Content of file VideoRecorderFFMPEG.cpp

*                 SOFA, Simulation Open-Framework Architecture                *
*                    (c) 2006 INRIA, USTL, UJF, CNRS, MGH                     *
*                                                                             *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     *
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by    *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at     *
* your option) any later version.                                             *
*                                                                             *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT *
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       *
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* for more details.                                                           *
*                                                                             *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
* along with this program. If not, see <>.        *
* Authors: The SOFA Team and external contributors (see Authors.txt)          *
*                                                                             *
* Contact information:                             *
#include <sofa/gl/VideoRecorderFFMPEG.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>      //popen
#include <errno.h>
#include <cstdio>		// sprintf and friends
#include <sstream>
#include <sofa/helper/logging/Messaging.h>
#include <sofa/helper/system/FileSystem.h>
using sofa::helper::system::FileSystem;
#include <sofa/helper/Utils.h>

namespace sofa::gl

    : m_framerate(25)
    , m_prefix("sofa_video")
    , m_ffmpeg(nullptr)
    , m_viewportBuffer(nullptr)
    , m_ffmpegBuffer(nullptr)
    , m_pixelFormatSize(4)



bool VideoRecorderFFMPEG::init(const std::string& ffmpeg_exec_filepath, const std::string& filename, int width, int height, unsigned int framerate, unsigned int bitrate, const std::string& codec)
    msg_error_when(codec.empty(), "VideoRecorderFFMPEG") << "No codec specified";
    if ( codec.empty() )
        return false;

    m_filename = filename;
    m_framerate = framerate;

    msg_warning_when(width & 1, "VideoRecorderFFMPEG") << "Width  not divisible by 2 (" << width << "x" << height << "). The video capture will be slow. Resize the viewport to speed up the videocapture";
    msg_warning_when(height & 1, "VideoRecorderFFMPEG") << "Height not divisible by 2 (" << width << "x" << height << "). The video capture will be slow. Resize the viewport to speed up the videocapture";

    m_viewportWidth = width;
    m_viewportHeight = height;

    m_viewportBufferSize = m_pixelFormatSize * m_viewportWidth*m_viewportHeight;
    m_viewportBuffer = new unsigned char[m_viewportBufferSize];

    m_ffmpegWidth = width;
    if (m_ffmpegWidth & 1)

    m_ffmpegHeight = height;
    if (m_ffmpegHeight & 1)

    m_ffmpegBufferSize = m_pixelFormatSize * m_ffmpegWidth*m_ffmpegHeight;
    m_ffmpegBuffer = new unsigned char [m_ffmpegBufferSize];

    m_FrameCount = 0;

    m_ffmpegExecPath = ffmpeg_exec_filepath;
        std::string extension;
#ifdef WIN32
        extension = ".exe";
        m_ffmpegExecPath = helper::Utils::getExecutablePath() + "/ffmpeg" + extension;
            // Fallback to a relative FFMPEG (may be in system or exposed in PATH)
            m_ffmpegExecPath = "ffmpeg" + extension;

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << m_ffmpegExecPath
       << " -r " << m_framerate
       << " -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgba "
       << " -s " << m_ffmpegWidth << "x" << m_ffmpegHeight
       << " -i - -threads 0  -y"
       << " -preset fast "
       << " -pix_fmt " << codec // yuv420p " // " yuv444p "
       << " -crf 17 "
       << " -vf vflip "
       << "\"" << m_filename << "\""; // @TODO C++14 : replace with std::quoted

    const std::string& command_line = ss.str();

#ifdef WIN32
    m_ffmpeg = _popen(command_line.c_str(), "wb");
    m_ffmpeg = popen(command_line.c_str(), "w");
    if (m_ffmpeg == nullptr) {
        msg_error("VideoRecorderFFMPEG") << "ffmpeg process failed to open (error " << errno << "). Command line : " << command_line;
        return false;
    msg_info("VideoRecorderFFMPEG") << "Start recording to " << filename
        << " ( " <<  codec << ", "
        << framerate << " FPS, "
        << bitrate << " b/s)"
        << " using " << m_ffmpegExecPath;
    return true;

void VideoRecorderFFMPEG::addFrame()
    GLint viewport[4];
    glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
    if ((viewport[2] != m_viewportWidth) || (viewport[3] != m_viewportHeight))
        std::cout << "WARNING viewport changed during video capture from " << m_viewportWidth << "x" << m_viewportHeight << "  to  " << viewport[2] << "x" << viewport[3] << std::endl;

    glReadPixels(0, 0, m_viewportWidth, m_viewportHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void*)m_viewportBuffer);

    // set ffmpeg buffer: initialize to 0 (black) 
    memset(m_ffmpegBuffer, 0, m_ffmpegBufferSize);

    if (m_viewportWidth == m_ffmpegWidth)
        memcpy(m_ffmpegBuffer, m_viewportBuffer, m_viewportBufferSize);
        const unsigned char* viewportBufferIter = m_viewportBuffer;
        const size_t viewportRowSizeInBytes = m_pixelFormatSize * m_viewportWidth;

        unsigned char* ffmpegBufferIter = m_ffmpegBuffer;
        const size_t ffmpegRowSizeInBytes = m_pixelFormatSize * m_ffmpegWidth;

        int row = m_viewportHeight;
        while ( row-- > 0 )
            memcpy( ffmpegBufferIter, viewportBufferIter, viewportRowSizeInBytes);
            viewportBufferIter += viewportRowSizeInBytes;
            ffmpegBufferIter += ffmpegRowSizeInBytes;

    fwrite(m_ffmpegBuffer, m_ffmpegBufferSize, 1, m_ffmpeg);

void VideoRecorderFFMPEG::finishVideo()
#ifdef WIN32
    delete m_ffmpegBuffer;
    delete m_viewportBuffer;
    std::cout << m_filename << " written" << std::endl;

std::string VideoRecorderFFMPEG::findFilename(const unsigned int framerate, const unsigned int bitrate, const std::string& extension)
    std::string filename;
    char buf[32];
    int c = 0;
    struct stat st;
        sprintf(buf, "%04d", c);
'sprintf' is deprecated: This function is provided for compatibility reasons only. Due to security concerns inherent in the design of sprintf(3), it is highly recommended that you use snprintf(3) instead.
filename = m_prefix; filename += "_r" + std::to_string(framerate) + "_"; //filename += +"_b" + std::to_string(bitrate) + "_"; filename += buf; filename += "."; filename += extension; } while (stat(filename.c_str(), &st) == 0); return filename; } } // namespace sofa::gl