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  1. Clenaup: deprecate unused `StRewriteRuleChangesBrowserPresenter` (details)
  2. Feat: refactoring change manager new API for performing list of changes (details)
  3. Refactor: move `undoLastRefactoring` to instance side (details)
  4. Refactor: wrap a list of chagnes in a CompositeChange (details)
  5. Test: performing undo on refactoring that has more changes than the UndoSize (details)
  6. Feat: API for performing composite change instead of sending the manager a list of changes (details)
  7. Refactor: deprecate `performChange:` use either `performCompositeChange:` or `performChanges:` (details)
  8. Refactor: migrate senders of `performChange:` to `performChanges:` or `performCompositeChange:` (details)
  9. Refactor: use self instead of getting new instance of refactory change manager (details)
  10. Refactor: cut duplicate code and reuse `performCompositeChange:` (details)
  11. Cleanup: deprecate class side `undoLastRefactoring` (details)
Commit 2c50bc007ba8a85a10a0cb66113958e546fccd7c by sarenac.balsa
Clenaup: deprecate unused `StRewriteRuleChangesBrowserPresenter`
The file was modified src/NautilusRefactoring/ (diff)
Commit 91f68ccfc29a762cf8cff176204e67a531a5e965 by sarenac.balsa
Feat: refactoring change manager new API for performing list of changes
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
Commit 140482a1aaea4959673f0e3c183f3865dcb7f490 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: move `undoLastRefactoring` to instance side 
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Changes-Tests/
Commit 945a47789f7cfe58f40bcac90f0355eaa50d1b68 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: wrap a list of chagnes in a CompositeChange
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
Commit f59f4f09cc17cf093304c8c63c90c2c5f22fbeb9 by sarenac.balsa
Test: performing undo on refactoring that has more changes than the UndoSize
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 3468c57c1566159bb45fa22c103a3b1173a0c66d by sarenac.balsa
Feat: API for performing composite change instead of sending the manager a list of changes
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
Commit f6add8aba94ce92e0d8480d9435d62fc8b5572a3 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: deprecate `performChange:` use either `performCompositeChange:` or `performChanges:`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
Commit d438195e876627d5373ced5f6a2495cec59401d9 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: migrate senders of `performChange:` to `performChanges:` or `performCompositeChange:`
The file was modified src/NautilusRefactoring/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Renraku-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-UI/ (diff)
The file was modified src/NautilusRefactoring/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/SystemCommands-RefactoringSupport/ (diff)
Commit 0ab2a40c07383e3b7b842f1811f8b62ba68a0dc1 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: use self instead of getting new instance of refactory change manager
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
Commit 594e6a815139384ef06075638d4f39aad050fd85 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: cut duplicate code and reuse `performCompositeChange:`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)
Commit c1fee9a4c0da406bec70393a21f32fbaf072754e by sarenac.balsa
Cleanup: deprecate class side `undoLastRefactoring`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Changes/ (diff)