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  1. Trying to avoid parentOfTree: (details)
  2. Clean useless parenthesis (details)
  3. Move utilities methods from ParseTreeRewriter to their only user. (details)
  4. Rename calculateTree (details)
  5. Adding accessors for driver interaction (details)
  6. Just a silly test for selector generation (details)
  7. Introduction of a draft driver + exposing command in menu (details)
  8. Junk to be cleaned (details)
  9. - Remove parentOfSubtree: sine it is not used anymore. (details)
  10. simple formating. (details)
  11. rescuing the removal of a method (details)
  12. Fixing API to accept only class name! (details)
  13. remove unnecessary argument emtpy dictionary (details)
  14. regrouping needsReturn to the set of analysis. (details)
  15. Cleaning messageSendWith: (details)
  16. Adding a nice comment to an important place. (details)
  17. Adding comment and making RBAbstractClass allMethods nicer (details)
  18. Deprecated method as compiledMethod in RBMethod (details)
  19. Starting to write tests for a method equivalent tree checker. (details)
  20. Remove unused methods and cleanups (details)
  21. Cleanup: deprecation use `compiledMethod` instead of `method` (details)
  22. Feat: first iteration of equivalent tree checker implementation (details)
  23. Refactor: deprecate `whoDefinesMethod:` with `whichClassIncludesSelector:` (details)
  24. Refactor: improve naming and add comments to EquivalentTreeChecker (details)
  25. Test: data for testing EquivalentTreeChecker (details)
  26. Feat: using new EquivalentTreeChecker in ExtractMethodTransformation!!! (details)
  27. Cleanup: deprecation rewrites of `whoDefinesMethod:` -> `whichClassIncludesSelector:` (details)
  28. Cleanup: deprecation rewrites of `mehtod` -> `compiledMethod` (details)
  29. Test: add comments for equivalent tree checker (details)
  30. Refactor: rename `checkEquivalentTreeFor:` -> `findEquivalentTreeFor:` (details)
  31. Rename: `RBExtractMethodTransformation` -> `ReCompositeExtractMethodRefactoring` (details)
  32. Cleanup: remove bunch of dead code in `ReCompositeExtractMethodRefactoring` (details)
  33. Refactor: change api of RemoveSubtreeTransformation (details)
  34. Refactor: remove popup from extract setUp method refactoring (details)
  35. Refactor: rename test class for composite extract method refactoring (details)
  36. Refactor: extract code for `addReturnIfNeeded` (details)
  37. Feat: custom transformation that adds super call as first statement (details)
  38. Docs: comment for add super send (details)
  39. Feat: first iteration of extract `setUp` method that can extract statement + tests (details)
  40. Feat: enable Mutation operator to set selector for the new method without UI (details)
  41. Feat: interval based API for invoking CompositeExtractMethodRefactoring (details)
  42. Feat: turn assignment vars into inst vars in setUp method (details)
  43. Cleanup: add missing protocol (details)
Commit b260571406de0ae90608f93ad1dbe0e7b037c003 by sarenac.balsa
Trying to avoid parentOfTree:
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/AST-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/AST-Core/ (diff)
Commit e9b789d6edb145908d600a5b7210441e79b20f87 by sarenac.balsa
Clean useless parenthesis
The file was modified src/AST-Core/ (diff)
Commit 9c0a5d908e992aa7c4aa2875848e894046908423 by sarenac.balsa
Move utilities methods from ParseTreeRewriter to their only user.
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 87d7cefab79d2eb62c3282d3465539864c48d26e by sarenac.balsa
Adding accessors for driver interaction
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit bb79e7765e9d82640abf3ae3d1b121db3377aa7b by sarenac.balsa
Just a silly test for selector generation
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 422712008e324c5c24d74c8fff1d6b0b50ea7619 by sarenac.balsa
Introduction of a draft driver + exposing command in menu
- logic is just straight path
- needs a lot of love
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-UI/
The file was modified src/SystemCommands-SourceCodeCommands/ (diff)
Commit d03611349e469f763ce7d472cfb0a4f86ad92a52 by sarenac.balsa
Junk to be cleaned 
- isMethodEquivalentTo: copied from RBExtractMethodRefactoring should be cleaned, adapted and used instead of bogus whichMethodIn: called by findMethodWithSimilar....
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 63eea48e46ab824cdbb1895b124ec1d56f3e4da1 by sarenac.balsa
- Remove parentOfSubtree: sine it is not used anymore. 
The file was modified src/AST-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/AST-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 5dc8a80d711dc9b5356c294067aaff6c24d47ea5 by sarenac.balsa
rescuing the removal of a method
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 0a0b6e8bb4d9dba6a325b1e318cf61ceae6f3d4b by sarenac.balsa
Fixing API to accept only class name!
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-UI/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 9c6c7b21567d57f8cad14ea6352e55fa29f9e395 by sarenac.balsa
remove unnecessary argument emtpy dictionary
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit dcba1b5e675394c89946ace3946f80a78a802293 by sarenac.balsa
regrouping needsReturn to the set of analysis. 
Removed unnecessary ifnil checks
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit b1ba56fd0e37ec0ed8d40fc774b1b88a063231a6 by sarenac.balsa
Cleaning messageSendWith:
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 9b2d1e14ad35ec99fc62ef8323619ab75f7db4ce by sarenac.balsa
Adding a nice comment to an important place. 
The file was modified src/AST-Core/ (diff)
Commit 9eea9f370f9b0d5a352894d0055df1d66aa2185a by sarenac.balsa
Adding comment and making RBAbstractClass allMethods nicer
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
Commit a81dbfe2e10ea43ef3142472d21d8e4bd2ec3538 by sarenac.balsa
Deprecated method as compiledMethod in RBMethod
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
Commit c6658585b3627338a905d82082e02d4f09b70d53 by sarenac.balsa
Starting to write tests for a method equivalent tree checker.
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-DataForTesting/
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-DataForTesting/
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/
Commit ec479b7add59b64f7398854d02f151d4f6136541 by sarenac.balsa
Remove unused methods and cleanups
- use correct method to find methods to be checked
- rename temp that overrided instance variable
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 85c7ba90f2a95c1b9b63f4c349ef347320a7b3a1 by sarenac.balsa
Cleanup: deprecation use `compiledMethod` instead of `method`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
Commit dbfe079492452933c913d5a277a447244fcef2ff by sarenac.balsa
Feat: first iteration of equivalent tree checker implementation
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 09ee00f11e0d496ffa20811fc12b5dceb5b82ec3 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: deprecate `whoDefinesMethod:` with `whichClassIncludesSelector:`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 3e115e596de23f195c90e2def37c2d247ccff3ab by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: improve naming and add comments to EquivalentTreeChecker
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 692b89bf019dd6d64035b0ab9f3af85bd97ecdeb by sarenac.balsa
Test: data for testing EquivalentTreeChecker
The file was modified src/Refactoring-DataForTesting/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-DataForTesting/ (diff)
Commit bd738347066b9dca3d6c25d3d0d88babcdcd4af8 by sarenac.balsa
Feat: using new EquivalentTreeChecker in ExtractMethodTransformation!!!
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 9a1c8bd9a64a1783769ca18962f26cd8d88777c1 by sarenac.balsa
Cleanup: deprecation rewrites of `whoDefinesMethod:` -> `whichClassIncludesSelector:`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
Commit 51a32bf7241bde6204ceb490152f67bab24349c3 by sarenac.balsa
Cleanup: deprecation rewrites of `mehtod` -> `compiledMethod`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
Commit 997ca13e8ca8fce1f50f9b508a3cdc7835219492 by sarenac.balsa
Test: add comments for equivalent tree checker
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit dccbe6c28fb4fa45267eb40d9dbaa97ddd55c9d2 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: rename `checkEquivalentTreeFor:` -> `findEquivalentTreeFor:`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit e620048258716c16dfb188ae2214f480154d7834 by sarenac.balsa
Rename: `RBExtractMethodTransformation` -> `ReCompositeExtractMethodRefactoring`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-UI/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations/
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
The file was removedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations/
Commit 7f8b1e63b0662bb55e51d4535da6c734124bc090 by sarenac.balsa
Cleanup: remove bunch of dead code in `ReCompositeExtractMethodRefactoring`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit d3648667c37349e6f4bf677c01714be10ad1ec08 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: change api of RemoveSubtreeTransformation
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit 1600e39faa2ba1b6d088e59aad7fb3d92bc2afd4 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: remove popup from extract setUp method refactoring
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Core/ (diff)
Commit 12430ede44d76208b95be24c7c7dd58da8efb062 by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: rename test class for composite extract method refactoring
The file was removedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/
Commit 7494cfb9b7fa0f8e9c17c1f631c58786304885ae by sarenac.balsa
Refactor: extract code for `addReturnIfNeeded`
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 857680f8127faf17facb24ab34e42c842b020b18 by sarenac.balsa
Feat: custom transformation that adds super call as first statement
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations/
Commit fe64ace28a4048b0b5626742166993e524e5f36f by sarenac.balsa
Docs: comment for add super send
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 0ebc7f8b4e0d3cf530c83e9e11c73e00d18c43df by sarenac.balsa
Feat: first iteration of extract `setUp` method that can extract statement + tests
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations/
The file was addedsrc/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/
Commit 639f737b935e9680756ec915e16a45c913d7a27e by sarenac.balsa
Feat: enable Mutation operator to set selector for the new method without UI
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 8aa96c30e5d3dbb1c5ee0d9418b9e29d2636e43f by sarenac.balsa
Feat: interval based API for invoking CompositeExtractMethodRefactoring
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
Commit 87bdf7b74a1c98d54207bac86323834611ba044b by sarenac.balsa
Feat: turn assignment vars into inst vars in setUp method
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations/ (diff)
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)
Commit b85bc33daac004be4128429657335e8ef60644e5 by sarenac.balsa
Cleanup: add missing protocol
The file was modified src/Refactoring-Transformations-Tests/ (diff)