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Started 12 days ago
Took 26 sec on sos-builder02-ubuntu18

Build #1370 (May 7, 2024, 6:10:00 PM)

  1. Fix HTTP blocker for Maven version >= 3.8.1 (details)
  2. Move to JDK 17 and Maven 3.9.6 (details)
  3. Update copyright year (details)
  4. Specify version number to ensure compatibility (details)
  5. Use https to access repositories (details)
  6. Fix HTTP blocker for Maven version >= 3.8.1 (details)
  7. Move to JDK 17 and Maven 3.9.6 (details)
  8. Update copyright year (details)
  9. Specify version number to ensure compatibility (details)
  10. Use https to access repositories (details)
  11. Merge mvn setting files (details)
  12. Documenting last commits (details)
  13. Move to Spoon 11.0.0 (details)
  14. Update to the latest version of the OW2 parent pom (details)
  15. Update docker image to match Maven 3.8.3 enforced by OW2 (details)
  16. Move to the next Spoon snapshot (details)

Started by timer

Revision: 1f4b18a4d48eca155e022f1235f6028adc673603
  • refs/remotes/origin/spoon-snapshot