sets the backgroundColor() of the viewer and calls \c qglClearColor(). See also setForegroundColor(). */ void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &color) { backgroundColor_ = color; glClearColor(color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), color.alphaF()); } /*! Sets the foregroundColor() of the viewer, used to draw visual hints. See * also setBackgroundColor(). */ void setForegroundColor(const QColor &color) { foregroundColor_ = color; } //@} /*! @name Scene dimensions */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the scene radius. The entire displayed scene should be included in a sphere of radius sceneRadius(), centered on sceneCenter(). This approximate value is used by the camera() to set qglviewer::Camera::zNear() and qglviewer::Camera::zFar(). It is also used to showEntireScene() or to scale the world axis display.. Default value is 1.0. This method is equivalent to camera()->sceneRadius(). See setSceneRadius(). */ qreal sceneRadius() const { return camera()->sceneRadius(); } /*! Returns the scene center, defined in world coordinates. See sceneRadius() for details. Default value is (0,0,0). Simply a wrapper for camera()->sceneCenter(). Set using setSceneCenter(). Do not mismatch this value (that only depends on the scene) with the qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint(). */ qglviewer::Vec sceneCenter() const { return camera()->sceneCenter(); } public Q_SLOTS: /*! Sets the sceneRadius(). The camera() qglviewer::Camera::flySpeed() is set to 1% of this value by this method. Simple wrapper around camera()->setSceneRadius(). */ virtual void setSceneRadius(qreal radius) { camera()->setSceneRadius(radius); } /*! Sets the sceneCenter(), defined in world coordinates. \attention The qglviewer::Camera::pivotPoint() is set to the sceneCenter() value by this method. */ virtual void setSceneCenter(const qglviewer::Vec &center) { camera()->setSceneCenter(center); } /*! Convenient way to call setSceneCenter() and setSceneRadius() from a (world axis aligned) bounding box of the scene. This is equivalent to: \code setSceneCenter((min+max) / 2.0); setSceneRadius((max-min).norm() / 2.0); \endcode */ void setSceneBoundingBox(const qglviewer::Vec &min, const qglviewer::Vec &max) { camera()->setSceneBoundingBox(min, max); } /*! Moves the camera so that the entire scene is visible. Simple wrapper around qglviewer::Camera::showEntireScene(). */ void showEntireScene() { camera()->showEntireScene(); update(); } //@} /*! @name Associated objects */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the associated qglviewer::Camera, never \c nullptr. */ qglviewer::Camera *camera() const { return camera_; } /*! Returns the viewer's qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame. This qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame can be moved with the mouse when the associated mouse bindings are used (default is when pressing the \c Control key with any mouse button). Use setMouseBinding() to define new bindings. See the <a href="../examples/manipulatedFrame.html">manipulatedFrame example</a> for a complete implementation. Default value is \c nullptr, meaning that no qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame is set. */ qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame *manipulatedFrame() const { return manipulatedFrame_; } public Q_SLOTS: void setCamera(qglviewer::Camera *const camera); void setManipulatedFrame(qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame *frame); //@} /*! @name Mouse grabbers */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the current qglviewer::MouseGrabber, or \c nullptr if no qglviewer::MouseGrabber currently grabs mouse events. When qglviewer::MouseGrabber::grabsMouse(), the different mouse events are sent to the mouseGrabber() instead of their usual targets (camera() or manipulatedFrame()). See the qglviewer::MouseGrabber documentation for details on MouseGrabber's mode of operation. In order to use MouseGrabbers, you need to enable mouse tracking (so that mouseMoveEvent() is called even when no mouse button is pressed). Add this line in init() or in your viewer constructor: \code setMouseTracking(true); \endcode Note that mouse tracking is disabled by default. Use QWidget::hasMouseTracking() to retrieve current state. */ qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber() const { return mouseGrabber_; } void setMouseGrabberIsEnabled(const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const mouseGrabber, bool enabled = true); /*! Returns \c true if \p mouseGrabber is enabled. Default value is \c true for all MouseGrabbers. When set to \c false using setMouseGrabberIsEnabled(), the specified \p mouseGrabber will never become the mouseGrabber() of this QGLViewer. This is useful when you use several viewers: some MouseGrabbers may only have a meaning for some specific viewers and should not be selectable in others. You can also use qglviewer::MouseGrabber::removeFromMouseGrabberPool() to completely disable a MouseGrabber in all the QGLViewers. */ bool mouseGrabberIsEnabled(const qglviewer::MouseGrabber *const mouseGrabber) { return !disabledMouseGrabbers_.contains( reinterpret_cast<size_t>(mouseGrabber)); } public Q_SLOTS: void setMouseGrabber(qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber); //@} /*! @name State of the viewer */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the aspect ratio of the viewer's widget (width() / height()). */ qreal aspectRatio() const { return width() / static_cast<qreal>(height()); } /*! Returns the current averaged viewer frame rate. This value is computed and averaged over 20 successive frames. It only changes every 20 draw() (previously computed value is otherwise returned). This method is useful for true real-time applications that may adapt their computational load accordingly in order to maintain a given frequency. This value is meaningful only when draw() is regularly called, either using a \c QTimer, when animationIsStarted() or when the camera is manipulated with the mouse. */ qreal currentFPS() { return f_p_s_; } /*! Returns \c true if the viewer is in fullScreen mode. Default value is \c false. Set by setFullScreen() or toggleFullScreen(). Note that if the QGLViewer is embedded in an other QWidget, it returns \c true when the top level widget is in full screen mode. */ bool isFullScreen() const { return fullScreen_; } /*! Returns \c true if the viewer displays in stereo. The QGLViewer object must be created with a stereo format to handle stereovision: \code QGLFormat format; format.setStereoDisplay( TRUE ); QGLViewer viewer(format); \endcode The hardware needs to support stereo display. Try the <a href="../examples/stereoViewer.html">stereoViewer example</a> to check. Set by setStereoDisplay() or toggleStereoDisplay(). Default value is \c false. Stereo is performed using the Parallel axis asymmetric frustum perspective projection method. See Camera::loadProjectionMatrixStereo() and Camera::loadModelViewMatrixStereo(). The stereo parameters are defined by the camera(). See qglviewer::Camera::setIODistance(), qglviewer::Camera::setPhysicalScreenWidth() and qglviewer::Camera::setFocusDistance(). */ bool displaysInStereo() const { return stereo_; } /*! Returns the recommended size for the QGLViewer. Default value is 600x400 * pixels. */ virtual QSize sizeHint() const { return QSize(600, 400); } public Q_SLOTS: void setFullScreen(bool fullScreen = true); void setStereoDisplay(bool stereo = true); /*! Toggles the state of isFullScreen(). See also setFullScreen(). */ void toggleFullScreen() { setFullScreen(!isFullScreen()); } /*! Toggles the state of displaysInStereo(). See setStereoDisplay(). */ void toggleStereoDisplay() { setStereoDisplay(!stereo_); } void toggleCameraMode(); private: bool cameraIsInRotateMode() const; //@} /*! @name Display methods */ //@{ public: static void drawArrow(qreal length = 1.0, qreal radius = -1.0, int nbSubdivisions = 12); static void drawArrow(const qglviewer::Vec &from, const qglviewer::Vec &to, qreal radius = -1.0, int nbSubdivisions = 12); static void drawAxis(qreal length = 1.0); static void drawGrid(qreal size = 1.0, int nbSubdivisions = 10); virtual void startScreenCoordinatesSystem(bool upward = false) const; virtual void stopScreenCoordinatesSystem() const; void drawText(int x, int y, const QString &text, const QFont &fnt = QFont()); void displayMessage(const QString &message, int delay = 2000); // void draw3DText(const qglviewer::Vec& pos, const qglviewer::Vec& normal, // const QString& string, GLfloat height=0.1); protected: virtual void drawLight(GLenum light, qreal scale = 1.0) const; private: void displayFPS(); /*! Vectorial rendering callback method. */ void drawVectorial() { paintGL(); } #ifndef DOXYGEN friend void drawVectorial(void *param); #endif //@} #ifdef DOXYGEN /*! @name Useful inherited methods */ //@{ public: /*! Returns viewer's widget width (in pixels). See QOpenGLWidget * documentation. */ int width() const; /*! Returns viewer's widget height (in pixels). See QOpenGLWidget * documentation. */ int height() const; /*! Updates the display. Do not call draw() directly, use this method instead. * See QOpenGLWidget documentation. */ virtual void update(); /*! Returns \c true if the widget has a valid GL rendering context. See QOpenGLWidget documentation. */ bool isValid() const; /*! Makes this widget's rendering context the current OpenGL rendering context. Useful with several viewers. See QOpenGLWidget documentation. */ virtual void makeCurrent(); /*! Returns \c true if mouseMoveEvent() is called even when no mouse button is pressed. You need to setMouseTracking() to \c true in order to use MouseGrabber (see mouseGrabber()). See details in the QWidget documentation. */ bool hasMouseTracking() const; public Q_SLOTS: /*! Resizes the widget to size \p width by \p height pixels. See also width() * and height(). */ virtual void resize(int width, int height); /*! Sets the hasMouseTracking() value. */ virtual void setMouseTracking(bool enable); #endif /*! @name Snapshots */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the snapshot file name used by saveSnapshot(). This value is used in \p automatic mode (see saveSnapshot()). A dialog is otherwise popped-up to set it. You can also directly provide a file name using saveSnapshot(const QString&, bool). If the file name is relative, the current working directory at the moment of the method call is used. Set using setSnapshotFileName(). */ const QString &snapshotFileName() const { return snapshotFileName_; } #ifndef DOXYGEN const QString &snapshotFilename() const; #endif /*! Returns the snapshot file format used by saveSnapshot(). This value is used when saveSnapshot() is passed the \p automatic flag. It is defined using a saveAs pop-up dialog otherwise. The available formats are those handled by Qt. Classical values are \c "JPEG", \c "PNG", \c "PPM", \c "BMP". Use the following code to get the actual list: \code QList<QByteArray> formatList = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); // or with Qt version 2 or 3: QStringList formatList = QImage::outputFormatList(); \endcode If the library was compiled with the vectorial rendering option (default), three additional vectorial formats are available: \c "EPS", \c "PS" and \c "XFIG". \c "SVG" and \c "PDF" formats should soon be available. The <a href="">VRender library</a> was created by Cyril Soler. Note that the VRender library has some limitations: vertex shader effects are not reproduced and \c PASS_THROUGH tokens are not handled so one can not change point and line size in the middle of a drawing. Default value is the first supported among "JPEG, PNG, EPS, PS, PPM, BMP", in that order. This value is set using setSnapshotFormat() or with openSnapshotFormatDialog(). \attention No verification is performed on the provided format validity. The next call to saveSnapshot() may fail if the format string is not supported. */ const QString &snapshotFormat() const { return snapshotFormat_; } /*! Returns the value of the counter used to name snapshots in saveSnapshot() when \p automatic is \c true. Set using setSnapshotCounter(). Default value is 0, and it is incremented after each \p automatic snapshot. See saveSnapshot() for details. */ int snapshotCounter() const { return snapshotCounter_; } /*! Defines the image quality of the snapshots produced with saveSnapshot(). Values must be in the range -1..100. Use 0 for lowest quality and 100 for highest quality (and larger files). -1 means use Qt default quality. Default value is 95. Set using setSnapshotQuality(). See also the QImage::save() documentation. \note This value has no impact on the images produced in vectorial format. */ int snapshotQuality() { return snapshotQuality_; } // Qt 2.3 does not support qreal default value parameters in slots. // Remove "Q_SLOTS" from the following line to compile with Qt 2.3 public Q_SLOTS: void saveSnapshot(bool automatic = true, bool overwrite = false); public Q_SLOTS: void saveSnapshot(const QString &fileName, bool overwrite = false); void setSnapshotFileName(const QString &name); /*! Sets the snapshotFormat(). */ void setSnapshotFormat(const QString &format) { snapshotFormat_ = format; } /*! Sets the snapshotCounter(). */ void setSnapshotCounter(int counter) { snapshotCounter_ = counter; } /*! Sets the snapshotQuality(). */ void setSnapshotQuality(int quality) { snapshotQuality_ = quality; } bool openSnapshotFormatDialog(); void snapshotToClipboard(); private: bool saveImageSnapshot(const QString &fileName); #ifndef DOXYGEN /* This class is used internally for screenshot that require tiling (image size size different from window size). Only in that case, is the private tileRegion_ pointer non null. It then contains the current tiled region, which is used by startScreenCoordinatesSystem to adapt the coordinate system. Not using it would result in a tiled drawing of the parts that use startScreenCoordinatesSystem. Also used by scaledFont for same purposes. */ class TileRegion { public: qreal xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, textScale; }; #endif public: /*! Return a possibly scaled version of \p font, used for snapshot rendering. From a user's point of view, this method simply returns \p font and can be used transparently. However when internally rendering a screen snapshot using saveSnapshot(), it returns a scaled version of the font, so that the size of the rendered text on the snapshot is identical to what is displayed on screen, even if the snapshot uses image tiling to create an image of dimensions different from those of the current window. This scaled version will only be used when saveSnapshot() calls your draw() method to generate the snapshot. All your calls to renderText() function hence should use this method. \code renderText(x, y, z, "My Text", scaledFont(QFont())); \endcode will guarantee that this text will be properly displayed on arbitrary sized snapshots. Note that this method is not needed if you use drawText() which already calls it internally. */ QFont scaledFont(const QFont &font) const { if (tileRegion_ == nullptr) return font; else { QFont f(font); if (f.pixelSize() == -1) f.setPointSizeF(f.pointSizeF() * tileRegion_->textScale); else f.setPixelSize(int(f.pixelSize() * tileRegion_->textScale)); return f; } } //@} /*! @name Buffer to texture */ //@{ public: GLuint bufferTextureId() const; /*! Returns the texture coordinate corresponding to the u extremum of the bufferTexture. The bufferTexture is created by copyBufferToTexture(). The texture size has powers of two dimensions and the buffer image hence only fills a part of it. This value corresponds to the u coordinate of the extremum right side of the buffer image. Use (0,0) to (bufferTextureMaxU(), bufferTextureMaxV()) texture coordinates to map the entire texture on a quad. */ qreal bufferTextureMaxU() const { return bufferTextureMaxU_; } /*! Same as bufferTextureMaxU(), but for the v texture coordinate. */ qreal bufferTextureMaxV() const { return bufferTextureMaxV_; } #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 4, 0)) // These methods are part of the QGLWidget public API. // As of version 2.7.0, the use of QOpenGLWidget instead means that they have // to be provided for backward compatibility. void renderText(int x, int y, const QString &str, const QFont &font = QFont()); void renderText(double x, double y, double z, const QString &str, const QFont &font = QFont()); #endif public Q_SLOTS: void copyBufferToTexture(GLint internalFormat, GLenum format = GL_NONE); //@} /*! @name Animation */ //@{ public: /*! Return \c true when the animation loop is started. During animation, an infinite loop calls animate() and draw() and then waits for animationPeriod() milliseconds before calling animate() and draw() again. And again. Use startAnimation(), stopAnimation() or toggleAnimation() to change this value. See the <a href="../examples/animation.html">animation example</a> for illustration. */ bool animationIsStarted() const { return animationStarted_; } /*! The animation loop period, in milliseconds. When animationIsStarted(), this is delay waited after draw() to call animate() and draw() again. Default value is 40 milliseconds (25 Hz). This value will define the currentFPS() when animationIsStarted() (provided that your animate() and draw() methods are fast enough). If you want to know the maximum possible frame rate of your machine on a given scene, setAnimationPeriod() to \c 0, and startAnimation() (keyboard shortcut is \c Enter). The display will then be updated as often as possible, and the frame rate will be meaningful. \note This value is taken into account only the next time you call startAnimation(). If animationIsStarted(), you should stopAnimation() first. */ int animationPeriod() const { return animationPeriod_; } public Q_SLOTS: /*! Sets the animationPeriod(), in milliseconds. */ void setAnimationPeriod(int period) { animationPeriod_ = period; } virtual void startAnimation(); virtual void stopAnimation(); /*! Scene animation method. When animationIsStarted(), this method is in charge of the scene update before each draw(). Overload it to define how your scene evolves over time. The time should either be regularly incremented in this method (frame-rate independent animation) or computed from actual time (for instance using QTime::elapsed()) for real-time animations. Note that KeyFrameInterpolator (which regularly updates a Frame) does not use this method to animate a Frame, but rather rely on a QTimer signal-slot mechanism. See the <a href="../examples/animation.html">animation example</a> for an illustration. */ virtual void animate() { Q_EMIT animateNeeded(); } /*! Calls startAnimation() or stopAnimation(), depending on * animationIsStarted(). */ void toggleAnimation() { if (animationIsStarted()) stopAnimation(); else startAnimation(); } //@} public: Q_SIGNALS: /*! Signal emitted by the default init() method. Connect this signal to the methods that need to be called to initialize your viewer or overload init(). */ void viewerInitialized(); /*! Signal emitted by the default draw() method. Connect this signal to your main drawing method or overload draw(). See the <a href="../examples/callback.html">callback example</a> for an illustration. */ void drawNeeded(); /*! Signal emitted at the end of the QGLViewer::paintGL() method, when frame is drawn. Can be used to notify an image grabbing process that the image is ready. A typical example is to connect this signal to the saveSnapshot() method, so that a (numbered) snapshot is generated after each new display, in order to create a movie: \code connect(viewer, SIGNAL(drawFinished(bool)), SLOT(saveSnapshot(bool))); \endcode The \p automatic bool variable is always \c true and has been added so that the signal can be connected to saveSnapshot() with an \c automatic value set to \c true. */ void drawFinished(bool automatic); /*! Signal emitted by the default animate() method. Connect this signal to your scene animation method or overload animate(). */ void animateNeeded(); /*! Signal emitted by the default QGLViewer::help() method. Connect this signal to your own help method or overload help(). */ void helpRequired(); /*! This signal is emitted whenever axisIsDrawn() changes value. */ void axisIsDrawnChanged(bool drawn); /*! This signal is emitted whenever gridIsDrawn() changes value. */ void gridIsDrawnChanged(bool drawn); /*! This signal is emitted whenever FPSIsDisplayed() changes value. */ void FPSIsDisplayedChanged(bool displayed); /*! This signal is emitted whenever textIsEnabled() changes value. */ void textIsEnabledChanged(bool enabled); /*! This signal is emitted whenever cameraIsEdited() changes value.. */ void cameraIsEditedChanged(bool edited); /*! This signal is emitted whenever displaysInStereo() changes value. */ void stereoChanged(bool on); /*! Signal emitted by select(). Connect this signal to your selection method or overload select(), or more probably simply drawWithNames(). */ void pointSelected(const QMouseEvent *e); /*! Signal emitted by setMouseGrabber() when the mouseGrabber() is changed. \p mouseGrabber is a pointer to the new MouseGrabber. Note that this signal is emitted with a \c nullptr parameter each time a MouseGrabber stops grabbing mouse. */ void mouseGrabberChanged(qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber); /*! @name Help window */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the QString displayed in the help() window main tab. Overload this method to define your own help string, which should shortly describe your application and explain how it works. Rich-text (HTML) tags can be used (see QStyleSheet() documentation for available tags): \code QString myViewer::helpString() const { QString text("<h2>M y V i e w e r</h2>"); text += "Displays a <b>Scene</b> using OpenGL. Move the camera using the mouse."; return text; } \endcode See also mouseString() and keyboardString(). */ virtual QString helpString() const { return tr("No help available."); } virtual QString mouseString() const; virtual QString keyboardString() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN /*! This method is deprecated, use mouseString() instead. */ virtual QString mouseBindingsString() const { return mouseString(); } /*! This method is deprecated, use keyboardString() instead. */ virtual QString shortcutBindingsString() const { return keyboardString(); } #endif public Q_SLOTS: virtual void help(); virtual void aboutQGLViewer(); protected: /*! Returns a pointer to the help widget. Use this only if you want to directly modify the help widget. Otherwise use helpString(), setKeyDescription() and setMouseBindingDescription() to customize the text displayed in the help window tabs. */ QTabWidget *helpWidget() { return helpWidget_; } //@} /*! @name Drawing methods */ //@{ protected: virtual void resizeGL(int width, int height); virtual void initializeGL(); /*! Initializes the viewer OpenGL context. This method is called before the first drawing and should be overloaded to initialize some of the OpenGL flags. The default implementation is empty. See initializeGL(). Typical usage include camera() initialization (showEntireScene()), previous viewer state restoration (restoreStateFromFile()), OpenGL state modification and display list creation. Note that initializeGL() modifies the standard OpenGL context. These values can be restored back in this method. \attention You should not call updateGL() (or any method that calls it) in this method, as it will result in an infinite loop. The different QGLViewer set methods (setAxisIsDrawn(), setFPSIsDisplayed()...) are protected against this problem and can safely be called. \note All the OpenGL specific initializations must be done in this method: the OpenGL context is not yet available in your viewer constructor. */ virtual void init() { Q_EMIT viewerInitialized(); } virtual void paintGL(); virtual void preDraw(); virtual void preDrawStereo(bool leftBuffer = true); /*! The core method of the viewer, that draws the scene. If you build a class that inherits from QGLViewer, this is the method you want to overload. See the <a href="../examples/simpleViewer.html">simpleViewer example</a> for an illustration. The camera modelView matrix set in preDraw() converts from the world to the camera coordinate systems. Vertices given in draw() can then be considered as being given in the world coordinate system. The camera is moved in this world using the mouse. This representation is much more intuitive than the default camera-centric OpenGL standard. \attention The \c GL_PROJECTION matrix should not be modified by this method, to correctly display visual hints (axis, grid, FPS...) in postDraw(). Use push/pop or call camera()->loadProjectionMatrix() at the end of draw() if you need to change the projection matrix (unlikely). On the other hand, the \c GL_MODELVIEW matrix can be modified and left in a arbitrary state. */ virtual void draw() {} virtual void fastDraw(); virtual void postDraw(); //@} /*! @name Mouse, keyboard and event handlers */ //@{ protected: virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *); virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *); virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *); virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *); virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *); virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *); virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *); virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *); //@} /*! @name Object selection */ //@{ public: /*! Returns the name (an integer value) of the entity that was last selected by select(). This value is set by endSelection(). See the select() documentation for details. As a convention, this method returns -1 if the selectBuffer() was empty, meaning that no object was selected. Return value is -1 before the first call to select(). This value is modified using setSelectedName(). */ int selectedName() const { return selectedObjectId_; } /*! Returns the selectBuffer() size. See the select() documentation for details. Use setSelectBufferSize() to change this value. Default value is 4000 (i.e. 1000 objects in selection region, since each object pushes 4 values). This size should be over estimated to prevent a buffer overflow when many objects are drawn under the mouse cursor. */ int selectBufferSize() const { return selectBufferSize_; } /*! Returns the width (in pixels) of a selection frustum, centered on the mouse cursor, that is used to select objects. The height of the selection frustum is defined by selectRegionHeight(). The objects that will be drawn in this region by drawWithNames() will be recorded in the selectBuffer(). endSelection() then analyzes this buffer and setSelectedName() to the name of the closest object. See the gluPickMatrix() documentation for details. The default value is 3, which is adapted to standard applications. A smaller value results in a more precise selection but the user has to be careful for small feature selection. See the <a href="../examples/multiSelect.html">multiSelect example</a> for an illustration. */ int selectRegionWidth() const { return selectRegionWidth_; } /*! See the selectRegionWidth() documentation. Default value is 3 pixels. */ int selectRegionHeight() const { return selectRegionHeight_; } /*! Returns a pointer to an array of \c GLuint. This buffer is used by the \c GL_SELECT mode in select() to perform object selection. The buffer size can be modified using setSelectBufferSize(). If you overload endSelection(), you will analyze the content of this buffer. See the \c glSelectBuffer() man page for details. */ GLuint *selectBuffer() { return selectBuffer_; } public Q_SLOTS: virtual void select(const QMouseEvent *event); virtual void select(const QPoint &point); void setSelectBufferSize(int size); /*! Sets the selectRegionWidth(). */ void setSelectRegionWidth(int width) { selectRegionWidth_ = width; } /*! Sets the selectRegionHeight(). */ void setSelectRegionHeight(int height) { selectRegionHeight_ = height; } /*! Set the selectedName() value. Used in endSelection() during a selection. You should only call this method if you overload the endSelection() method. */ void setSelectedName(int id) { selectedObjectId_ = id; } protected: virtual void beginSelection(const QPoint &point); /*! This method is called by select() and should draw selectable entities. Default implementation is empty. Overload and draw the different elements of your scene you want to be able to select. The default select() implementation relies on the \c GL_SELECT, and requires that each selectable element is drawn within a \c glPushName() - \c glPopName() block. A typical usage would be (see the <a href="../examples/select.html">select example</a>): \code void Viewer::drawWithNames() { for (int i=0; i<nbObjects; ++i) { glPushName(i); object(i)->draw(); glPopName(); } } \endcode The resulting selected name is computed by endSelection(), which setSelectedName() to the integer id pushed by this method (a value of -1 means no selection). Use selectedName() to update your selection, probably in the postSelection() method. \attention If your selected objects are points, do not use \c glBegin(GL_POINTS); and \c glVertex3fv() in the above \c draw() method (not compatible with raster mode): use \c glRasterPos3fv() instead. */ virtual void drawWithNames() {} virtual void endSelection(const QPoint &point); /*! This method is called at the end of the select() procedure. It should finalize the selection process and update the data structure/interface/computation/display... according to the newly selected entity. The default implementation is empty. Overload this method if needed, and use selectedName() to retrieve the selected entity name (returns -1 if no object was selected). See the <a href="../examples/select.html">select example</a> for an illustration. */ virtual void postSelection(const QPoint &point) { Q_UNUSED(point); } //@} /*! @name Keyboard customization */ //@{ public: /*! Defines the different actions that can be associated with a keyboard shortcut using setShortcut(). See the <a href="../keyboard.html">keyboard page</a> for details. */ enum KeyboardAction { DRAW_AXIS, DRAW_GRID, DISPLAY_FPS, ENABLE_TEXT, EXIT_VIEWER, SAVE_SCREENSHOT, CAMERA_MODE, FULL_SCREEN, STEREO, ANIMATION, HELP, EDIT_CAMERA, MOVE_CAMERA_LEFT, MOVE_CAMERA_RIGHT, MOVE_CAMERA_UP, MOVE_CAMERA_DOWN, INCREASE_FLYSPEED, DECREASE_FLYSPEED, SNAPSHOT_TO_CLIPBOARD }; unsigned int shortcut(KeyboardAction action) const; #ifndef DOXYGEN // QGLViewer 1.x unsigned int keyboardAccelerator(KeyboardAction action) const; Qt::Key keyFrameKey(unsigned int index) const; Qt::KeyboardModifiers playKeyFramePathStateKey() const; // QGLViewer 2.0 without Qt4 support Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameStateKey() const; Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathStateKey() const; #endif Qt::Key pathKey(unsigned int index) const; Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers() const; Qt::KeyboardModifiers playPathKeyboardModifiers() const; public Q_SLOTS: void setShortcut(KeyboardAction action, unsigned int key); #ifndef DOXYGEN void setKeyboardAccelerator(KeyboardAction action, unsigned int key); #endif void setKeyDescription(unsigned int key, QString description); void clearShortcuts(); // Key Frames shortcut keys #ifndef DOXYGEN // QGLViewer 1.x compatibility methods virtual void setKeyFrameKey(unsigned int index, int key); virtual void setPlayKeyFramePathStateKey(unsigned int buttonState); // QGLViewer 2.0 without Qt4 support virtual void setPlayPathStateKey(unsigned int buttonState); virtual void setAddKeyFrameStateKey(unsigned int buttonState); #endif virtual void setPathKey(int key, unsigned int index = 0); virtual void setPlayPathKeyboardModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers); virtual void setAddKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers); //@} public: /*! @name Mouse customization */ //@{ /*! Defines the different mouse handlers: camera() or manipulatedFrame(). Used by setMouseBinding(), setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, ClickAction, bool, int) and setWheelBinding() to define which handler receives the mouse events. */ enum MouseHandler { CAMERA, FRAME }; /*! Defines the possible actions that can be binded to a mouse click using setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::MouseButtons, ClickAction, bool, int). See the <a href="../mouse.html">mouse page</a> for details. */ enum ClickAction { NO_CLICK_ACTION, ZOOM_ON_PIXEL, ZOOM_TO_FIT, SELECT, RAP_FROM_PIXEL, RAP_IS_CENTER, CENTER_FRAME, CENTER_SCENE, SHOW_ENTIRE_SCENE, ALIGN_FRAME, ALIGN_CAMERA }; /*! Defines the possible actions that can be binded to a mouse action (a click, followed by a mouse displacement). These actions may be binded to the camera() or to the manipulatedFrame() (see QGLViewer::MouseHandler) using setMouseBinding(). */ enum MouseAction { NO_MOUSE_ACTION, ROTATE, ZOOM, TRANSLATE, MOVE_FORWARD, LOOK_AROUND, MOVE_BACKWARD, SCREEN_ROTATE, ROLL, DRIVE, SCREEN_TRANSLATE, ZOOM_ON_REGION }; #ifndef DOXYGEN MouseAction mouseAction(unsigned int state) const; int mouseHandler(unsigned int state) const; int mouseButtonState(MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true) const; ClickAction clickAction(unsigned int state, bool doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore) const; void getClickButtonState(ClickAction action, unsigned int &state, bool &doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons &buttonsBefore) const; unsigned int wheelButtonState(MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true) const; #endif MouseAction mouseAction(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button) const; int mouseHandler(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button) const; void getMouseActionBinding(MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers, Qt::MouseButton &button) const; ClickAction clickAction(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton) const; void getClickActionBinding(ClickAction action, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers, Qt::MouseButton &button, bool &doubleClick, Qt::MouseButtons &buttonsBefore) const; MouseAction wheelAction(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const; int wheelHandler(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const; void getWheelActionBinding(MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint, Qt::Key &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers) const; public Q_SLOTS: #ifndef DOXYGEN void setMouseBinding(unsigned int state, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true); void setMouseBinding(unsigned int state, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton); void setMouseBindingDescription(unsigned int state, QString description, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton); #endif void setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton buttons, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true); void setMouseBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton); void setWheelBinding(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true); void setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, QString description, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton); void setMouseBinding(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton buttons, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true); void setMouseBinding(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, ClickAction action, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton); void setWheelBinding(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, MouseHandler handler, MouseAction action, bool withConstraint = true); void setMouseBindingDescription(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton button, QString description, bool doubleClick = false, Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore = Qt::NoButton); void clearMouseBindings(); #ifndef DOXYGEN MouseAction wheelAction(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const; int wheelHandler(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const; void setHandlerKeyboardModifiers(MouseHandler handler, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers); void setHandlerStateKey(MouseHandler handler, unsigned int buttonState); void setMouseStateKey(MouseHandler handler, unsigned int buttonState); #endif private: static QString mouseActionString(QGLViewer::MouseAction ma); static QString clickActionString(QGLViewer::ClickAction ca); //@} /*! @name State persistence */ //@{ public: QString stateFileName() const; virtual QDomElement domElement(const QString &name, QDomDocument &document) const; public Q_SLOTS: virtual void initFromDOMElement(const QDomElement &element); virtual void saveStateToFile(); // cannot be const because of QMessageBox virtual bool restoreStateFromFile(); /*! Defines the stateFileName() used by saveStateToFile() and restoreStateFromFile(). The file name can have an optional prefix directory (no prefix meaning current directory). If the directory does not exist, it will be created by saveStateToFile(). \code // Name depends on the displayed 3D model. Saved in current directory. setStateFileName(3DModelName() + ".xml"); // Files are stored in a dedicated directory under user's home directory. setStateFileName(QDir::homeDirPath + "/.config/myApp.xml"); \endcode */ void setStateFileName(const QString &name) { stateFileName_ = name; } #ifndef DOXYGEN void saveToFile(const QString &fileName = QString()); bool restoreFromFile(const QString &fileName = QString()); #endif private: static void saveStateToFileForAllViewers(); //@} /*! @name QGLViewer pool */ //@{ public: /*! Returns a \c QList that contains pointers to all the created QGLViewers. Note that this list may contain \c nullptr pointers if the associated viewer has been deleted. Can be useful to apply a method or to connect a signal to all the viewers: \code foreach (QGLViewer* viewer, QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool()) connect(myObject, SIGNAL(IHaveChangedSignal()), viewer, SLOT(update())); \endcode \attention With Qt version 3, this method returns a \c QPtrList instead. Use a \c QPtrListIterator to iterate on the list instead.*/ static const QList<QGLViewer *> &QGLViewerPool() { return QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool_; } /*! Returns the index of the QGLViewer \p viewer in the QGLViewerPool(). This index in unique and can be used to identify the different created QGLViewers (see stateFileName() for an application example). When a QGLViewer is deleted, the QGLViewers' indexes are preserved and nullptr is set for that index. When a QGLViewer is created, it is placed in the first available position in that list. Returns -1 if the QGLViewer could not be found (which should not be possible). */ static int QGLViewerIndex(const QGLViewer *const viewer) { return QGLViewer::QGLViewerPool_.indexOf(const_cast<QGLViewer *>(viewer)); } //@} #ifndef DOXYGEN /*! @name Visual hints */ //@{ public: virtual void setVisualHintsMask(int mask, int delay = 2000); virtual void drawVisualHints(); public Q_SLOTS: virtual void resetVisualHints(); //@} #endif private Q_SLOTS: // Patch for a Qt bug with fullScreen on startup void delayedFullScreen() { move(prevPos_); setFullScreen(); } void hideMessage(); private: // Copy constructor and operator= are declared private and undefined // Prevents everyone from trying to use them QGLViewer(const QGLViewer &v); QGLViewer &operator=(const QGLViewer &v); // Set parameters to their default values. Called by the constructors. void defaultConstructor(); void handleKeyboardAction(KeyboardAction id); // C a m e r a qglviewer::Camera *camera_; bool cameraIsEdited_; qreal previousCameraZClippingCoefficient_; unsigned int previousPathId_; // double key press recognition void connectAllCameraKFIInterpolatedSignals(bool connection = true); // C o l o r s QColor backgroundColor_, foregroundColor_; // D i s p l a y f l a g s bool axisIsDrawn_; // world axis bool gridIsDrawn_; // world XY grid bool FPSIsDisplayed_; // Frame Per Seconds bool textIsEnabled_; // drawText() actually draws text or not bool stereo_; // stereo display bool fullScreen_; // full screen mode QPoint prevPos_; // Previous window position, used for full screen mode // A n i m a t i o n bool animationStarted_; // animation mode started int animationPeriod_; // period in msecs int animationTimerId_; // F P S d i s p l a y QElapsedTimer fpsTime_; unsigned int fpsCounter_; QString fpsString_; qreal f_p_s_; // M e s s a g e s QString message_; bool displayMessage_; QTimer messageTimer_; // M a n i p u l a t e d f r a m e qglviewer::ManipulatedFrame *manipulatedFrame_; bool manipulatedFrameIsACamera_; // M o u s e G r a b b e r qglviewer::MouseGrabber *mouseGrabber_; bool mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedFrame_; bool mouseGrabberIsAManipulatedCameraFrame_; QMap<size_t, bool> disabledMouseGrabbers_; // S e l e c t i o n int selectRegionWidth_, selectRegionHeight_; int selectBufferSize_; GLuint *selectBuffer_; int selectedObjectId_; // V i s u a l h i n t s int visualHint_; // S h o r t c u t k e y s void setDefaultShortcuts(); QString cameraPathKeysString() const; QMap<KeyboardAction, QString> keyboardActionDescription_; QMap<KeyboardAction, unsigned int> keyboardBinding_; QMap<unsigned int, QString> keyDescription_; // K e y F r a m e s s h o r t c u t s QMap<Qt::Key, unsigned int> pathIndex_; Qt::KeyboardModifiers addKeyFrameKeyboardModifiers_, playPathKeyboardModifiers_; // B u f f e r T e x t u r e GLuint bufferTextureId_; qreal bufferTextureMaxU_, bufferTextureMaxV_; int bufferTextureWidth_, bufferTextureHeight_; unsigned int previousBufferTextureFormat_; int previousBufferTextureInternalFormat_; #ifndef DOXYGEN // M o u s e a c t i o n s struct MouseActionPrivate { MouseHandler handler; MouseAction action; bool withConstraint; }; // M o u s e b i n d i n g s struct MouseBindingPrivate { const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers; const Qt::MouseButton button; const Qt::Key key; MouseBindingPrivate(Qt::KeyboardModifiers m, Qt::MouseButton b, Qt::Key k) : modifiers(m), button(b), key(k) {} // This sort order is used in mouseString() to display sorted mouse bindings bool operator<(const MouseBindingPrivate &mbp) const { if (key != mbp.key) return key < mbp.key; if (modifiers != mbp.modifiers) return modifiers < mbp.modifiers; return button < mbp.button; } }; // W h e e l b i n d i n g s struct WheelBindingPrivate { const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers; const Qt::Key key; WheelBindingPrivate(Qt::KeyboardModifiers m, Qt::Key k) : modifiers(m), key(k) {} // This sort order is used in mouseString() to display sorted wheel bindings bool operator<(const WheelBindingPrivate &wbp) const { if (key != wbp.key) return key < wbp.key; return modifiers < wbp.modifiers; } }; // C l i c k b i n d i n g s struct ClickBindingPrivate { const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers; const Qt::MouseButton button; const bool doubleClick; const Qt::MouseButtons buttonsBefore; // only defined when doubleClick is true const Qt::Key key; ClickBindingPrivate(Qt::KeyboardModifiers m, Qt::MouseButton b, bool dc, Qt::MouseButtons bb, Qt::Key k) : modifiers(m), button(b), doubleClick(dc), buttonsBefore(bb), key(k) {} // This sort order is used in mouseString() to display sorted mouse bindings bool operator<(const ClickBindingPrivate &cbp) const { if (key != cbp.key) return key < cbp.key; if (buttonsBefore != cbp.buttonsBefore) return buttonsBefore < cbp.buttonsBefore; if (modifiers != cbp.modifiers) return modifiers < cbp.modifiers; if (button != cbp.button) return button < cbp.button; return doubleClick < cbp.doubleClick; } }; #endif static QString formatClickActionPrivate(ClickBindingPrivate cbp); static bool isValidShortcutKey(int key); QMap<ClickBindingPrivate, QString> mouseDescription_; void setDefaultMouseBindings(); void performClickAction(ClickAction ca, const QMouseEvent *const e); QMap<MouseBindingPrivate, MouseActionPrivate> mouseBinding_; QMap<WheelBindingPrivate, MouseActionPrivate> wheelBinding_; QMap<ClickBindingPrivate, ClickAction> clickBinding_; Qt::Key currentlyPressedKey_; // S n a p s h o t s void initializeSnapshotFormats(); QImage frameBufferSnapshot(); QString snapshotFileName_, snapshotFormat_; int snapshotCounter_, snapshotQuality_; TileRegion *tileRegion_; // Q G L V i e w e r p o o l static QList<QGLViewer *> QGLViewerPool_; // S t a t e F i l e QString stateFileName_; // H e l p w i n d o w QTabWidget *helpWidget_; }; #endif // QGLVIEWER_QGLVIEWER_H