

  1. [GitHub] Add new actions to connect GitHub and Discord (#4445) (details)
Commit 2e3a1046b7e7c387349afe7829d12a9fa71a5f17 by noreply
[GitHub] Add new actions to connect GitHub and Discord (#4445)

* [GitHub] Add a script to post list of pending topics on GHD

* add yml action file to post pending discussions

* rename env var for discuord  using detailed name

* add new script to post announcements in dedicated channel

* fix typo

* minor cosmetic improvements

* add action for release announcement

* move all discord script in a dedicated folder

* create a single python script to send messages from yml files and create a new action for dev meeting agenda

* cosmetic changes

* add warning message before SOFA dev meeting + cosmetic change

* Rename actions for readibility

* Add new action forwarding all GH activities
The file was added.github/workflows/post-pending-discussions.yml
The file was added.github/workflows/post-release.yml
The file was modified.github/workflows/pr-title-checker.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/pr-timing-checker.yml (diff)
The file was modified.github/workflows/pr-label-checker.yml (diff)
The file was addedscripts/discord/
The file was added.github/workflows/post-announcements.yml
The file was addedscripts/discord/
The file was added.github/workflows/post-github-activity.yml
The file was added.github/workflows/post-agenda-sofa-dev-meeting.yml