Content of file SparseMatrixProduct.inl

*                 SOFA, Simulation Open-Framework Architecture                *
*                    (c) 2006 INRIA, USTL, UJF, CNRS, MGH                     *
*                                                                             *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     *
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by    *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at     *
* your option) any later version.                                             *
*                                                                             *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT *
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       *
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* for more details.                                                           *
*                                                                             *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
* along with this program. If not, see <>.        *
* Authors: The SOFA Team and external contributors (see Authors.txt)          *
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#pragma once
#include <sofa/linearalgebra/SparseMatrixProduct.h>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <sofa/type/vector.h>

namespace sofa::linearalgebra::sparsematrixproduct

 * Represent a scalar and its index in an array of scalars
template<class Scalar>
struct IndexedValue
    Eigen::Index index {};
    Scalar value;

    IndexedValue() = default;

    template<class AnyScalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_scalar_v<AnyScalar> > >
    IndexedValue(AnyScalar s) : value(s) {}

    IndexedValue(const IndexedValue& other) = default;
definition of implicit copy assignment operator for 'IndexedValue' is deprecated because it has a user-declared copy constructor
operator Scalar() const { return value; } }; template<class Scalar> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, IndexedValue<Scalar>& p) { o << "(" << p.value << ", " << p.index << ")"; return o; } /** * Represent a sum of scalar products. It stores: * - a value for the result * - a list of pairs of indices to know what scalars were used for the computation */ template<class Scalar> class IndexValueProduct { private: using IndexLHS = Eigen::Index; using IndexRHS = Eigen::Index; using ScalarProduct = std::pair<IndexLHS, IndexRHS>; sofa::type::vector<ScalarProduct> m_indices {}; Scalar value {}; public: [[nodiscard]] const sofa::type::vector<ScalarProduct>& getIndices() const { return m_indices; } IndexValueProduct() = default; template<class AnyScalar, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_scalar_v<AnyScalar> > > IndexValueProduct(AnyScalar s) : value(s) {} operator Scalar() const { return value; } template<class AnyScalar> IndexValueProduct(const IndexValueProduct<AnyScalar>& other) : m_indices(other.indices) , value(static_cast<Scalar>(other.value)) {} template<class AnyScalar> void operator+=(const IndexValueProduct<AnyScalar>& other) { m_indices.insert(m_indices.end(), other.m_indices.begin(), other.m_indices.end()); value += static_cast<Scalar>(other.value); } template<class ScalarLhs, class ScalarRhs> friend IndexValueProduct<decltype(ScalarLhs{} * ScalarRhs{})> operator*(const IndexedValue<ScalarLhs>& lhs, const IndexedValue<ScalarRhs>& rhs); }; template<class Scalar> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, IndexValueProduct<Scalar>& p) { o << "(" << p.value << ", [" << p.indices << "])"; return o; } template<class ScalarLhs, class ScalarRhs> IndexValueProduct<decltype(ScalarLhs{} * ScalarRhs{})> operator*(const IndexedValue<ScalarLhs>& lhs, const IndexedValue<ScalarRhs>& rhs) { IndexValueProduct<decltype(ScalarLhs{} * ScalarRhs{})> product; product.m_indices.resize(1, {lhs.index, rhs.index}); product.value = lhs.value * rhs.value; return product; } } //this is to inform Eigen that the product of two IndexedValue is a IndexValueProduct #define DEFINE_PRODUCT_OP_FOR_TYPES(lhs, rhs) \ template<> \ struct Eigen::ScalarBinaryOpTraits< \ sofa::linearalgebra::sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<lhs>, \ sofa::linearalgebra::sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<rhs>, \ Eigen::internal::scalar_product_op< \ sofa::linearalgebra::sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<lhs>, \ sofa::linearalgebra::sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<rhs> \ > \ > \ { \ typedef sofa::linearalgebra::sparsematrixproduct::IndexValueProduct<decltype(lhs{} * rhs{})> ReturnType; \ }; DEFINE_PRODUCT_OP_FOR_TYPES(float, float) DEFINE_PRODUCT_OP_FOR_TYPES(double, float) DEFINE_PRODUCT_OP_FOR_TYPES(float, double) DEFINE_PRODUCT_OP_FOR_TYPES(double, double) namespace sofa::linearalgebra { template<class Lhs, class Rhs, class ResultType> void SparseMatrixProduct<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType>::computeProduct(bool forceComputeIntersection) { if (forceComputeIntersection) { m_hasComputedIntersection = false; } if (m_hasComputedIntersection == false) { computeIntersection(); m_hasComputedIntersection = true; } else { computeProductFromIntersection(); } } template <class Lhs, class Rhs, class ResultType> void SparseMatrixProduct<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType>::computeRegularProduct() { m_productResult = *m_lhs * *m_rhs; } template <typename _Scalar, int _Options, typename _StorageIndex> void flagValueIndices(Eigen::SparseMatrix<sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<_Scalar>, _Options, _StorageIndex>& matrix) { for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < matrix.nonZeros(); ++i) { matrix.valuePtr()[i].index = i; } } template<class T> struct EigenOptions { static constexpr auto value = T::Options; }; template<class T> static constexpr auto EigenOptions_v = EigenOptions<T>::value; template<class T, int Options, typename StrideType> struct EigenOptions<Eigen::Map<T, Options, StrideType>> { static constexpr auto value = EigenOptions_v<T>; }; template<class T, int Options, typename StrideType> struct EigenOptions<const Eigen::Map<T, Options, StrideType>> { static constexpr auto value = EigenOptions_v<T>; }; template<class T> struct EigenOptions<Eigen::Transpose<T>> { static constexpr auto value = (EigenOptions_v<T> == Eigen::RowMajor) ? Eigen::ColMajor : Eigen::RowMajor; }; template<class T> struct EigenOptions<const Eigen::Transpose<T>> { static constexpr auto value = (EigenOptions_v<T> == Eigen::RowMajor) ? Eigen::ColMajor : Eigen::RowMajor; }; template<class Lhs, class Rhs, class ResultType> void SparseMatrixProduct<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType>::computeIntersection() { using LocalLhs = Eigen::SparseMatrix< sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<LhsScalar>, EigenOptions_v<Lhs>, typename Lhs::StorageIndex >; using LocalRhs = Eigen::SparseMatrix< sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<RhsScalar>, EigenOptions_v<Rhs>, typename Rhs::StorageIndex >; //copy the input matrices in an intermediate matrix with the same properties //except that the type of values is IndexedValue LocalLhs lhs = m_lhs->template cast<sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<LhsScalar>>(); LocalRhs rhs = m_rhs->template cast<sparsematrixproduct::IndexedValue<RhsScalar>>(); flagValueIndices(lhs); flagValueIndices(rhs); using LocalResult = Eigen::SparseMatrix< sparsematrixproduct::IndexValueProduct<decltype(LhsScalar{} * RhsScalar{})>, ResultType::Options, typename ResultType::StorageIndex >; const LocalResult product = lhs * rhs; const auto productNonZeros = product.nonZeros(); m_intersectionAB.intersection.clear(); m_intersectionAB.intersection.reserve(productNonZeros); for (Eigen::Index i = 0; i < productNonZeros; ++i) { m_intersectionAB.intersection.push_back(product.valuePtr()[i].getIndices()); //depending on the storage scheme, Eigen can change the order of the lhs and rhs //Note: the condition has been determined empirically, using unit tests //testing all possible combinations = 2^3 = 8 if constexpr ((Lhs::IsRowMajor && Rhs::IsRowMajor && ResultType::IsRowMajor) || ((Lhs::IsRowMajor || Rhs::IsRowMajor) && !ResultType::IsRowMajor)) { for (auto& [lhsIndex, rhsIndex] : m_intersectionAB.intersection.back()) { std::swap(lhsIndex, rhsIndex); } } #if !defined(NDEBUG) const auto lhsNonZeros = m_lhs->nonZeros(); const auto rhsNonZeros = m_rhs->nonZeros(); for (const auto& [lhsIndex, rhsIndex] : m_intersectionAB.intersection.back()) { assert(lhsIndex < lhsNonZeros); assert(rhsIndex < rhsNonZeros); } #endif } m_productResult = product.template cast<ResultScalar>(); } template<class Lhs, class Rhs, class ResultType> void SparseMatrixProduct<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType>::computeProductFromIntersection() { assert(m_intersectionAB.intersection.size() == m_productResult.nonZeros()); auto* lhs_ptr = m_lhs->valuePtr(); auto* rhs_ptr = m_rhs->valuePtr(); auto* product_ptr = m_productResult.valuePtr(); const auto lhsNonZeros = m_lhs->nonZeros(); const auto rhsNonZeros = m_rhs->nonZeros(); for (const auto& pairs : m_intersectionAB.intersection) { auto& value = *product_ptr++; value = 0; for (const auto& [lhsIndex, rhsIndex] : pairs) { assert(lhsIndex < lhsNonZeros); assert(rhsIndex < rhsNonZeros); value += lhs_ptr[lhsIndex] * rhs_ptr[rhsIndex]; } } } template<class Lhs, class Rhs, class ResultType> void SparseMatrixProduct<Lhs, Rhs, ResultType>::invalidateIntersection() { m_hasComputedIntersection = false; } }